Introducing Stewards Governance

Gitcoin Username jelena647

ETH Address jelenadjuric.eth

Discord Handle Jelena#6600

Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining

Over the years, Gitcoin’s mission has evolved from a philosophy for how to organize and fund the development of decentralized communities, to operating “in production” and actually funding critically important work throughout the nascent blockchain ecosystem.

My values are perfectly aligned with Gitcoin’s mission statement. This vision ensures that the development of public goods can continue to flourish amidst a complex fundraising environment that often misallocates capital towards maximally extractive goods and services.

Over the past few years, I’ve been fortunate to work with a number of core development teams across various protocols including Dfinity, Celo, and most recently, Cosmos. Throughout those experiences, I’ve observed the importance of transparent and well-scoped funding programs that empower development teams to do their best work. This has ranged from purely governance driven fundraising mechanisms to venture-backed incubations. While these mechanisms for capital allocation all serve a unique set of purposes, I’ve repeatedly revisited the “Gitcoin model” which, through its meta-governance structures, continues to create a high standard for community building around decentralized development efforts.

In sum, it would be an honor to serve the Gitcoin community as a Gitcoin steward.

Your Web3 Qualifications / Skills

  • Co-Founder & CEO of Noble (a Cosmos project)
  • Co-Founder of Canadian Web3 Council (a national advocacy organization)
  • Strategic Advisor to Kado Money (a well adopted and successful fiat on/off ramp & wallet for the crypto ecosystem)
  • 6 years of full time experience in blockchains/crypto across a number of roles including: Community Management, Business Development, Product Marketing, Communications, Investor Relations & more :slight_smile:

Name: Vikram

ENS: intheclouds.eth

Statement of Intention / My Values & Reason for Joining:

My vision is to make use of innovative technologies and deep wisdom for a global transition towards a Regenerative Economy - a World where our daily actions regenerate our asset base and relationships to self, others and the planet.

I am deeply involved in exploring and developing applications of Web3 (including Blockchain infrastructure, Tokenisation, DeFi, Crypto and NFTs) to Sustainable and Regenerative Development projects.

What Web3 Qualifications / Skills I have:


  • Implemented first ever engagement with a DAO for leading Fortune 500 Energy company

  • Developed global Web3 Strategy for accelerating the Energy Transition

  • Led valuation of Renewable Energy Mega-Projects

  • Re-trained 200+ Energy Economists in Project Financing and Renewables valuation techniques

  • Gitcoin Username


  • ETH Address


Statement of Intention / My Values & Reason for Joining:

I am deeply passionate about Gitcoin’s mission, and wholeheartedly believe in our potential for significant global impact. I’ve worked in Gitcoin’s MMM Workstream for a year, where I initially took on writing and content management roles before stepping into project and campaign coordination across the various brands (while still overseeing content across all channels). I’ve been full time since September, 2022.

I greatly value effective coordination and understand its crucial role in our collective mission and individual contributions. I equally like to understand tasks and decisions deeply from all angles, actively trying to fill gaps and refine processes. A few of the key initiatives I’ve co-led/led have been to run multiple flagship grants round marketing campaigns (namely Alpha & Beta Round), help navigate our community through the transition from cGrants to Grants Stack and I helped revamp our support pages. I’m currently running campaigns across all products: Grants Stack, Allo Protocol, Gitcoin Passport, alongside the Gitcoin Grants program and the overall Gitcoin brand. I’m working on refining processes of grants round marketing, as well as helping set up processes to become more efficient with our coordination efforts.

I am dedicated to fostering cross-functional improvements and championing decisions that push us towards our shared goals. My intention as a steward is to leverage my experience and skills to boost our strategic and operational efficiency, and I am excited to be a part of the decision-making processes moving forward as we continue to scale, especially in how we intentionally execute on external (and internal) comms.

What Web3 Qualifications / Skills I have:

  • Currently a full time Project/Campaign Coordinator in the MMM workstream (1year)
    • Working across all the products and within Gitcoin Grants, I have a deep understanding of them, how they tie in with one another and the coordination and crosstream efforts needed to execute efficiently.
  • Managed a ReFi publication at ixo
  • Freelance ReFi writer and researcher
    • A lot of my research centered tokenized carbon markets, ecocredits and impact markets — specifically digging into how to track and measure on-the-ground impact in the ReFi ecosystem.
  • Journalist (previous to web3)

Prior to journalism, I have approximately 6 years of Marketing and Coordination experience.


