Nominations for GG20 Community Council

@CryptoReuMD @ReneHdz @ocandocrypto @MonicaTalan @ASTRO-HSU @jengajojo @tkgshn @QuickMythril @ivanmolto @panpanpan

Would love to see you apply here.


[UPDATE]: I have removed the below from the criteria:

  • May not be affiliated directly or with the org/community that plans to run a community round in the upcoming round
    • For example, You work at X org, and X org runs a round

And I have added the following:

If any conflicts of interests arise, the person must abstain from voting for said round.

This update will not effect anyone who has already nominated themselves, but it moves to opening up the pool more broadly for potential nominees/council members that we believe hold high context within the ecosystem to make informed decisions on Community Rounds funding.


1. Applicant Name:

2. Twitter:

3. Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for a GG20 Community Council member position:
As a seasoned project manager and community builder, I believe in the power and voice of the community, which is the back bone of any organization. For the past few years I have been involved in various leadership rolls in Web3 communities and my knowledge seems to increase with each experience. I tend to fully commit these diverse insights towards this CC initiative as my learning curve increases. I also have experience with small startups, both traditional and Web3, that cultivate and stand on the communities vision while staying true to the initial goal. Born in West Africa and schooled in East Coast USA, I have a diverse yet unified point of view which allows me to objectively make decisions that amicably benefit each party involved. Lastly, I would love to see more opportunities for smaller communities that could eventually grow into bigger impact generators with the right push and transparency.
In short, Iā€™m a huge fan of GC and would love the opportunity to learn from the community and also contribute my insights.

4. Involvement in Gitcoin Grants community or prior initiatives:
I reviewed Hypercerts that was associated with Greenpill Networkā€™s last QF round. As a GP Network lead, I have working knowledge of the Grant Stack. With this knowledge, I have marketed GS to various communities that could not only be grantees, but also some that could possibly utilize the Stack to run their own rounds in order to grow their communities. This speaks to the wide spectrum of communities that I interact with. Also, GP Nigeria, which I lead, was part of GG19 as a grantee.

5. Prior experience in either Grants or Delegate Programs, respectively:
I am currently a council member in the Arbitrumā€™s ā€œBiggest Mini-Grantā€ 8 weeks weekly initiative.

6. Any anticipated conflicts of interest:
A COI that I see would be that SoundView, a creator hub that I initiated with some colleagues, maybe applying to some of the creator community rounds if there are any. Another potential COI could be that I am a GreenPill Network lead although we are not running a round during GG20 but instead prior to it.


Name: Lana Dingwall


Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for a GG20 Community Council member position:

I am a core team member of The GreenPill Network and help co-create and facilitate various trainings both online and in real life to help people learn how to use crypto-focused regenerative tooling (grants stack, retropgf, giveth, DAO tooling, etc.). I am a DAO contributor and community builder with experience in governance systems and network development. With over 8 years of experience as a coach and business consultant, I bring a lot of entrepreneurial experience and work ethic to what I do.

Involvement in Gitcoin Grants community or prior initiatives:

I am actively engaged in the Gitcoin forum and community. I am a round operator and co-created/facilitated the Grants Stack Round Manager Training, which had 50+ trainees (many of whom are now running their own community rounds)

Currently, I am co-creating/facilitating the EasyRetroPGF training (60+ trainees)

I helped with the GPN-Hypercerts-Grants Stack - experiment

I was also an active contributor to starting Quadratic Friends (a group that supported onboarding and highlighting different education/community-focused projects during gg15) and helped create onboarding resources for first-time grantees, donors (Gitcoin Passport), and how to get funds onto an L2 to donate. As well, I have been a grantee with GPN, + Ottawa GreenPillxRootedLABs.

Prior experience in either Grants or Delegate Programs, respectively:

I am an Unlock Protocol DAO delegate, Optimism delegate, and also a new member of Octantā€™s governance (and helping craft its structure). I have operated multiple community rounds as a rounds operator, including spearing heading raising funds for them. Furthermore, I have 6 years of experience in the nonprofit/fundraising world.

Any anticipated conflicts of interest:

I am a part of The GreenPill Network, which has run past community rounds. However, we will be running our round prior to GG20. If elected for future rounds, I would abstain from voting on anything related to GPN.


i very much appreciate the notice, and i am glad to see this opportunity for the community to be more involved. i would be interested to take part, however i plan to operate a round in GG20. if i find someone else to manage that, or decide not to apply the project for a grant, i might be available to apply in the future. thank you!


