Introducing Stewards Governance

Reposting with updates and edits: link to original post.

Gitcoin Username: @jodicee4pg
Twitter: @0xJodiCee
Discord: Jodi | Gitcoin#1775
Eth address: 0x43a70AB0D5Beb7C09f974630FBC56E601F28aA32

Statement of Intention

Iā€™m most interested in the opportunity Gitcoin has to scale new methods for funding public goods. I think blockchain-based quadratic funding has the potential to change the way we allocate resources to goods we all benefit from (on and offline).

I also care about bringing additional mission-aligned people into the community.

Qualifications / Skills

I bring over ten years of economic development, housing, and management experience to my role in Gitcoin. So far in my career, Iā€™ve supported teams and projects in planning for the future based on the resources available today.

I began my web3 journey 2+ years ago as a Ethereum Foundation DevCon Scholar. Through that program I developed a deeper understanding of the technology, and a strong appreciation for its potential to change the way we work and support communities.

I joined the Operations workstream in February as a lead, and Iā€™m excited for the opportunity to help build the team to be responsive to the needs of the DAO, while remaining decentralized in approach.


Statement of intent/ my values and reason for joining: Iā€™m currently a Gitcoin contributor on the public goods workstream focused on onboarding web2 funders into the grants program. Iā€™m passionate about both public goods and how we fund them; the good laws, libraries, parks and open source that surrounds us is the architecture of how we live well, and currently we do not have enough novel funding mechanisms.

What web3 qualifications/skills I have: While Iā€™ve only been in web3 for maybe a year, Iā€™ve been able to leverage my long-term background as a community builder and grantmaker/investor to contribute to projects like Filecoin foundation for the decentralized web and Crypto, Culture and Society. Especially, Iā€™ve been able to bring in many web2 skeptics who do not see the flourishing regen communities that exist from outside of the crypto space. I have a deep network in many worlds, am a board member/steward with 6+ years experience helping organisations navigate scale.


Gitcoin Username: [@kevinrolsen | Gitcoin)
Twitter: @kevinrolsen
Discord: kevin.olsen#8319
Eth address: kevinolsen.eth 0x4Be88f63f919324210ea3A2cCAD4ff0734425F91

Statement of Intention

Iā€™ve been working with the GPC as an engineering leader since December 21, while Iā€™ve had some web3 experience prior to this, and have been watching DAOs with interest for years, Gitcoin has really been the opportunity for me to go down the rabbit hole. I love the vision of Gitcoin, and the essential intents, and personally, Iā€™m thrilled that weā€™ve aligned on our Grants 2 roadmap, weā€™re shipping product, and can finally say weā€™re achieving our mission to decentralize ourselves.

Through my experience here to date, Iā€™ve grown to appreciate the work the DAO does to seek the balance between ambition and focus. I hope to be able to represent engineeringā€™s needs and voice within the DAO governance process and accelerate our transition into being as much a protocol DAO as we are a social/impact DAO.

Qualifications / Skills

Iā€™ve been in Engineering and Leadership roles for 16 years (:flushed: I had to look that up), helping to build software but over time more to build teams. Iā€™ve worked across both large and small organizations, directly and externally in those years. And while I love the craft of engineering, I think my specialization has been as a facilitator, building interfaces with other groups, and creating environments where good engineering can happen. I believe in collaboration, facilitation, and group sense-making, and would welcome the chance to do that as a Steward in the DAO.

  • Gitcoin Username @lthrift
  • ETH Address lthrift.eth 0xbe368cc284A8303Ae4C76A1870d897cfEE2B0812
  • Discord Handle lthrift#8111
    Twitter @thrift_lindsey

Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining
Formally educated in social work and intercultural studies, I have been on a path of continual learning and discovering how social causes can be most meaningfully impacted. My professional journey has led me to develop highly effective skills in software development while maintaining my core alignment around doing work that contributes to the ability for people to thrive. Gitcoinā€™s mission to fund public goods through the development of novel, effective mechanisms for distributing capital is a powerful intersection of my skills and passions.

I joined Gitcoin Holdings in September 2021 as the Product Management leader and have been continuously building context and integration with the DAO as we have sought to decentralize the technology and the team. My intention in seeking DAO stewardship is to continue to integrate into the collective community such that we build the Grants 2.0 protocol and workstream in tight alignment.