Gitcoin username: TheCollinsFamily

ETH address: 0x2a2b31342a236d7a4DB3a8F649f26C646DCEe0e2

Statement of Intention / My Values & Reason for Joining: Our life goal is to set a path for a sustainable, prosperous, pluralistic, future for our species. Whether we’re talking about the creation of new nations, new cultures, or new social structures, web3 dramatically expands the options available to us in ways that were not even conceivable during previous attempts to optimize these systems. Gitcoin has been critical in the web3 ecosystem and it is only natural it would play a role in how those systems become threaded into the social and governmental fabric of our world. We want to work to ensure that happens.

What Web3 Qualifications / Skills I have: We wrote the Pragmatist’s Guide to Governance—a book that topped the WSJ’s bestseller list and was described by Glen Weyl (co-creator of quadratic voting and founder of Radical Exchange), as “probably the highest information gain thing I’ve read on [governance] in a good while and probably the most entertaining thing I’ve ever read on it. I am far from “agreeing” with most of it, but I don’t thin that’s the point
regardless of your perspective, you’ll get something from this."

In addition to being governance theory nerds, we put a lot of thought and research into how humans function in this new world of technology more broadly. This is something we go deep into on The Green Pill Podcast with Kevin Owocki, Kyle Weiss, and Kevin Olsen. We also cover these topics a lot on our own podcast, Based Camp.

Regarding Web3 specifically: We’ve been stoked about it since we went through a mostly-crypto-startup-saturated 500 Startups batch back in 2014, which is what first got us exposed to the community. We know it has transformative potential and would love to participate in that transformation.

Why we applied as a two-person unit: Web3 dramatically expands the concept of what the granular unit of humanity is as it applies to our relationships with others. While in modern Western culture the individual is the core unit of identity, this has not been the historical norm. Thus, in experimenting with one new model of a cultural group that both values gender equality but is also resistant to prosperity-induced fertility collapse (something that is very rare), we have built a culture in which the core unit of identity is the family itself. As such, our social media accounts, bank accounts, crypto wallets, and emails are shared. We also run all our companies together, run all our foundations together, and write all our books together. (This actually lowers our voting power dramatically in most quadratic voting environments but makes sense since most people know us from our shared identity.)


Gitcoin Username:

ETH Address:

Statement of Intention / My Values & Reason for Joining:

I am new to web3 but at the same time I am curious and excited to dive into this world and GitCoin in particular. I think that effective and transparent governance should extend beyond closed circles and should be accessible to a wider audience, including newcomers like myself.

Besides that, I spent a major part of my academic journey on sybil defense, and I am keen about contributing my expertise to strengthen systems such as Passport ensuring trustworthiness and reputation of GitCoin and its quadratic funding method.

Web3 Qualifications / Skills:

  • Proficient Data Scientist and Software Engineer
  • Extensive experience in researching and implementing sybil defense methods throughout my academic career
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We welcome a number of new Gitcoin delegates from exceptionally diverse backgrounds - a deSci scientist and Zuzalu participant, former VP of of product, R&D product manager from the sports and entertainment industry, a physician looking at web3 to improve individual and collective mental health, an tech lead from the Blockchain Commons, the co-founder of Boys Club and advocate of women in web3, a senior strategist for TIME magazine, a web3 multiple-times-founder, a strategic thinker from a Fortune 500 energy provider, a prolific marketer and former journalist, and our first “two person - one entity” steward (s?) with backgrounds as authors, entrepreneurs, and future thinking.

Welcome to @borisdyakov, @meglister, @essemharris @Jag @vinayvasanji, @deana, @JAYBKMB, @Jelena647, @Vikram, @MathildaDV, @TheCollinsFamily

Here is our onboarding plan which will give you a great starting point. Please do hit the “Get connected” component to make sure you have the inside track - and get invited to the fun stuff

get connected !


Excited to be a part of this! FYI-- I sent you a Discord friend request, and some of the links in that sheet are broken.


It’s great to join the stewardship :pray::fire::rocket:


In the event that this has been discussed elsewhere, I hesitate to create a new topic.

I have noticed that there is no governance voting power for locked GTC on Snapshot - has this been previously voted upon, or did it turn out this way by default?