Yey ill do it my fiends

  • Applicant Name: Cryptoreumd

  • Twitter:

  • Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for a GG20 Community Council member position:
    I have a deep interest in public goods and how to help communities with fewer opportunities or those with little or no representation to grow. Enabling them to have access to funding tools, as well as opportunities for the creation of applications or revenue streams for communities.

  • Involvement in Gitcoin Grants community or prior initiatives:
    My previous experience, I have been a curator at GG19, as well as a participant in GG since round 16 with ETH Mexico, very fortunate for what I have learned so far. I also ran the first Mexican round at Optimism and now Iā€™m coordinating the communities round at Arbitrum. With plans for a third round on Optimism, open.
    I am very passionate and happy with what I do and eager to learn at all times.

  • Prior experience in either Grants or Delegate Programs, respectively:
    I am currently on behalf Nacion Bankless as champion and coordinator, with a lot of enthusiasm I have been in charge of applications for NounsAamigos DAO, Push Protocol, Arbitrum, RPGF3, Gitcoin in rounds 17, 18 and 19, plus previous experience for Ethereum Mexico in round 16.
    I have also participated in, Giveth, BanklessDAO Grants committee calls as a listener and NounsDAO Amigos.
    Iā€™ve been around the forum, posting my learnings and opportunities for growth.
    Our first round. Outstanding effort and help from LATAM
    A Gitcoin Experience

  • Any anticipated conflicts of interest:
    What every human being must declare is a possible failure of coordination, of which we will always be at risk. However, at this point my preparation, performance and desire outweigh any interest to failure.
    I am a member of the ethics and research committee in real life, so part of my day is the declaration of conflicts of interest, so I endorse that I will not vote for any initiative that involves direct or indirect gain to me, rather than the satisfaction of seeing them grow.

TY my friend to see my name over here @carlosjmelgar and for all the work that you did and the learning and teaching that you are always giving to me.




Iā€™m the founder of JobStash, a job aggregator as a public good.
Iā€™ve got close to two decades in experience consulting on larger projects and managing stakeholders, gathering requirements, and reaching clarity from murky or underspecified requirements.
Additionaly Iā€™ve worked as a Developer, as a Technical Director, as a Sales Sonsultant and as a DevRel throughout my career.

Prior Involvement in Gitcoin Grants community or prior initiatives:
I am active in the GitCoin Telegram community and by provide insights, help and data to individuals in need.
Iā€™ve built reporting tools that aid GG recipients identify their donations in a convenient way.
Iā€™ve supported community rounds in the past by being a round operator for the Africa&Latam DevConnect Volunteer rounds and was involved in handling the DevConnect Volunteer round as well, by making sure that payouts are matching expected payouts, in collaboration with others (Koko and Carlos).

Prior experience in either Grants or Delegate Programs:
I applied to lots of grant programs and am currently building a database of organizations that have active grant programs.
I have a natural curiosity when it comes to grant programs and to crypto ecosystems, and would love to be involved further with GitCoin.

Conflicts of interest:
I anticipate to introduce JobStash as a candidate grantee for GG20. JobStash has already been a grantee in GG18 and GG19 in the Education&Community rounds.
I am connected to lots of projects in the space, but will flag any COIs which might influence my voting or objectivity as they emerge. I will fully recuse myself from assessing my own project (JobStash) in any way or form.


you are now eligible to apply fren


Only the affiliation piece was removed. If someone is planning on being a round operator in a community round that will apply for funding they wonā€™t be eligible. And from my understanding @QuickMythril is planning on being a round operator?

1 Like

Applicant Name: @jengajojo
Twitter: jengajojo
Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for a GG20 Community Council member position:

Iā€™m an active steward at Gitcoin and run a governance services firm as well as an active delegate in several DAOs. GG20 is the first time that community members are truly involved in the decision making at GGs and Iā€™d like to leverage my years of experience as an analyst in web2 combined with my web3 expertise to steward this GG round forward and help optimise the program for the future iterations

Involvement in Gitcoin Grants community or prior initiatives:

  • Active Steward since April 23
  • Proposed initiatives [1,2] to accelerated product adoption

Prior experience in either Grants or Delegate Programs, respectively:
Co-founder of DAOplomats, a governance services org focused on org design, treasury management, education and tokenomics advisory.

