How should I change my delegations? [Q2 2022]

not sure how many ppl saw it, but i recently posted about my delegations in GitcoinDAO :point_down:

i would like to solicit feedback from you all about how i should change my delegations for S15. pls fill out this form if you have feedback for me (anon responses ok). or if you can comment below as long as your comment meets the forum guidelines and code of conduct.

for other ppl who have over 20k (ish) worth of GTC:, id love if you posted a similar transparency report about who you delegate to and why. i thikn doing so will create a proactive conversation about how we give feedback, cultivate leadership (esp what we look for in leadres), & decentralize power at gitcoindao (and probably prevent help hone some delegations)


I am really glad to see this post here! Why? Because, as a newbie in the space, whatā€™s been very surprising for me was the realization that there seem to be about < 10 stewards with delegated GTC >1M and additionally about +/- 10 active stewards with <1M && >100k. The story of Gitcoin being driven by ā€œwhale-ish stewardsā€ manifested in my head.

So, yes, I would love to see a more ā€œquadratic-ishā€ distribution (within reason!) since the quadratic approach is built into the DNA of Gitcoin and internally I d advocate for taking this point of view into account when making delegations.


This is a phenomenal request. Thank you for doing this and starting the trend! There has been lots of discussion amongst DAO contributors about this topic. Seeing it addressed directly is nice.

I think we all hope for Gitcoin to one day use Quadratic weighting for our governance voting, but we donā€™t have that level of sybil protection yet. Soon this will be possible, but while we are on that path, this kind of transparency is greatly appreciated.


i am going to be updating my delegations in the coming weeks in preparation for S15. iā€™m tentatively planning on delegating away from the existing group + towards a broader base of participants. if you would like to recommend a delegate to me pls fill out this form


Wow, canā€™t believe this is actually public info. Thought it was some shade scheme, LOL :robot:

Why no Disruption Joe ser? :sweat_smile:

Going to chime in on my delegation that should be updated soon as well:

Myself: 22%
Lefteris Karapetsas: 11%
Griff Green: 11%
Lindsey Thrift (lthrift.eth): 22%
HelloShreyas: 11%
disruptionjoe.eth: 11%
Kevin olsen (kevinolsen.eth): 11%

This above ^^ is the future state, and I plan to revise around the same time Kevin does his revision.


Very cool to see this information and thought process shared publicly! Random technical question: do you manage your delegations by simply splitting your GTC across accounts and setting the delegate for each account?


yes, that is right. thats the only way we could figure out how to do it.


I would love to see Moonshot represented here, not trying to self nominate so maybe @GTChase

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This is great!

I would like you to think about:

@DisruptionJoe: Can bring in expertise from multiple angles
@sidcode: Can bring in the insights from the broader web3 world to boost overall gitcoinDAO
@tjayrush: Can bring in technical depth to a greater extent in the decision-making process

based on some minimal interaction, I think they can prove to be helpful in streamlining and alignment to essential intent required while voting (I am not aware if they are stewards or not yet)

Thoughts: To increase passport utility, you (any steward who wants to delegate) can base another small percentage on passport scores. There are a few more I would like to add to the list, but cannot due to less interaction, or they being new to gitcoin. I was thinking if a very small percentage, can be allocated to a combined set of such individuals somehow for deeper discussions, so you get to have data next time you are deciding this, but next time for now.
Maybe moonshot can whip up something! :blush:


I am glad Kish mentioned small allocations. If decentralization and distributed power is important shouldnā€™t the goal be wide not deep? I wonder if delegating to folks that are already big GTC holders aligns with our stated decentralization goal.

That said, I also support Disruption Joe, Lindsay and Kevin O. gaining delegations. Iā€™d prefer to see active folks in the dao getting delegations than industry superstars that might not have the time to participate in, or understand Gitcoin Dao activity.

I wonder why folks donā€™t delegate smaller amounts to more people? I understand there are a few manual steps involved. Maybe it is a hassle. Iā€™d love to see a bunch of 1% delegations used to further decentralize the power base. Afaik the delegation can be reversed at any time. Maybe those seeking to delegate could get some recommendations from workstream leadā€™s and these folks get 1% or even 0.1%.

