The issue that is being presented is about how the CrossStream DAOops Governance squad (CSDG), which makes decisions that affect the entire DAO, should be governed. Second, what is the best path forward to get us to that point.
Option 1
CSDG restructures with a plan to apply directly to the DAO for it’s funding. Part of this process includes aligning on a governance model prior to the funding request. (May not receive funds until late November. Gitcoin Holdings or FDD could fund and administer payments in the meantime.)
Option 2
CSDG applies direct to the DAO with a multisig without a governance framework ensuring fair representation for all streams. Who makes the decision for who is on the multisig or leading the stream? Are they Gitcoin Holdings employees or strong DAO contributors? (I think it is ok to have both as long as the decision is made together.)
Option 3
DAO supports FDD proposal as is. FDD is responsible to fund and administer payments for CSDG for Q4. FDD has already shown that it will allow this squad to self govern. FDD only continues this until the fair governance model is agreed upon. At that time, FDD would transfer balance of budget to the new stream’s multisig.
Are there other options we are not considering?
This is a continuation of the conversation started on the FDD Q4 Budget Proposal
Our current plan is to bring the topic back to the CSDG meeting on Tuesday afternoon. If we can reach a consensus, the budget proposals will be adjusted to recognize it. If not, we will move this to a snapshot vote for stewards.