  • Former member of Grants Committiee and current Governance Dept. Lead at BanklessDAO
  • Recognized delegate at 1inch & AAVE DAO
  • Active delegate at RARI, Optimism, Arbitrum and SAFE DAOs

Any anticipated conflicts of interest:
None for GG20


Applicant Name: Crystal Street

Twitter: @crystaldstreet / Farcaster: @cstreet

Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for a GG20 Community Council member position: My work tenure at Consensys as Director of Community recently came to an end and Iā€™m looking to again amplify my activities in the public goods and impact spaces. Iā€™m a founding member at JournoDAO and our work intersects with many of the DAOs in the community impact spaces and Iā€™d like to support these organizations by participating in the Council. Iā€™ve also been an active contributor to multiple impact DAOs over the years and worked as a professional community builder and comms nerd since 2017.

Involvement in Gitcoin Grants community or prior initiatives: Iā€™ve been a voting participant in past GC rounds and JournoDAO has participated in multiple rounds as well. And am just a big fan of the work Gitcoin does for our ecosystem.

Prior experience in either Grants or Delegate Programs, respectively: In 2021-22, I worked at Unlock Protocol as the community manager. We had an active grant program and I helped coordinate grant recipients for monthly demos at our town halls as well as working daily to support our grantees and our independent grant committee. After my time as the community manager ended, I was voted to be on the grant selection committee for Unlock and continued supporting their grants program until the team decided to sunset the program. Iā€™ve also written several successful grant applications with my team at JournoDAO.

I also was a multiple grant recipient and member of the Class of 1938 Fellowship at UNC Chapel Hill, the Marvin Naiman Scholar grant recipient at Naropa University 2022-23 and have written and been awarded multiple academic and foundation grants over the years for my photography.

Any anticipated conflicts of interest: None that I can see.



  • Applicant Name: Astro Hsu

  • Twitter: mnhsuTW

  • Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for a GG20 Community Council member position: I am the founder and author of Blocktrend, a platform dedicated to the Web3 space in the Chinese language since 2017, with a subscriber base of 15,000 Chinese readers from worldwide. My engagement with Gitcoin Grants began four years ago and since then, I have actively participated in various forms of public goods funding, including Optimsim RPGF, Giveth, and Octant, making me one of the most deeply involved individuals in public goods funding within the Chinese-speaking community. My interest in becoming a GG20 Community Council member stems not only from my personal passion but also from my commitment to educating and involving my 15,000 subscribers in the public goods funding ecosystem through my media platform. This background equips me with the practical experience necessary to effectively contribute as a member of the GG20 Community Council.

  • Involvement in Gitcoin Grants community or prior initiatives: I have been actively involved with Gitcoin since 2020, initially as a grantee, and have deepened my participation in each round since 2023, especially after Gitcoinā€™s move towards decentralization. I have consistently engaged in the Education Round or the Global Chinese Community Round, making me one of the earliest and most active followers of Gitcoinā€™s evolution within the Chinese-speaking community.

  • Prior experience in either Grants or Delegate Programs, respectively: I serve as a delegate for Optimism, and my additional experience primarily lies in participating in various grants programs. Beyond engaging with Gitcoin, I have also been involved with Giveth, where I recently became a featured project, and Octant, as a certified project participant. Moreover, I am a recipient of awards from Optimism RPGF in both RPGF2 and RPGF3 rounds. Additionally, I am among the pioneers in Taiwan experimenting with the Hypercerts mechanism, showcasing my broad involvement and commitment to advancing the ecosystem through various grant and delegate programs.

  • Any anticipated conflicts of interest: Should I be selected for the GG20 Community Council position, I commit to not applying as a participant in any Community Round for GG20 to address and mitigate any conflict of interest concerns.


Applicant Name: Jeremy Nathaniel Akers
Twitter: @gospelofchange
Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for a GG20 Community Council member position:
As an agent/operator I use Liberating Structures to empower curiosity, care and courage of players by including and unleashing everyone to participate in discussions. As a governerd I guide conversations so that groups can practice self discovery of what they could, should, will do and how they will go about whatever they have decided. I make use of many different decision making modalities from consent based decision making (sociocratic circle method), to Deep Democracy and Strategic Doing. As a teacher/elder I help spread the skill of communication so that we can build trust as we go to amplify both freedom and responsibility as we learn by failing forward. This is often achieved by making tests explicit by clarifying hypothesis and determining how we can validate/falsify them. As a community weaver I create opportunities to bring people with aligned values in different subcultures together so that we can grow the cultural mycelium of regeneration by connecting what already exists. I do this through convening spaces, organizing gatherings and invitation to structure that liberates. As a mediator I resolve disputes by clarifying the stack of data, inference and action people are holding in order to enable the creative destruction of stereotypes and emphasize possibilities. As an Organizational Game Designer I engage in seriously-playful curiosity so that we can nurture deep trust in people and local solutions. I do all these things by being the vibe I want to see in the world.
Involvement in Gitcoin Grants community or prior initiatives: donated in nearly every round since 14. Iā€™ve had had several projects in both the climate as well as community and education round. One of those projects, Regens Unite, has had a campaign to onboard Regens non-native to web3 to the both donate as well as to add projects. I hosted an ā€œOnboarding Meetupā€ at the EUā€™s Climate Knowledge and Innovation Community leading to a current exploration of how they might run a test making use of the affordances of web3. Iā€™ve participated in countless twitter spaces and Gitcoin Radio Sessions.
Prior experience in either Grants or Delegate Programs, respectively:
Beginnerā€™s mind
Any anticipated conflicts of interest:
Regens Unite, Wise Crowds Liberating Structures DAO, Gravity DAO are projects that will potentially be applying for future rounds