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Verifying my forum identity for gitcoin governance
addr: 0xA1722470f8C85BCdff47ec350CbFF9c8344a571B
sig: 0x8a1c7ef8b9f38940d1014e7bfa5919da44aa9b7babc39ffd3a85ee7f9ffbb18840a51651b207f42bff9b3a4f16f48584b939bd9601b42040d7b991dc20b178d51b

Gitcoin Username:

hey there is no cgrants anymore so no “Gitcoin Username” really anymore! but from 2017 - 2023 i was !

ETH Address:

Statement of Intention / My Values & Reason for Joining:

I am Kevin Owocki, one of the co-founders of Gitcoin. I helped usher it through the 2017-2022 market cycle before Passing the Torch in July 2022. Fast forward to September 2023, I plan on reaffiliating with Gitcoin and helping usher it through this market cycle.

The team has made solid strides in decentralizing the tech, expanding the use cases and exploring new growth areas. Im interested in helping the DAO double down on whats working, and figure out if/how we can abandon what’s not.

I think much of the community’s criticism during GG18 of Gitcoin is valid + looking forward to turning the corner together with the team AND the ecosystem.

Anticipated focal areas:

  1. ecosystem legibility (both from gitcoin => ecosystem and ecosystem => gitcoin, also intra-gitcoin i think i can help different subgroups understand each other)
  2. product adoption
  3. financial sustainability
  4. eventual ossification & decentralized governance

Web3 Qualifications / Skills:



I have stumbled upon this in a recent search for stewarding related topics and research about DAOs in general. I am a very active contributor in ENS DAO. A couple years ago I felt a lack of interaction and online socialization for the previous years and decided that I am no longer going to be a sideline speculator contributing to meaningless conversation with unintended people. I decided to get involved and dove straight into ENS contribution and governance. Since then I have nominated myself for meta-governance steward elections and also part of a working group in support of the DAO discussion forum. Naturally, I am an investigative quality assurance guru highly influenced by structure of organizational processes and enforcement of policy of which military service has taught me. I love to challenge that status quo not for the sake of it, but for if good reason and argument is reasonable, ethical and within the bounds of the organization. So really, I suppose that I"m exploring different governance structures as confining myself to ENS and ENS alone can create blindfolds over any leadership accolades that I could develop in other governance environments. Not only that, but simply being in the loops else where can help guide perspective of the ethereum ecosystem in a different manner, removing any hitchiking hidden biases I might display. If anything, it will be great to interact and meet new people.


This noble. Reading this, one question I have is, to what extent has this progressive mission extended beyond the comfort zone of the community to areas such as Africa, where web3 is a key need with proven use cases?

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I am one of the many who have had the opportunity to be on the Greenpill show. That opportunity was greatly impactful. Thank you for what you are doing for economic freedom for the citizens of the world.

Checking back in, was some year/s ago. I’m Philip from Sweden, been in crypto since the creation of ETH. So around 10 years. I have the biggest community in Scandinavia called Cryptocurrencies Sweden that I founded in 2017. We are traders and investors, but I’m also specialized inte cyber security, so often help projects when I got time over to fix security flaws and bugs, anti-patterns and secure code and so on.

Be blessed.


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Gitcoin Username: Sov

ETH Address: 0x2D7d6Ec6198ADFD5850D00BD601958F6E316b05E

Statement of Intention / My Values & Reason for Joining:

Since 2020, my journey in the crypto grant ecosystem has been driven by a belief in the power of community-driven initiatives. This experience solidified my commitment to fostering impactful programs. At Gitcoin, I see an opportunity to leverage my unique insights and experiences to further empower the community, enhancing both product adoption and the effectiveness of our programs.

My journey in the crypto grant space, coupled with my leadership experience, aligns with Gitcoin’s mission. As a Steward, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the growth and success of the community, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of the crypto grant ecosystem.

What Qualifications / Skills I Have:

  • 10+ years running a mid-sized Systems Integrator.
  • Proficient in program development and project management.
  • Previous experience with local, state, and federal government grants with a 501c3
  • Researching and writing about grant programs since 2020. You can find my work here.
  • Creator and Curator of LlamaoGrants and Blockworks Grantfarm.
  • Creator of Curator Crypto Grant Wire.
  • Creator and Curator of Sov’s Compendium.
  • Grantee Experience: Aave Grants DAO, Polygon Village Grantee
  • Current Partnerships & Program Lead @ Gitcoin
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Gitcoin Username

ETH Address

Discord Handle (optional)

:sparkles:Statement of Intention / my Values & Reasons for Joining

My intentions are to:

I’m some one who’s big on making impact, changing and affecting young people positively, and Gitcoin gives me the support to do that with every grant round I get into.