Without this understanding, we risk delegations going to a small group people, probably those with the strongest ties to the original Gitcoin company or product. But we gotta start somewhere. There are so many factors that might make a Steward important.

Will any memeapalooza champions get delegations? What about using steward health cards in your evaluations? What about those folks that travelled to live events and worked the booth? What about those folks with the most CVs (like software Eng?) Or the most time on Or using the leaderboard to evaluate grant participation? Or overall txs on So many possibilities!

Overall it is wonderful to see delegations happening! Huge gratitude goes out to anyone taking the time to evaluate and delegate to another. Do a few small ones please! I was stuck without any GTC for a long time as a Steward which meant I wasnā€™t able to vote in the early days of the Dao. Purchased GTC didnā€™t count. So Iā€™ve been trying to accumulate delegations for many months (thanks Kris for the guidance!).


FWIW i put forward my criteria for how ill be updating my delegations here in the OP.

To further update that & extend my thinking:

Iā€™m primarily focused on seeing Grants 2.0 shipped + reaching product market fit (so we can move the platform from centralized to decentralized + take advantage of the modular/forkable nature of Grants 2.0). This means delegating to people who are performing as A players and are making G2.0 happen (as well as those who are helping people in the wrong roles evolve forward to find a new fit. After that, and as the bottom is in on the bear market vibes I plan to majorly change my delegations to decentralize as much power as possible in a broad way (a good target for this = no one has over 10% of my delegated GTC).

here is the latest grants 2.0 roadmap timeline that im aware of, which should give you a sense of how this will evolve over time

That said, I am starting to broaden the delegations already but weā€™ve got to build that muscle. Iā€™ve actually only gotten 6 suggestions from the community about who to spread delegations to so far. Iā€™d appreciate more suggestions via this form!

there is a larger question/discussion about the tradeoff space here. i posted some twitter threads about the tradeoff space between action + decentralization here as well.

Screen Shot 2022-07-14 at 11.07.31 AM

Screen Shot 2022-07-14 at 11.07.21 AM

Iā€™m open to feedback on the above thinking. This post is intended for transparency purposes + is the start of a convo not the end.


Frankly Iā€™m stunned by the low submissions. It is (maybe) unfortunate but politics is part of dao life. If folks ignore this our governance efforts may be hindered and biased. If someone cares about this Dao I implore you to speak up and make some recommendations via the form. If someone really cares about the Dao recommend yourself too though I suggest adding a little proof :slight_smile:

ā€œā€¦the tyranny of structurelessness.ā€

Wowā€¦any dao-person can appreciate the powerful accuracy of this condition, I bet. Like a deer frozen in the headlights a dao can be paralyzed by fundamentalists. There is an alternative future in which we ā€˜lose the good in pursuit of the perfectā€™ā€¦but Iā€™m confident we can avoid this. A small centralization debt is probably acceptable to me, in the right ways. (Eg Stewards vote to hire a professional reputable business coach and consider implementing their suggestions).

Really glad to know small delegations may be forthcoming, or, are at least recognized as important. :sunrise_over_mountains:

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Hey @owocki - are you interested in revising this again? :slight_smile:

I would love to see some of the new Stewards who were elected to our council receive more delegation.

I am also going to be revising my delegations and I can post those soon too :slight_smile:


I originally started doing these threads before passing the torch because I felt like being involved in CSDO/DAO leadership from May 2021 - Summer 2022 it was important to be transparent. And I wanted to invite a convo about decentralizing delegations.

When I started composing these threads, I had hoped:

  1. that other token holders would follow my lead and begin posting their delegations, and that has not happened (with the exception of you once or twice @kyle ) .
  2. that I would have more engagement in the cause of decentralizing my delegations via submissions to this form or an essential intent around decentralization, but that has also not happened (again with a few small exceptions).