Qualifications / Skills
I bring 10+ years of experience across entrepreneurship education, small business financing, product management, and software delivery consulting to Gitcoin. I have served on loan review boards (assessing business plan viability to make funding decisions), built teams for on-going sustainable execution, and been accountable for ensuring mission critical projects were planned and executed effectively. These unique experiences give me perspective to deeply understand how to assess viability of ideas, continuously buy down risks, and execute at the intersection of organizational strategy and software development. Iā€™d value the opportunity to help steward the Gitcoin DAO to realizing its mission of empowering communities to fund their shared needs.

  • Gitcoin Username: @J9leger
  • ETH Address: 0x2df9a188fBE231B0DC36D14AcEb65dEFbB049479

Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining:
Iā€™m interested in participating as a Gitcoin Steward as I believe Gitcoin and the Gitcoin community are focused on building web3 tools that truly change the way we coordinate and collaborate to support positive growth in the crypto ecosystem by funding public goods and communities shared needs. Iā€™d love to join as a steward to see Gitcoin continue to achieve theses goals across many communities.

Your Web3 Qualifications / Skills
Iā€™ve been involved in learning about and investing in crypto for the past 6 years, volunteered at EthDenver and actively dedicating my time to operating and building a scalable Gitcoin Grants the past 6 months.

Prior to Gitcoin, I helped build and lead Deloitte Pixel, the crowdsourcing and on-demand talent platform within Deloitte Consulting where we helped advocate for enterprises to use external & flexible talent models to achieve their outcomes.


Gitcoin Username: M0nkeyFl0wer

ETH Address: 0x41105A64A7Ae18Bd6c31363ef5FD99dD574f7874

Discord Handle (optional) Monkey_Flower#4039

Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining:

I am passionate about the mission and values of Gitcoin and see participation and stewardship as a core component of DAO membership. I am eager to be of service to the DAO and will communicate regularly with community members about all significant decisions being made.

I am dedicated to public goods, decentralized decision making, the wisdom of the crowd. I see the potential for composable, interoperable open source technology and to unlock unimaginable levels of innovation and opportunity.

Your Web3 Qualifications / Skills:

I am the Cause Round lead for Gitcoin DAO helping to facilitate grants rounds for Climate Solutions, Diversity Equity and Inclusion as well as Crypto Advocacy. I am privileged to have this unique point of view on the experience of our grantees, donors and partners. I would like to give voice to their perspectives as a steward.

I have been involved in local currency projects and decentralized co-operative decision making since I was quite young. Truth be told one of my first memories from childhood was taking minutes for a co-op housing meeting with crayons.

As a political science student and as a candidate and organizer for the Green Party
I focused on designing decentralized decision making structures.

I then worked for Environmental Non-Profits for a bit over a decade. I was first introduced to Bitcoin tech in the context of campaign work for social change. I saw cryptocurrency as a part of a strategy to undermine the power and influence of big banks who financed fossil fuel projects. I began speaking and writing about this in 2015.

In the last few years I have done a deep dive into digital democracy and online public engagement processes as the Executive Director of the eDemocracy Network, the non-profit sister organization of Ethelo focused on meaningful public engagement on climate plans and other issues working with local governments and Indigenous communities.

I was involved in Etheloā€™s platform being used by our Fraud Detection and Defence team to help involve community members and partners having input on projects.

I was also a volunteer coordinate for Schelling Point and I am a Librarian in Gitcoins Public Library and look forward to participating in those conversations every week.


yes!! I canā€™t imagine a better fit for steward.


Strong agree with Sarahdw. MonkeyFlower is solid Steward material. Same with Kevin O. (hope we get to speak again in person), Lindsay T. and J.Leger. Additionally, Zer8, an Core member of the FDD and Lead of the Grants Intelligence Agency is another strong Steward candadite who should get approved. He has been a strong and loyal part of the Dao for over a year now. In fact Zer8 applied for Stewardship long ago but hey ā€¦ its a dao! Things take time.

  • Gitcoin Username @nfrgosselin
  • ETH Address nategosselin.eth 0xB41077b88Ff9E42355FC2FfeAA1810560aC5f192
  • Discord Handle nfrgosselin#9251
    Twitter @nfrgosselin

Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining
Over my career Iā€™ve been proud to work at mission-driven tech companies in media, health care, and food, but Gitcoin is the first time Iā€™ve felt 100% aligned with a vision. If I try to draw a connection between my jobs, the through-line would likely be trying to bring the best of tech to empower small, motivated companies and communities. In that spirit, I am incredibly excited about where Gitcoin is going and would love to take a more active role in helping us get there.