So I want to help and contribute to Gitcoin’s success and to that of public goods growth.

:sparkles:My Values are

  1. Impact
    I believe a life isn’t well lived if it didn’t benefit the good of other.

  2. Integrity & Honesty
    I believe ones integrity is higher than money and shouldn’t be lost because of money.

  3. Prosperity.
    I believe there’s more than enough money in the world and that you can’t make real impact without funds.

:sparkles:My Web3 Qualifications / Skills
Got into the web3 ecosystem in 2016 while still in the University.

By 2018 I had my first official eth wallet (I had one before in 2016, and I lost it)

I went into DeFi, NFTs, Ambassador works, meet-up organisation etc in 2019 and 2020

In 2020 I started research for a 100% decentralised SaveFi protocol, by 2021 I created a Child/parent contract structure for a pooless aggregator in the protocol.

In 2022 I put a team of developers and mathematicians together and we created the maths for the protocol to work on.

I started Borderless Dev in 2022 to help raise web3 developers for free.

More to come.

Thank you so much :blush:


Gitcoin username: robioreefeco

ETH Address: cryptobenthic🐠.eth

Statement of Intention / My Values & Reason for Joining:

Hola I am Rodrigo NuñΞz
As a dedicated coralreef researcher, scientific diver, and fervent ocean conservation advocate, my journey has traversed diverse initiatives across the Mexican Caribbean focused on preserving coral reef ecosystems. Engagements span from immersive environmental education and community-driven citizen science to rigorous scientific exploration, encompassing themes such as herbivory, biodiversity, and coral reef #restoration.

Aligned with my persona as an INFP-A Mediator, I possess a profound enthusiasm for the potential of crypto and blockchain technologies. I’m impassioned to uncover innovative solutions addressing the multifaceted challenges faced by our oceans, particularly in the preservation of coral reef ecosystems. Currently, I actively contribute to initiatives like MesoReefDAO and the GreenPill MĂ©xico Local Chapter, fulfilling my passion for exploring complex systems and nurturing regenerative solutions. I’ve been involved in DeSci since Q1-2020.

What Web3 Qualifications / Skills I have:

*Love to play in the cryptoecosystems, love fundamentals
*Contributor of DeSci World and other DeSci communities
*Spanish Editor of Week in Ethereum News (ES)
*Co-Founder of MesoReefDAO
*Co-Founder of GreenPillMexico



ETH Address: deltajuliet.eth

Discord Handle: deltajuliet

Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining:

I’m focusing this year on boosting our financial resilience, enhancing our tech infrastructure, and tightening team cohesion and Gitcoin’s governance. Bullish on improving financial strategies, invigorating community engagement, and instilling a culture of ongoing learning and feedback within Gitcoin.

My objective is to bring forth practical strategies and insights that bolster our governance and operational performance. Having operated behind the scenes since joining in May, I’m eager to step into a more visible role, actively engaging with our community and advancing our governance initiatives.

Web 3 Qualification/Skills

  • Defi product management at Totle and Amazix
  • Gitcoin’s CoS (May 2023) - oomph what a ride! :black_heart:
  • Professional lurker in DAO governance, aiming to bolster that in 2024

ETH Address: cryptoreumd.eth

Discord Handle: cryptoreumd

Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining:
You can find me in many places under the nickname CryptoReuMD. First a little bit about me. I’ve been in crypto for 3 years, my story starts with the intention of decentralization of ideas and science is for me a lifetime of knowledge which has to be put on a chain and validated peer to peer, which led me to understand the real problems facing crypto, plutocracy, hegemony and many other coordination failures, being my priority to start in a DAO.
My first steps were as part of the translations of the content of BanklessDAO, I ventured to know a little more by being part of the Advocates of The Graph, but my technical knowledge was not so robust and unilateral coordination did not seem attractive to me, likewise I tried it in Optimism and Arbitrum, denoting still much seed of power focused on liquidity and economic power.
After a few years, BanklessDAO grew much more and we launched Nacion Bankless, a subDAO that is currently a reference in Latin America for content and decentralization, where we managed to push the decentralization ethos that I was looking for.

