Gitcoin DAO - Week in Governance, Edition #7

This weekly post has the ambition to summarize what’s been going on in the Gitcoin DAO Governance. Topics, ideas, proposals, and votes will be listed with links for further reading and discussion. If there’s anything missing please reach out! :memo:

:robot: Meta-Governance

🧙‍♂️🧙‍♀️ Workstream Discussion

Public Goods Funding / Treasury Management

Public Goods Prototyping (Moonshot Collective)

Decentralization Workstream

Fraud Detection & Defense (FDD-WG) former Anti-Sybil/Anti-Fraud

Merch, Memes, Marketing Workstream

MMM is currently working on a number of starting projects:

  • A new public goods merch website
  • Steward cards to help the community understand
  • Map of the quadratic lands
  • Onboarding new team members and increasing Meme VelocityTM

That’s it for this week in Gitcoin DAO governance, feel free join the discussions via the links and on Discord!

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