Qualifications / Skills

  • Joined GPC in December 21, and have been focusing on building out the Grants 2.0 product suite
  • 10+ years working in product management / tech across a variety of industries and company sizes
  • Extensive training and experience in building + leading teams
  • Kernel alum (KB4)
  • Deep interest in experimenting with sustainable, community-driven business models

Gitcoin Username: @safderr
ETH Address: 0xb9570e18268375D6D57cda77ed63224f459D6384
Discord Handle: Saf#2338

Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining
Iā€™ve been an organizer for all of my adult life, having been involved in a number of grassroots organizations in my communities centered mostly around issues of access and advocacy for folks at the margins. Iā€™ve seen how these organizations fluorish and also how they struggle in very foundational ways, and see web3 as being a tool to supercharge how we coordinate towards lasting systems change.

The work that Gitcoin is doing, as well as how itā€™s both directly and indirectly shaping the narrative around public goods/regeneration, is incredibly exciting to me. I feel both the power and responsibility as an early adopter to ensure that this narrative-building doesnā€™t lose sight of its original ideals of collective ownership and community empowerment. As a Steward, I intend to challenge any deviations from these ideals, and ensure that the DAO remains aware of the larger ecosystems that itā€™s operating in and influencing.

Your Web3 Qualifications / Skills
I started my web3 career as a ā€œnerdy degenā€, diving into technicals of a number of projects that I thought could be good investments. I think this degen training gave me a pretty good lay of the land, and helped me build a solid technical foundation to be able to understand the space and how the technology enables revolution.
However like many others, I came for the degen and stayed for the revolution. In the past year, Iā€™ve been involved in a number of DAOs - Protein, and Dream DAO being the most prominent - and Iā€™ve naturally assumed facilitator/project manager/steward roles at each.

Iā€™ve been a part of Gitcoin DAO since May, where Iā€™ve been a part of the People Operations team and more recently have also taken on some community management duties. Iā€™ve found so much life from being around the incredible team this DAO has built so far, and the work I focus on is ensuring that this team has what they need to succeed and to thrive.

Prior to Gitcoin DAO, I spent about 4 years as an engineer and project manager, and 3 years as a career development facilitator (in addition to the 8+ years of community organizing that Iā€™ve done on the side).


Alright time to throw my hat in the ring!

Gitcoin Username: @connoroday
ETH Address: coday.eth
Discord Handle: connoroday#3518
Twitter: @connoroday0

Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining
Iā€™d like to officially become a steward of the GitcoinDAO to help lead us toward our mission of building tools that empower communities to fund their shared needs. After spending over 3 years working full-time for Gitcoin (Holdings), Iā€™ve officially resigned from my position with that entity and am now working full-time for the GitcoinDAO within the Public Goods Funding workstream. The timing is right for me to dive head first into the DAO-native world and I want to leverage my experience to become a leading voice (one of many) in this community.

The future of work, the future of communities, the future of identity and reputation, will be decentralized and digital. Weā€™re in a unique position to help shape this future. Gitcoin has emerged as a core pillar of the open source and public goods funding movement within Ethereum, and we need to 10x this momentum to make a larger impact in the physical world.

I believe QF is a powerful mechanism that can be leveraged for many use cases and communities, that do not have to be strict public goods - check out my EthCC talk to learn why.

Your Web3 Qualifications / Skills
Iā€™ve been a Web3 native my entire career since before it was called Web3 (for better or worse) :slight_smile:. I went down the Bitcoin rabbit hole in college in 2013 and it influenced my decision to double major in Economics and Computer Science. I began as an intern at ConsenSys in 2015 before Eth mainnet launched, mined Eth in my dorm room, lost and recovered Eth in The DAO hack, etc. I was always passionate about new decentralized governance models Ethereum could enable - see my 2016 blog post on liquid democracy I wrote as a starry-eyed intern.

At ConsenSys I spent time doing research, token design, dev rel, partnerships, and more. I spent 1.5 years working on a tokenized real estate platform that was eventually shut down as we failed to raise a series A in the depths of the bear market. Watching ConsenSys grow from 20 employees to 1400, and back down to 500, I learned a lot about ā€œdecentralizedā€ organizational structure, fundraising, and building things users want. I believe these insights will be relevant to scaling a DAO.

I began working for Gitcoin in early 2019 when the userbase was growing but we were still exploring the right product market fit. I ended up joining and eventually leading the hackathon and virtual events team, where we grew our community, expanded offerings, and increased revenue by an order of magnitude. I eventually transitioned to spend more of my time focusing on grants/QF, and have shifted into a role where I help lead the Gitcoin Grants Ecosystem Round operations. Weā€™ve grown the number of ecosystem rounds from 1 in GR11 to 14 in GR14, in less than a year.