Special shoutout to @thedevanshmehta for his twitter thread highlighting this opportunity for service

  • Applicant Name: Azeem Khan
  • Twitter:
  • Applicant Summary: including why interested in applying for a GG20 Community Council member position: Spent almost two years at Gitcoin with December 31st, 2023 having been my last day. Helped lead a lot of cool things that happened with the DAO in the almost two years I was there. Would be cool to help with this.
    *** Involvement in Gitcoin Grants community or prior initiatives**: Helped lead the program for some time.
  • Prior experience in either Grants or Delegate Programs, respectively: Was in the workstream that handled grants for the time I was at Gitcoin.
    Any anticipated conflicts of interest: N/A

Applicant Name: Joan

Twitter: @joanbp_dk

Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for a GG20 Community Council member position:

My professional experience and skillset is spread out between a number of different but interconnected fields: Natural and formal languages, software development, writing, publishing, psychotherapy and education.

I entered web3 fairly late, in 2022, through Kernel.

To keep it short, you could say I have a strong focus on humans and their movement alongside technology.

I would like to be part of the GG20 Community Council to help steer funds towards public goods that are actually good - psychologically, ecologically, culturally and socially - for the public.

Bits and coins should serve human creativity, diversity, out-of-the-box thinking and living, helpfulness, care, courage, sustainability, and joy - not the other way around.


Involvement in Gitcoin Grants community or prior initiatives:

My main involvement in web3, outside of Kernel, has so far been with the Optimism Collective.

My Gitcoin specific experience is limited to small scale donation to Gitcoin Grants and participation in the EasyRetroPGF training program initiated/sponsored by Gitcoin (more on this below).


Prior experience in either Grants or Delegate Programs, respectively:

I was a badgeholder (reviewer, appeals reviewer and active voter) in Optimismā€™s recent RPGF3 round. A detailed post on my contributions and subsequent reflections may be found here.

Currently I am taking part in the EasyRetroPGF training program, which offers me a chance to reflect deeper on various aspects of RPGF round management while passing on my experiences from RPGF3 to other course participants.

In the near future, I plan to help out as an alpha user of an AI tool that is currently being developed with the aim of supporting badgeholders/citizens in future RPGF rounds. Iā€™m drawn to this project because it aims at leveraging the potential of LLMs in support of human understanding, control and responsibility.

On a smaller scale, I have contributed as a voter and donor in Octantā€™s epoch 0-2 (and counting).


Any anticipated conflicts of interest:

None that I know of. If any arise, I will flag it and abstain from voting as specified in the rules.


Applicant Name: Mashal Waqar
2. Twitter:
3. Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for a GG20 Community Council member position:

Iā€™ve been DAOing in the space for a while. Was a contributor @ BanklessDAO (heading partnereships for Bankless Publishing), Protein (Dirty Words #4 Community), RADAR (advising + futurethon), seed club (internal token model report), Gitcoin (case studies + research). I was also part of EFā€™s Research - Summer of Protocols

In my web2 life Iā€™ve been a serial entrepreneur. Was COO/cofounder of a media co, have built a biz accelerator that takes female founders from early stage to revenue in 60 days, and have built a community and audience building consultancy.

I now head marketing @ Octant, and support on the governance/community side. Iā€™m interested in becoming a council member because Iā€™ve got a deep understanding of grants, ops, and the ecosystem at whole. My deep dives for case studies helped me understand the ins and outs of the grants rounds, while the State of Web3 grants report was one of the most comprehensive studies that broke down the workings and state of grants programs with a focus on operations, impact and evaluation, challenges and learnings. Iā€™d love to be able to share the learnings and contribute to improving/growing GG20.

