GitcoinDAO Digest #15 (formerly Week in Governance)

- Weekly highlights and hot topics from the GitcoinDAO community

Welcome to the very first edition of the :sparkles:GitcoinDAO Digest:sparkles: After 14 editions of the Week in Governance, we’ve transitioned editorial duties to the community. We will share TLDR-summaries of the most important discussions and proposals in the GitcoinDAO, along with relevant links for further reading! We know, we’re growing up so fast :wink: Without further ado, let’s dive in!

:robot: Meta-Governance

  • How we achieve our mission by @owocki explores how GitcoinDAO “can create more impact towards its mission of more coordination & reduction of coordination failures”. Kevin brings into focus how “the product suite, built by GitcoinDAO will be deployed to help partner DAOs better source, select, sell, onboard, and retain talent” and “become a perpetual motion machine that reinforces itself” benefiting the entire ecosystem.

  • A Proposal to ratify the results of Grants Round 11 and formally request the community multisig to payout matching allocations is live until October 17th.

  • Gitcoin Discovery: Decentralize the Knowledge Base & Quests; a new Workstream proposal authored by @Huxwell was published on the forum. The proposal has received a lot of feedback from the community. The Workstream would “be responsible for decentralizing and improving the Gitcoin Quests. It would be a community-driven, learning platform for onboarding and engaging users & developers into Web3”.

:ballot_box: GitcoinDAO Governance Overview

:man_mage::woman_mage: Workstream Discussion

:seedling: Public Goods Funding

  • Awardees for the Call for Proposals for New Kinds of Public Good, a project in collaboration with Other Internet, have been announced in a blog post by @ceresstation. In addition to the seven main awardees, a list of honorable mentions was also published.

  • The first workstream payments are going out to the squad helping push forward the climate change, advocacy, and longevity rounds for GR12 this week!

  • Onboarding continues to make progress with help from @krrisis and others across the DAO, funded in part by PGF.

  • The public goods library continues to grow, and Henry Zhu recently put forward a deep, thoughtful talk on Ivan Illich’s work, helping the DAO further its understanding of the commons we all seek to serve.

:rocket: Moonshot Collective

  • A Budget Request Proposal for the Moonshot Collective - Q4 2021 was posted in the forum by @austingriffith requesting to fund the Moonshot Collective with 100k GTC for the next 3 months. @owocki provided the Season 1 build roadmap for the Moonshot Collective in the comments section.

  • Every Friday the Moonshot Collective gets together to show off their progress. This week includes Moonswap, Quadratic Diplomacy, Tip.Party, and Merch. Learn more by saying hello in Discord, or checking out our Website. Demo videos for each project can be found on YouTube. Follow @MoonshotCollect on Twitter for frequent updates. Every month, MC presents a demo for their GitcoinDAO projects. Each project gets 5 minutes to show off what they’ve built! Last week Decentralized Grants, Mars Shot Bots, Open signal, Scaffold Directory, GitcoinDAO Steward Report Cards, Anon Vs Moloch, Wayfair Discord Bot, Tip.Party, and Quadratic Diplomacy demoed during the monthly call.

:globe_with_meridians: Decentralize Gitcoin

  • The team is running a Decentralized Grant Round on the Polygon network for the Moonshot Collective Workstream as a way to support our DAO, stress test the system, and collect feedback from users.

  • The Workstream has collected valuable feedback from many MC team members as a number of bug fixes have been pushed out.

  • The MC team has created 6 grants so far. The round is planned to kick off externally on October 18th, scope and requirements are being defined…

:blue_heart: Fraud Detection & Defense

  • A Proposal to ratify the results of Grants Round 11 and formally request the community multisig to pay out matching allocations is live on Snapshot until October 17th.

  • FDD is sending out DAO contributor agreements to all participants. The Workstream is recommending all DAO contributors use an LLC. Payments are beginning to stream to contributors!

  • The State of FDD blog post & Q4 Budget Proposal will be published this week.

  • BlockScience shared their report on the GR11 Anti-Sybil efforts. Fraud tax was down over 50%. First round we had enough human evaluators to perform statistical analysis. There were 853 Sybil accounts sanctioned. For GR12, a community ML algo is to run side by side with the BlockScience algo and on-chain forensic detection methods will be added.

  • FDD met with Celeste to build a decentralized appeals process.

  • Four contributors from Gitcoin will participate in the Gnosis + Governauts DAO compensation research project.

  • Planning started for the ambassador program and FDD is currently supporting Cross-stream DAOops until it potentially becomes a Workstream.

:art: Merch, Memes & Marketing

  • The vote to ratify the MMM Workstream budget request for Q4 2021 has passed and action has been taken to push forward on a formal on-chain vote.

  • This newsletter you are reading right now is part of the MMM-copywriting substream. Each GitcoinDAO Workstream is responsible for their respective section, but the newsletter as a whole is funded and maintained by MMM. Beside the newsletter, the copywriting-substream is maintaining the @GitcoinDAO-Twitter account and is working on improving the GitcoinDAO-onboarding process.

  • A “Regen vs Degen”-card game is being developed as a novel educational effort to explain technical terms and expressions. The game is currently being playtested to get it balanced and make it as fun as possible. Once feedback from the playtesters and artwork for the cards are implemented and complete, an online tournament will be held to celebrate the launch. An option to buy the physical cards will also exist.

:date: Upcoming community events

:wave: New to GitcoinDAO?

That’s it for this week’s GitcoinDAO Digest. Feel free to join the discussions via the links above and on Discord, and visit the Gitcoin DAO Event calendar to keep yourself updated on what’s to come. If you are reading this on our forum, and would like to receive this in your inbox, sign up here!

Previous Edition


One piece of feedback I’ve been getting is “I dont know how to help. Where do workstreams need help?” from a few new community members.

Have we considered having an “ASKS” section wherein workstream leads communicate what they need from the broader GitcoinDAO community week over week?


@owocki definitely! One of the big asks in the rework of (our notion overview) is to have a very clear & simple overview of open tasks & roles for contributors. We now have this (and is linked above) but people tend to get lost a bit there. As soon as this v2 is up & running we can include this here and even embed some of the highest prio tasks & jobs.
Making the #onboarding channel also the place to share, discuss & find opportunities is part of this logic.


Wait wait wait where is a link to Henry Zhu’s Illich talk? That sounds like a dream come true!

Here are the notes @ntnsndr :slight_smile: Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.

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