You can explore the initial proposal introducing the Steward Council here.
This proposal seeks to select the members of the GD Steward Council, approve its mandate and tenure. We currently have 14 stewards elligible for a seat on the council.
This proposal is split into the following sections:
- Engagement score updates: How the engagement scores have evolved based on community conversations and input
- Formation: Who qualifies to be in the council & selection
- Mandate & term: What are the requirements for council members + GTC allocation
Engagement Score Updates
This council looks to elevate the participation of the most engaged stewards as exemplified by the engagement scorecards and looking at stewards with a rating above 8/10 (*details on engagement scores below). The scores have evolved to take into account more granular engagement beyond voting mechanics and delegation power.
The motivation behind this evolution is that engagement is manifold and contributors should be recognised for their work beyond on chain governance action points. We have also taken into account any drop off in engagement in the previous season (quarter) and will be working to make sure the cards are a real time reflection of engagement as this essential piece of DAO tooling evolves.
The following are adjustment scores contributing to overall ranking per steward:
- Workstream lead role +5
- Workstream contributor role +3
- Lack of meaningful contributions, not taking part in voting or discussion in the previous season -3
In future, to maintain a +8 rating, a steward will need to be active in a workstream or in DAO-wide discussions, a -1 deduction will be applied per 1 month of inactivity. As seasons kick in this quarter, this will be mkeasured/season.
The current lineup of stewards with scores 8/10 and over is as follows:
- @DisruptionJoe
- @Pop
- @krrisis
- @seedphrase
- @bobjiang
- @tjayrush
- @Sirlupinwatson
- @HelloShreyas
- @lefterisjp
- @linda
- griff *
- Fishbiscuit*
- kyle*
- austingriffith*
(*apologies here stewards, only 10 can be tagged in one post)
As part of the discussion on the initial proposal, itās important to understand who among these stewards feels like they have the bandwidth to take the council role on for its first season. The initial proposal was looking at a council formed of 10 stewards and the current lineup is at 14 - another point here is do we extend numbers or based on steward self-signalling re availability, do we stick to the original plan of 10.
Please express your opinions on the makeup of this council and whether you strongly feel other stewards should be included.
Mandate & Term
The first Stewards Council will be active from the time the proposal passes for a period of ~180 days, in line with the seasons cadence established as part of the proposal. One council should cover 2 seasons and there should be 2 councils/year.
The rough 180 day cadence matches the quarterly cadence of the Gitcoin DAO calendar and offers a great opportunity to reflect, expand and amplify the mission of GD. Cadence as follows:
- Season 13 - 2.1 to 4.30 (GR13 | 3.9-3.24)
- Season 14 - 5.1 to 7.30 (GR14 | 6.8-6.23)
- Season 15 - 8.1 to 10.30 (GR15 | 9.7-9.22)
- Season 16 - 11.1 to 1.31 (GR16 | 11.30-12.15)
- and ongoing - any changes for holidays or other interruptions would be voted on
A milestone report will be presented at the end of the 180 day mark, ensuring the model is deemed valuable by the community and any essential and valuable learnings are incorporated in the model.
Steward council mandate:
- Keeping a ādocketā of ongoing proposals / their current status
- Ensure proposals follow template(s) / creating any necessary adjustments to template(s)
- Perform an in-depth analysis of budget requests by workstreams. This includes:
- workstream performance and delivery(from the milestone reports included in the proposals)
- funds left over from previous seasons and taking them into account for the season
- list of contributors to workstream
- value of ask
- Consult on workstream performance/workstream leadsā milestone progress - address any workstream issues that may occur within a season
- Participating in active discussion around proposals, timely voting
- Availability for Tally proposal creation and ratification once a proposal has passed Snapshot
- Participation in a council call that will be scheduled halfway between the monthly steward call (aka every two weeks) for better alignment & broader DAO strategy discussion.
This mandate will evolve to take into account any learnings from the first council activity as we evolve the structure and the model based on optimum balance.
First Forum Distribution
The proposal is that a pool of GTC is allocated across the Stewards Council for the term. This is to cover gas costs incurred in voting and offer fair allocation for the group as long as they fulfil their functions outlined above. The funds can also be allocated to everyone voting as highlighted by some of the comments on the initial version of the council proposal. This action can be decided on by the council as one of their first joint proposals.
A Snapshot proposal will be made separately around the allocation for the first council term. Based on the comments on the initial post, an overall agreement was option A. 5,000 GTC for the whole council for the whole mandate. We can potentially include all 3 options in the Snapshot for broader agreement.
*A. 5,000 GTC
B. 10,000 GTC
C. 15,000 GTC
*These options are here for the community to assess what a fair level of compensation might be in the context of the steward council and its mandate.