Web 3 Qualification/Skills
My first rounds in Gitcoin were as Grantee, at first with Ethereum Mexico and later with NaciĂłn Bankless, initially learning how to create the proposal and then the grant coordination mechanisms.
After two sessions, particularly the 18th and 19th, it was for me a great opportunity, since I got to know the possibilities of helping each other and how Gitcoin, unlike other projects, even if they are also in charge of donations and community-based capital raising, still lives hurt by the votes of a few people and simply the grantees repeat themselves, without updates, without reports of success and the use of the funds raised.
Because of this situation, as part of the transparency of our subDAO we are dedicated to publish each of our successes and experiences, with a breakdown of incentives and the portfolios of those who receive those funds, with a method of transparency that we will continue to implement, you can find these reports in the forums of Gticoin, Arbitrum, BanklessDAO, Optimism and Push, since we consider that we must always have a proof of work in this game economy.
Together with several of my colleagues and with a lot of support from the community I managed to create the first rounds for Mexico and for projects that create improvements in the reporting chains of the projects that live off chain, raising 10, 000 USD between the two rounds, a success that is not only mine and I owe it 100% to the community.

Current challenges

Today I consider that GItcoin has an ecosystem that has gradually learned to decentralize, adopting more innovative governance schemes and also maturing in terms of resistance to Sybill attacks and liquidity extraction, a fact that for me has been fascinating, however The content is still mostly in English and the Latin American projects are simply repeated, many of them do not even update their proposals, they just upload them again and the successes they may have are not reflected.

Likewise, I think we have a content war where basically we all create the most vibrant video, the most elegant tweet and the most curious meme, but it remains the same and repetitive, we have not managed to link our ideas and support the projects, This, although we can understand it as part of the tragedy of the commons.

Furthermore, the funding currently seen in Latin America is nothing compared to what is received in other parts of the world, which generates a certain gentrification of resources and therefore reduces the success of our colleagues.

How do I plan to work my delegation?

When the idea of being a delegate of any project came to me, my response was with reservation, however when reading this opportunity, I simply could not say no, I feel that a way to live decentralization and the teaching of the ImpactDAO and Green books Pill is essentially acting in the governance of Gitcoin, I consider now to be much more transparent and help in the way possible so that my colleagues and of course a server do not miss the opportunities to continue growing, always with the intention of helping and generate waves of support among everyone.

For me the most important thing is the community, although many times we benefit from the votes in the rounds, it is essential for me to keep my words firm and if I consider that governance is important, having protocol tokens as a shield to Subsequent decisions is one of my greatest feats, given that with everything and what comes, delegation is more important than the extraction of liquidity.

Sharing, in essence, is something fascinating, it is not about giving gifts, but about giving people what they deserve for their work and monitoring in a simple and fair way what we are all doing, I believe that it is time for the governance and that DAOs once again lead the narrative, just before the explosion of users and everything gets out of control, which is why I will be more present in the forum and discussing progress and updates.

Although there is a lot of content in Spanish, there are few of us who check it all out and most of these training videos tend to be weak and with few views, so no matter who produces the content, I will make sure it is seen so that we can understand it from different perspectives, as long as it is content with the intention of helping and not just benefiting the protocol or the people who have uploaded it.

At Nacion Bankless we created a coordination section, in which we are delegates of different projects, Push, Optimism, Arbitrum and now Gitcoin, having a little more knowledge of what happens in other projects will allow us to more easily understand governance and take concrete decisions.

Creation of a decision reporting channel with justification. I believe that Hypercertz and Attestations are primitives that we should use, although the governance is intuitive and always forward, the forums are modifiable, so I consider that the decisions should be engraved in stone, so it is best to publish those decisions as attestations.

Impartiality will be one of the great differences and challenges that I will have, I have seen in governance forums the balance tip for a few people and fundraising to enrich projects even within my country, so I consider it a priority to be on the edge of these decisions and have a greater impact on people who are barely developing.

Objectives to be reported

  • Number of quality hours in which I do the work of reading and posting on the forum
  • Number of posts, whether as threads, tweets, videos or any type of content explaining about governance
  • Thread in the forum with decisions and attestations about what is discussed in governance
  • Number of new projects boarded to Gitcoin
  • Number of meetings, talks or webinars about Gitcoin.
  • Number of projects existing in previous rounds that begin to report their progress in the forum and with chain evidence.

These will be the scoop, I will evaluate how many I can actually do so that in future sections of the quarters, I can estimate a number of them.