- Weekly highlights and hot topics from the GitcoinDAO community
Welcome to the GitcoinDAO Digest, a community-led publication with TLDR-summaries of the most important discussions and proposals in the GitcoinDAO, along with relevant links for further reading! Without further ado, let’s dive in!
The proposal to Integrate dCompass within dGitcoin to build dQuests & dKnowledge has received feedback from the required amount of Stewards. The proposal is now live on Snapshot until Nov 7th.
Gitcoin Financial Reporting by Elliot from Llama presents GitcoinDAO Treasury Report for September 2021. The report is the first out of a series of monthly treasury reports with the ambition to “provide insight into the performance of Gitcoin”.
CrossStream DAOops & Community XP Funding by DisruptionJoe presents options for how the “CrossStream DAOops Governance squad (CSDG), which makes decisions that affect the entire DAO, should be governed”. The thread is a continuation of the conversation started on the FDD Q4 Budget Proposal.
Owocki authored a thread on Twitter with slides on how “Ethereum is Solarpunk”. The thread describes how “Ethereum is a schelling point for the hopeful” and how it is a “campfire we can rally around, and together, that we can use to create a cyberpunk world AND a solarpunk world.”
The discussion around Redistribute GTC to Individuals Who Could Not Claim Due to Error is ongoing with the author Tardigrade continuing to answer questions regarding the proposal.
GitcoinDAO Governance Overview

Workstream Discussion
Public Goods Funding
The Library continues to bring together a fantastic group of people to discuss public goods each week.
A second RFP, continuing the ethos of Seeking a New Kind of Public Good, is in planning.
Over $600k has been raised so far for Grants Round 12 and partnership discussions with other web3 x social impact organizations have begun.
The first workstream payments have been made to key contributors in the Public Goods workstream. Formal accounting will be moving into cross-DAO ops in time for the second budget proposal. Progress has been made on onboarding, which will also move into a larger cross-DAO ops initiative
Moonshot Collective
The vote to ratify the Moonshot Collective budget request for Q4 2021 has passed and is now live on Tally for a formal on-chain vote.
The Greatest LARP launched on Wednesday, October 20 to great fanfare! So far 4 of 5 ETHBot Statues have been sold, as well as 158 ETHBot NFTs. The next level will be unlocked once 200 ETHBot NFTs have been minted. More than $180,000 has been raised to fund public goods so far. Owocki authored a thread describing the “Womp womp”-mechanism and a poll to determine if, and how it should be used. The poll resulted in executing the Womp womps around 9am MST every day, Kevin will post in the telegram channel when the txns are submitted.
Every Friday the Moonshot Collective gets together to show off their progress. Individual projects demo what they’ve been working on. This week three projects shared their work: Anon Vs Moloch, Moonswap, and Decentralized Recruiter. Demo videos for each project can be found on this YouTube playlist.
Follow @MoonshotCollect onTwitter for frequent updates. Learn more by saying hello in Discord, or checking out our site.
Decentralize Gitcoin
The dGTC Workstream Q4 Budget Proposal has been posted on the forum by Philip for review. The proposal brings the Data & DevOps project into this workstream. A team to design a sybil score aggregation protocol and build a POC implementation will be added. The workstream is also planning to add community contributors to the dGrants team to increase velocity and scale.
The Moonshot Collective dGrants Round Proof of Concept is currently running and is scheduled to end on Sunday, October 31st at 11:59PM EST. As of Wednesday morning, Oct 27, the round had 11 grants and $5,449.54 worth of matching funds available. A total of 14 grants have been created and approved with 105 contributions.
We’d love for you to test with us! Fund your favorite grant or builder before matching ends on Sunday and provide feedback in the Discord channel #dgtc-feedback (under Decentralize Gitcoin).
Fraud Detection & Defense (FDD)
The FDD Q4 Budget Proposal will be moving to Snapshot after healthy deliberation on the forum. Owocki expressed concern about CrossStream DAOops & Community initiatives being included in the FDD Budget. FDD had brought the issue to the CrossStream DAOops Governance (CSDG) last Tuesday and passed a proposal to include these streams funding as to not interrupt contributor payments, but intending to spin out these streams. Multiple CSDG reps were in Lisbon last week and missed the vote.
For decisions that affect all streams, the CSDG has reps from each stream which vote on the proposal before changes are made. They hand it off to a specialist squad to drive a solution, which then is approved by the CSDG before implementation. After Owocki’s post on the proposal in the Governance forum, FDD brought the proposal back to CSDG again this Tuesday. The conclusion was that the FDD budget will include these initiatives, however, FDD will expedite the creation of a multisig with one rep from each workstream to govern the CrossStream DAO Ops funding.
Another decision is that the FDD Legal & Accounting Squads will be integrated into the CrossStream DAOops, this will be a gradual process, with support of Kyle and Joe.
The FDD workstream published a document outlining the State of FDD Q3 2021. The document describes the role of defending Gitcoin, how FDD provides value to the Gitcoin community, FDD’s vision, mission, values, strategies, how FDD plans to progressively decentralize, Q3 accomplishments & Q4 deliverables. Includes a breakdown of all initiatives & squads. Worth a read if you want to get a better handle on this workstream!
Merch, Memes & Marketing
The MMM Q4 budget is live on Tally to get ratified on-chain, please vote to ensure we reach quorum!
A design bounty for Grants Round 12 was posted. For Grants Round 12 going forward, design bounties will be funded and maintained by MMM (previously supported by the Gitcoin Holdings design team).
MMM is representing Gitcoin DAO at the ForeFront DAOlloween event in gather.town this Friday, the 29th. This is a special-themed metaverse networking event where ticket holders “gather” in the metaverse to get acquainted with representatives from other sponsoring DAOs. Special tokens and POAPs will be rewarded to lucky participants.
Matthew proposed “MMM Raids” to scale operations. MMM Raids are “an efficient and flexible way for people to request, approve, disperse, and account for funds in MMM initiatives, with minimal bureaucracy and maximum transparency.”
To request or propose a new project for MMM - please fill out the MMM-Request Typeform!
Upcoming community events
Drop in on our weekly DAO Vibes & Office Hours w. Kevin Owocki on Wednesdays at 12PM EDT in Discord! We have been seeing great attendance and engagement.
Community Onboarding Call! New to Gitcoin? Every other Wednesday we’ll tell you all about how we’re organized and how to become an active contributor. The next one is Wednesday, November 10, 12:00pm - 1:00pm ET. (If you haven’t applied, do this first!)
On Wednesday, November 3, 1-2PM ET Anett will be hosting the monthly Steward Unconference Chat. According to Anett, “The idea to host unconference sessions is to meet stewards & friends and have non formal chats together, share memes, share whatever we want. The outcome should be to build relationships as the DAO moves faster when people know each other and create a more friendly atmosphere in DAO.”
New to GitcoinDAO?
Apply to become a member of GitcoinDAO by filling out the application form. To learn more about what the DAO onboarding experience entails, please visit our Notion page.
Have you already applied but have yet to join a Gitcoin Workstream? Start here to check out what they are up to and where you might fit in. Current openings across the GitcoinDAO can be found here.
In summary, there are four key actions to take this week:
- Vote on the MMM-Workstream on-chain budget proposal.
- Vote on the Moonshot Collective on-chain budget proposal.
- Vote on the dCompass Snapshot budget proposal.
- Fund your favorite builder or grant in the dGrants proof of concept.
Thanks for reading!
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