Our first round. Outstanding effort and help from LATAM

Two different opportunities

TLDR; We launched a gitcoin round sponsored by Talent Protocol focused on Mexican startups.


Gitcoin funding rounds are now an experience that we have mastered in Mexico, however we have very few projects that are in it and we would love to be recognized as the first approach to build an ecosystem of Grants, with the funds raised in Talent Protocol.

Objectives and Scope:

Talent Protocol is a tool for builders, entrepreneurs and thinkers in the ecosystem, which today has given the opportunity to hack, travel and also build robust applications and experiences within the countries where there have been hackathons organized by ETH global. I consider that this experience is every day more important and necessary to know and have the first crypto event, which sometimes can change your life. That is why the union thought with Gitcoin, which is a resilient team that has been in the ecosystem for many years, creating opportunities and funding projects.

Timeline and Planning:

Phase 1: First we designed and planned the round (Week 1) We used the Gitcoin Grant Stack: https://www.gitcoin.co/, this was the first approach that we had from Talent Protocol.

And then i published a little guideline to set and deploy the round.

  1. First you have to set the Round, in which chain you are going to deploy. So, we will use Optimism, since it’s the best and most influential chain in which we have been working in Nación Bankless.

2. - The Grant has been deployed and signed:

3.- The Round started in 26th december through the 07 january of 2024. This round accepted applications between the 14th december to the 21th of december.

4.- The round used DAI, i’ve migrated TUSD from ethereum to Optimism, and then swapped it for DAI, the funds and make a top cap of 25% for one project. This round won’t have a minimum donation threshold and also we will need a Gitcoin Passport.

5.- This round has this requirements:

6.- Now the round it’s live.

Phase 2:

Reviewing applications (Week 2) This week we reviewed the applications and make sure that they comply with the necessary characteristics to be funded.

Phase 3:

Testing and Deployment (Week 3) Conduct marketing campaigns on Twitter, YouTube and within the Bankless Nation Telegram group to coordinate projects and evaluate whether it is possible to increase the funding round.

Phase 4:

The round starded on December 26 through 07th January, we had two weeks of donations to raise more funds for the community.

I had a very great experience

After an exciting couple of weeks. Since the start of the Talent Protocol voting, I have been building and creating more friendships among the talents that have been in the ecosystem.


1.- Gitcoin Grant Stack: Grants Stack | Gitcoin

2.- Optimism Chain:

a.- Round creation: OP Mainnet Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Optimism

b.- Round execution: OP Mainnet Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Optimism

c.- Round acceptance:

d.- Round acceptance, batch

3.- Eligibility Requirements:

  1. The project needs to be deployed in Mexico.

  2. We need at least 4 months of existence, verifiable by social networks, telegram groups.

  3. Have a way to perform community traceability, being NFTs in Optimism, POAPs, Hypercertz, Ethereum Attestation Service or tools that allow to know the on-chain activity of the community.

  4. One of the founding members or organizers needs a Talent Protocol account and an update on the platform.

What i’ve done:

1.- We took the Grant to initiate the promotion of this round with twitter spaces and community sharing:

a.- https://x.com/cryptoreumd/status/1731859464158892245?s=20

2.- https://x.com/cryptoreumd/status/1739695711510290849?s=20

3.- Support to the projects that applied


4.- Sharing more content about the round


5.- https://x.com/cryptoreumd/status/1736579140956876896?s=20


Round Application

These are the round applicants:

Active Round

After the end of the round i was very excited because the experience was marvelous, since the community helped to raise more funds than we expected.


In this link you can interact with the round to see the projects Gitcoin | Explorer

  • The round finalized in January 7th of 2024, after the reviewing process and then i’ve funded the contract with 1000 DAI to disburse the payment to the community and we need to be sure that they have all the rules on going and continuing working. This is the first Mexican Round and Talent Protocol gave the funds to this initiative, and I think that the next round is going to be huge and I can help Protocol to ask for more funds for more rounds.
  • Create more rounds for Talent Protocol, and use this experience to get funds to help more people and get funds.

My Learnings
All I can say is it was fantastic. How much? Unimaginable, so much that now I can’t stop doing it, really helping the community through crowdfunding is fascinating, from this round came accommodation for hackathons, paying for venues for events, support for a podcast, support for a Mexican swap, even the possibility of doing collective art in Mexico City, plus it allowed me to meet wonderful people and lovely people.

What was missing?
We can never make everyone happy, there were projects that did not sign the second transactions to be able to participate in the round and some that did not even know about it, but we believe that for the next rounds a good experience will follow so that this will not happen again and they will be ready for round 20.

And what’s next?
Well now, we will have a round in which 11 communities have come together, which will run on Gitcoin with the Arbitrum program. That’s right, as you are reading this, expect our report soon and thank you for your time.
And we are very grateful for @ZER8 your time and patience. Now we just have to start enjoying the experiences that the community gives us day by day.



Delighted with what @CryptoReuMD is doing, a reference of the community that helps the community, this round was for 100% Mexican projects that we applied and helped us a lot, this should be seen and supported in order to make more rounds and at the same time Gitcoin is becoming known to more Mexican projects and people, we are very excited about all the support and effort that @CryptoReuMD Crypto and the team behind it did.


Thanks for this @CryptoReuMD appreciate the time you took in putting all of this information together and sharing your learnings with the community.

@sejalrekhan and I are working on developing runbooks to help round operators with best practices that we follow on rounds that are ran or overseen by Gitcoin directly. I have the link below if it may be helpful for you or others. We will be updating and improving this over time.


Maybe we can translate this in Spanish. Are you familiar with Crowdin? It would be great to have this content for spanish speakers. We can manage to translate it.


Sure I think that could be possible.

I know that @sejalrekhan and I are planning to do a revamp of the information here and update as right now it is more a MVP versus what we would consider a true “V1 Final”. If okay with you maybe we put a pin in this for a few weeks to a month and I think over that time we will be able to get the portal to a place that is V1 and ready for translation.

Additionally we will need to ensure that we have a process around change management as we expect that we will continuously update this documentation over time.

Very much appreciate the interest and support!