- Weekly highlights and hot topics from the GitcoinDAO community
Welcome to the GitcoinDAO Digest, a community-led publication with TLDR-summaries of the most important discussions and proposals in the GitcoinDAO, along with relevant links for further reading. Without further ado, let’s dive in!
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Key actions for this week:
- Vote on the proposal to Ratify Grants Round 13 results!
- The FDD Workstream is running a polis discussion about budget proposals in GitcoinDAO and would appreciate your participation.
- Submit your unconference session proposal for Schelling Point @ EthAmsterdam by 4/10!
- Owocki started an AMA that will run for the month of April! Jump in to ask any questions you have.
[Proposal] Ratify the Results of Grants Round 13 and Formally Request the Community Multisig Holders to Payout Matching Allocations by Annika is a request for Stewards to ratify the results and payouts for Grants Round 13. “Over $4.6M will be distributed to public goods as part of the round, of which $3.2M came from the combined matching pools and $1.4M was contributed by the community.” Expected payouts are going to be sent on April 15th.
Huxwell provides an update on dCompass which shows how adventurers can complete quizzes to receive rewards and quest creators can configure how the rewards are delivered. A staging app on testnet to test the first quests is set to go live this week.
Owocki shares Lessons about Impact Networks from the book “Impact Networks” by D Ehrlihman. Impact Networks are “like DAOs but without tokens” and “[relationships] between network participants is the core basis of trust that allows for antifragility of the network.”
Get a special sneak preview of the Future History of the Open Internet Book, and The ImpactDAO Poster/Book from Owocki! You can also see the physical copies (and maybe grab one) at Schelling Point Amsterdam.
In Hype Cycles - a tool for sensemaking, Owocki drills down into five phases of emerging technology lifecycles: Innovation Trigger, Peak of Inflated Expectations, Trough of Disillusionment, Slope of Enlightenment, & Plateau of Productivity.
In The Plateau of Productivity
, Owocki continues the discussion about Garner Hype Cycles by contextualizing them using the history of Gitcoin Grants. In 2022, with a DAO standing up and Grants 2.0 on its way, “we are further along in the trough of disillusionment, but the plateau of productivity is perhaps in sight.”
Simona Pop shares a timeline for workstreams to share their Season 14 Budgets. Workstream leads are expected to share their budget request on the forum by April 28th.
The treasury diversification working group let us know that they had calls with potential lead partners and welcomes you to send your recommendations for strategic partners.
In An Evolutionary Lens on Web3/Open Source Software
, Owocki discusses the key properties that allowed Linux to evolve and how Web3 can learn from this. This thread highlights how Web3 technology has already had a spectacular evolution, partly because it adds global coordination and incentivisation layers to what makes OSS work.
GitcoinDAO Governance Overview:

Workstream Discussion
Public Goods Funding
Every Wednesday, the Public Goods Library hosts a philosophical discussion in the Gitcoin Discord server, with topics ranging from DAOs, community, governance, and everything in between that ties back to web3 and public goods. Check out one of our past calls on Micropayments and Calm Design by Amber Case! (start video at 3:10)
We are aiming to ratify the results of grants round 13 and invite our stewards to comment!
The Grants team is actively working on a framework for mutual grants (swaps) to help ensure we are acting as effective metagovernance stewards.
We are currently working hard on the workstream budget and optimizing our ops!
Moonshot Collective
Green Pill Podcast Episode 7 hosted by Kevin Owocki is live! This episode features Glen Weyl, founder of RadicalxChange and one of the pioneers of Quadratic Voting. They discuss the future of Quadratic Funding and using the power of markets for the good of society.
Every month Moonshot Collective Devs demo their projects for the community. April demos happened on Monday the 4th. If you missed it, you can watch them on YouTube.
Moonshot Collective prototypes decentralized tools for DAOs. Are you interested in demoing Tip Party or Pay Party for your DAO, Workstream, or Team? Send us a DM on Twitter!
Fraud Detection & Defense (FDD)
Joe delivers the GR13 Governance Brief which outlines the FDD workstreams efforts to improve Sybil Defense, Grants Review, and Data Access. Sybil Defense makes use of Humans-In-The-Loop (HITL) machine-learning and in round 13 delivered a 100% increase in the number of human evaluations with a 300% decrease in cost. Grants Reviews were conducted by the new Grants Intelligence Agency (GIA) which had to use a “plan B” system in lieu of the data access they needed to use a newly developed tool. The GIA also conducted a review of Grants Eligibility Policy following the BrightID case.
We are working on an analysis of “airdrop farming” a type of collusion behavior we found certain grants and users to be propagating during round 13.
Merch, Memes & Marketing
Sean published a thread on Contributor tiers & MMM trusted contributor experiment to start a conversation around a basic income for trusted MMM contributors. This basic income is intended to increase contributor retention and pay for their ability to stay up to date with all communication channels.
We hosted an epic Memepalooza last Friday in Discord! Together with our frens at 1Hive and KlimaDAO we had over 150 attendees performing meme magic. Catch up on all the great memes at the schelling point for memes; memes.party.
DAO Operations
We are hiring! We need a Hiring Manager, and Support Lead.
We are holding a retreat this week for the leadership team to engage in focused discussions
We are evaluating improved tooling for the DAO including Sobol, Google Calendar, and Google Groups.
We are also looking at improving our forum experience
Upcoming community events
Drop in on our weekly DAO Vibes & Office Hours w. Kevin Owocki on Wednesdays at 12PM ET on Discord! We have been seeing great attendance and engagement and we would love for you to join us. Afterwards there is the Gitcoin Contributors Happy-Hour starting at 13.30PM ET.
Community Onboarding Call! New to Gitcoin? The next event will be Monday, April 11th from 1:00 to 2:00 PM EST. We’ll tell you all about how we’re organized and how you can become an active contributor. If you haven’t applied, do this first!)
New to GitcoinDAO?
Apply to become a member of GitcoinDAO by filling out the application form. To learn more about what the DAO onboarding experience entails, please visit our Notion page.
Have you already applied but have yet to join a Gitcoin Workstream? Start here to learn more about where you might fit in.
Thanks for reading!