  1. Involvement in Gitcoin Grants community or prior initiatives:

Iā€™ve done a few case studies on QF rounds for Gitcoin Grants Stack. The State of Web3 grants report + retro report Iā€™m co-authoring are also being funded by Gitcoin. Finally, Iā€™ve been a donor + grantee for a few rounds at this point.

  1. Prior experience in either Grants or Delegate Programs, respectively:
    Iā€™m a RARI Foundation delegate, and on the Thank ARB grant program advisory board. Iā€™m also supporting with Octant governance (led by James/Head of Community). I operationally ran the SheFi Octant community round on Grants Stack too (set it up/reviewed apps et al).


  1. Any anticipated conflicts of interest: Octant doesnā€™t apply for grants funding, so I donā€™t anticipate any but if thereā€™s a potential conflict between matching pool orgs I can refrain from voting.

1. Rodrigo NuƱĪžz :ocean::merman: :computer::coral: :microscope::seedling:

2. Twitter: @Cypherpunkfish1

3. I am a coral reef researcher focusing on decentralized science (DeSci) for biological conservation in Latin America. Iā€™m deeply interested in public goods because of their potential to drive positive change and benefit communities on a wider scale over time. My background in conservation biology has highlighted the importance of preserving our natural systems and its impact on society, I have a Mediator (INFP-A) personality. By merging my passion for conservation biology with my interest in DeSci and web3 mechanisms, I believe I can significantly contribute to boosting infrastructure GG20 Community Council.

4 & 5. I have been involved in Gitcoin grants for MesoReefDAO since Gitcoin Beta, and with GreenPill Network (GreenPill MĆ©xico) since experimental Round of Q1-2023, mainly focusing in divulgation of Gitcoin Stack and Community Building mainly on Twitter, Discord and telegram communities. I have been involved in the governance forum since a few months as a Steward/Member. We have a round with some LatAm communities in terms of coordination running in arbitrum for developers. I have completed the First Grant Stack Round Manager and I am currently undergoing the EasyRetroPGF training. I am a Kernel Fellow KB8 and I have been applying for international and national academic/research/NGO grants related to coral reef conservation and socioecological impact for 8 years. I am an Optimism RetroPGF individual recipient, will boost DeSci and Regenerative initiatives in Latam this yearā€¦

6. In terms of conflict of interest: GreenPill Network and MesoReefDAO will not planning to run a round this GG20.

Thanks/Gracias for your attention and for your support .:.


Applicant Name:
Eugene Leventhal


Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for a GG20 Community Council member position:
Iā€™m the Executive Director at Metagov and the Grant Lead at the PBS Foundation. At Metagov, I instigated the Grant Innovation Lab where weā€™re working on research (V2 of the State of Web3 Grants Report, a case study of 3 different retrospective funding initiatives, and an exploration of what a grant maturity scale can look like), some technical efforts (mainly focused on the grant metadata standard), and some community activities (started running a quarterly call for grant program operators as well as planning a 2 day Web3 Grant Summit at Denver - will be doing more virtually and prob at ETH CC).

In terms of why Iā€™m interested, it boils down to the fact that I want to part of more experiments around decentralized grant operations. Grant programs require a good amount of ops to run well and there are different views across the space as to what are the ā€˜rightā€™ ways to decentralize programs. I think doing progressive measures like this one are likely to both enrich the program and get the community more engaged, so itā€™s something Iā€™d be happy to be part of. Gitcoin has been and is doing interesting work pertaining to granting so itā€™d be an honor to get to partake if I can.

Involvement in Gitcoin Grants community or prior initiatives:
First off, thanks to Gitcoin for helping me advance the research side of things. The State of Web3 Grants started as an idea almost a year ago and I posted about it was the Gitcoin forum after some stewards recommended it. Gitcoin was one of the two funders of the report, they also took in on themselves to hire a designer and make the pretty zora based version. They are also the sole funder of the 3 retro case studies (and Gitcoin Citizenā€™s round is one of the programs weā€™re covering). Gitcoin was one of the sponsors of a grant event we hosted in Istanbul in November and weā€™re hosting the Web3 Grant Summit at the Gitcoin House in Denver.

Metagov and DAOstar have been part of multiple Gitcoin rounds. I listed the grant community work in GG19 as a project and also did Citizenā€™s round #2. I also ran the Metagov Governance Research Round as part of GG19. Iā€™ve contributed to a number of the rounds in the last few years.

