The MMM-Workstream have released an update to the Steward Health Cards, live via both DNS and ENS. The first version of the project was launched in Q3 2021 and has been discussed further in the context of the Steward Council spearheaded @Pop.
This thread summarizes our newest update with features that make the cards even more comprehensive and powerful. We invite the community to continue to share feedback and help us improve this public good further!
Even though the look and feel of the site has stayed close to the original design, the backend and data infrastructure has been completely rewritten. The site is now able to deliver greater granularity of metrics and much improved automation. This has been possible due to our partnership with Karma, a reputation system for DAO contributors. Both Stewards Health Cards and Karma share a common goal of aggregating information and engagement of DAO contributors to increase transparency and accountability. As a result of us being able to grab richer data the overall health calculation should provide an improved representation of each Steward’s engagement in GitcoinDAO.
The way we calculate Stewards’ health has also been adjusted based on feedback received from the community. Previously, all activity on the forum had the same weightage in the health calculation. With the new release, we are now differentiating between forum threads and forum posts with different weights. We are also differentiating between activities in the “Proposal discussion” section of the forum versus other sections. Activity in the Proposal discussion has a higher weight due to the higher level of conversation often found within this category.
= Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Vote participation on Snapshot (only proposals with >0.5M GTC are counted)
=    Forum Topics initiated (excluding the “Proposal Discussion” category)
= Forum Topics initiated in the “Proposal Discussion” category
=     Forum posts (excluding the “Proposal Discussion” category)
= Forum posts in the “Proposal Discussion” category
= Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Workstream involvement. Lead role adds 5p and contributor adds 3p to health.
Visitors of the site can now choose to display metrics and health for either Lifetime or the Last 30 days. The new health score calculations are as follows:
Lifetime health : Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â V*0.7 + F_t*1.1 + F_t_p*1.5 + F_p*0.6 + F_p_p*0.7 + W
Last 30-days health : Â Â Â V*0.7 + F_t*1.1 + F_t_p*1.5 + F_p*0.7 + F_p_p*1 + W
Tally participation was previously used in the health calculation but has now been removed. Proposals that reach Tally have already passed GitcoinDAO governance on the forum and Snapshot. The on-chain nature of Tally voting results in gas costs. Therefore, Stewards might not vote after the quorum has been reached which makes it an unsuitable data point to use in this context.
Please note that these formulas are our best attempt at fairly representing Steward engagement with the data available to us. We appreciate feedback and invite you all to help us improve further!
Looking ahead
The vision of the Steward Health Cards has always been to provide the most valuable metrics for each Steward with the goal of improving the transparency and accountability of their work. The cards may function as a tool to assist delegators making informed decisions and to allow Stewards to compare their involvement relative to their peers. Steward Health Cards have been completely built in public and can be forked without permission by any community with a similar governance structure.
We are continuously working on improving the site with new features and improvements. A couple of features we have in the pipeline for the upcoming season include:
Web3 login for Stewards to have control of their card and-
- Change their picture
- Add addresses
- Add link to Twitter & Github
- Ability to add additional Stewards to their Workstream
- Ability to opt-out and remove their card
Introduction of Workstream cards
Minting “End of Season”-cards and allow users to scroll through Seasons
Introducing additional metrics to capture other types of engagement such as on-chain compensation, attendance to monthly Steward calls and involvement in working groups not tied to any specific Workstream
We look forward to continuing working together with the community to map our collective health and make it available to the broader ecosystem as a public good!