Now that Iā€™m (1) not involved in CSDO or DAO leadership as of summer 2022, (2) there was limited engagement on my invitation to help me decentralize my delegations, (3) no decentralization essential intent was ever introduced, and (4) other GTC holders have not followed suit, I was not planning on continuing these threads. Would it be different this time? Will I be met half way this time? Open to changing my course of action - especially if my effort is met by efforts of othersā€¦

Another path forward might be to have a dune dashboard that just shows how everyone is delegating.

How is the stewards council going? Last update Iā€™ve seen was from about 2-3 months ago on this thread.

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I am a 1/2 time contributor who has been at Gitcoin since August. But I think a lot about governance and here are my observations:

  1. Gitcoin voting is centralized. Four, 5 or 6 of the largest stewards deliver >50% of any given vote.
  2. Gitcoin token governance is limited to budget proposals four times per year. On occasion, there are other proposals made, but they are limited to about 1 or 2 per quarter.
  3. We recruit, onboard, and inform stewards what is happening, but we donā€™t ask our stewards to help make decisions. And when we do, their vote is - provocatively stated - kind of meaningless.
  4. For example, I am a steward. I have bought or earned each of my 21K tokens I vote with, and my tokens earn me 0.01% of share of voice when compared to just one of the largest delegates. Why do I bother voting?

Is any of this viewed as a problem for Gitcoin? I do not know. @owocki, to your point there was little pull on your ā€œdecentralizationā€ prompt back in August, and my efforts to nudge us towards decentralization have had little traction. Might be that everyone is comfortable with the patina of decentralization, maybe no one realizes how centralized Gitcoin voting is, or might be we are so heads down-focused that itā€™s just not a priority.

I find it kind of sad. But curious to see what others think. There are several low lift solutions to this issue - my question is - does anyone care?

We are moving - too early to tell if we are going to make an impact but here are the notes from meeting #2.

Agenda & Pre Reading: [link]
Meeting notes: (link)
Recording of the meeting: (link)
Meeting Feedback & Action steps: (link)


I posted extensively about this here:

and a quarter later here

My view is that the lack of protocol/market fit + lack of sustainability of Gitcoin are larger and more imminent threats. There are already essential intents covering those problems, but Iā€™m unsure what progress has been made against them.

As someone who has been outside the DAO for about 6 months now, itā€™s really really hard to see the progress being made/roadmap for making progress from the outside. And even if I could understand the progress, the workstreams are relatively ungovernable because they are large, centralized, monolithic, and there is no alternative to each workstreams governance proposal each quarter. This kind of reminds me how the old product was unmaintainable because it was so large, centralized, and monolithic and there was no alternative to it. Because of this, most of my delegates are insiders who can understand the nuances of each proposal. I think Iā€™ve seen some action towards more decentralized thin workstreams or pods, maybe that will create some change.

If people think steward centralization or workstream centralization is problem above other problems, then check out this post suggesting a decentralization essential intent.

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I will summarize the key points as I see them, focusing on the centralization question.

  • Our current state of centralization is by your design.
  • The DAO has not engaged, pushed, or prioritized using your GTC to continue decentralization further, so decentralization has stalled.
  • Adjusting the current state is not a priority at this time.
  • Interesting, this could be solved by moving to a PMO (project management office) design where budgets are approved (by voters) by project+milestones vs. by function+period. Without an org. redesign.
  • Helpful, we can use this when challenged on the forum about insiders making decisions.

So - letā€™s get a temp check: lets assume >15 responses is significant.
Readers, please let us know in this anonymous poll - what do you think about decentralizing our current DAO Governance.

    1. Decentralization is not a priority for Season 17
    1. I am unsure or undecided or have no opinion
    1. Decentralization is a priority, and should be worked in Season 17
0 voters

Yes, there is. I like this line of thought.


What if we were to give every core contributor in the DAO a vote in a Quadratic Vote for who should have delegations? Just an ideaā€¦


  1. my GTC is a single digit percentage of the circulating supply. so i have no ability to centralize governance.
  2. iā€™ve done more than any other GTC holder to decentralize my delegations and havenā€™t been met halfway in my efforts at all.
  3. the DAO has people employed to design & manage the governance experience.