Prior experience in either Grants or Delegate Programs, respectively:
I used to be on the board of two nonprofits and would support their grant reviews. I have been part of managing internal university grants and applied to large scale grants when I was working in academia in 2018-2019. When I was at SCRF, I managed an ad hoc grant program where we issued ~$150k USD in a year. At Metagov, I have been part of applying for a lot of grants (ranging from government to web2 Foundation or web3 orgs), in addition to the aforementioned activities on grants (research, standard development, and community). For the PBS Foundation, I am the grant lead for a $1m 6 month pilot, working closely with a 6 person review committee.

I have not been a formal delegate in any web3 projects.

Any anticipated conflicts of interest:
No anticipated conflicts but I will make sure to clearly communicate wherever I know folks, have involvement, or stand to financially gain in any way. Metagov wonā€™t be running a round in GG20.


1. Applicant Name:
Shinya Mori

2. Twitter:

3. Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for a GG20 Community Council member position:
Iā€™m a member of Fracton Ventures, a team contributing to the expansion of the ecosystem centered around Ethereum through the organization of incubation programs, international conferences(DAO TOKYO), and some meetups. At Fracton, I usually work on research and development of public goods funding, impact evaluation, and governance of commons( ). Iā€™ve been directly involved with various projects and conducted objective analyses through our incubation program and R&D, so I aim to utilize my experience and knowledge to give back to DAO, and Iā€™d like to contribute to the public goods funding space as a council of Gitcoin DAO.

4. Involvement in Gitcoin Grants community or prior initiatives:
I have ever contributed to Gitcoin DAO as a reviewer for Japanese translated Greenpill book. And then, I founded a Japan chapter of Greenpill Network, and I publish a newsletter and host a meetup for educating public goods funding.

5. Prior experience in either Grants or Delegate Programs, respectively: I have been researching grants programs and have carried out a quantitative analysis between different grants programs, which I presented at Funding the Commons Taipei (I plan to publish this as a paper soon). As a holder of Public Nouns, I have also participated in decision-making and discussions at the drafting stage when funding proposals. And then, I try to experiment QF round using fiat by a working group spin-outed from Japanese Digital Agency. These achievements indicate that I have a deep understanding of Grants Programs. Of course, I have applied to Gitcoin Grants multiple times, so I also have participated as a recipient.

6. Any anticipated conflicts of interest:
I donā€™t have confricts interest.


Applicant Name: Feems
Twitter Handle: feemschats

Applicant Summary:
Currently my area of focus is on end to end Grantee experience and Holistic approach to impact evaluation and social contracts on funding distribution. I am an active DAOer for over 3 years spanning various roles, including research, operations, communications, design, and even a grantee.

This diverse experience has granted me a comprehensive understanding of the DAO ecosystem from multiple perspectives. At Plurality Labs (an Arbitrum DAO Grants Provider), I was a part of their Milestone 1 team, and had led the decentralized review campaign for the Arbitrum DAO. I have also had the experience of coaching funded grantees to ensure the communication milestones align with what is valuable to the DAO, so that they can achieve a more successful relationship and provide value to the community post funding. I have also spent my free time helping people and projects find their way into the space, I am a connector and usually great at finding where people best fit. I co-founded the DAO Governance Collective, initially focused on governance model education and practice within the ecosystem, which has evolved into a thriving community of knowledge-sharing among DAO governance practitioners.

Involvement in Gitcoin Grants Community and Other Initiatives:
My collaboration with Plurality Labs offered me the chance to engage with Gitcoin grantees during GG19 and participate in the Arb Allo Hackathon alongside the Allo team. Leading the decentralized review for the Arbitrum DAO, I was instrumental in compiling all granteesā€™ data into Karma Gap. In partnership with Mahesh from Karma Gap, we closely coordinated with the Gitcoin round program manager for Plurality Labsā€™ matching rounds and the Allo Arbitrum Hackathon team. This involvement deepened my understanding of the grantee journey from application to post-funding success, including the selection process to ensure alignment with program goals.

Prior Experience in Grants or Delegate Programs:

  • (Prev) Grant Impact Evaluation and Design at Plurality Labs (Arbitrum DAO Grant Provider)
  • Elected member of the Arbitrum Mini Grant Council (Current)
  • Manager of the Interest Protocol Delegate Program (Current)

Anticipated Conflicts of Interest:
None. I am committed to transparency in my selection criteria and will promptly disclose any potential conflicts should they arise.