Iā€™ve worn many hats in my time at Gitcoin between biz dev, operations, marketing, product, support, dev rel, sales, and more, but every role was focused on growing Web3 communities and funding meaningful work. I have a deep understanding of the Gitcoin platform, community, and mission. I plan to do my best to ensure the success of Gitcoin, our DAO, and our community for years to come!


Here goes nothingā€¦
Gitcoin Username: @GTChase
Eth Address: chayz.eth (0x748dF7c92687A7acA7c1ac81b1cDC2A3995581b9)
Discord Handle: ChaseADragan#8602
Twitter: GTChas3

Statement of Intention:
I am believer that Ethereum (the blockchain) is one of, if not one of the most important technological advancements our world is fortunate to have seen. Gitcoinā€™s purpose and essential intents highlight what it looks like to realize the potential of Ethereum and the blockchain to make a positive sum impact in this world.

I also am a believer that the future of how we work together, our identities/reputations will continue to be decentralized and digitized (empowered by the blockchain). GitcoinDAO is leading from the front with how we have structured our self in a DAO native way and the products we build to empower this transition.

These are the reasons that make me so passionate about being a contributor at GitcoinDAO, and why I want to become even more active in fulfilling our purpose and essential intents by becoming an additional node in the stewards that help us get there.

Qualifications / Skills:

  • Joined GPC in December '21 allowing myself to work on the core cProducts that got Gitcoin to where it is today. Providing me deep historical context
  • Transitioned to Moonshot Collective as a work stream lead in April, which has allowed me to be apart of the inner-workings of the DAO. Building valuable technology that helps contribute directly to our Essential Intents
  • My role within the DAO requires me to often coordinate across our many different workstreams. Which in return paints a macro picture of what all is going on within the DAO
  • 6+ years of product management to ensure the planning and execution of products that solve key business and user problems across a variety of industries and market+company sizes

The intersection of my statement of intention and experiences/skillset is what empowers me to be here and help steward GitcoinDAO to empower communities to fund their shared needs.


Gitcoin Username:
Eth Address: michellema.eth (0x49d57D1d21D8DF85AEd13225c27C9809C59018C9)
Discord Handle: michelle_ma#8719
Twitter: @musingsbymima

Statement of Intention:
Working at Gitcoin these past couple of months as a PM in the Gitcoin Product Collective has been one of the most meaningful and fulfilling experiences of my career to date, and I would be honored to dedicate my time and energy towards being a steward of GitcoinDAO. In doing so, I hope to support GitcoinDAO in actualizing its purpose to empower communities to fund their shared needs, starting with the development and adoption of the Grants 2.0 protocol.

Qualifications / Skills:

  • Joined GPC as a Product Manager in April 2022, and have been leading product for Grant Hub within our Grants 2.0 protocol suite
  • 2+ years working in product management - spent the first 1.5 years out of college as an Associate Product Manager at Yahoo, building out B2B (Targeting & Identity) & B2C products (Yahoo Finance). Prior to Yahoo, I was a student at Swarthmore College, where I studied Computer Science & Philosophy.
  • Involved in various mission-aligned web3 communities, such as: kernel (KB4), verses, and pactDAO
  • I am personally very interested in learning more about the intersection of web3 & care ā€“ specifically how web3 can enable us to practice self-care, community care, & structural care. This is a topic I hope to explore more in my newsletter (and soon to be Mirror publication), Tech Care

Cant imagine a better steward.


Gitcoin Username: @epowell101
ETH Address: epowell101.eth
Discord Handle: epowell101#7717
Twitter: @epowell101

Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining

I deeply care about Gitcoin and its mission. I have a lot of experience that I use to regularly contribute to Gitcoin as a well-informed steward and instigator of the OpenData Community.

Raised by civil rights activists, Iā€™ve always had a healthy disrespect for authority and an appreciation for the community building that change requires.

Along the way I was an early board member of the Earth Island Institute, nurturing ā€œpublic goodsā€ using the tools we had at that time. I was invited into that role thanks to my work helping to grow one of the first large dual or triple bottom line companies in San Francisco, then known as Working Assets.

Fast forward many years and I became one of the more prolific creators of open-source infrastructure projects and their sponsoring companies as a 4x founding CEO. And then, inspired in no small part by Gitcoin, I pulled the ripcord and shifted to web3 in 2021.

In the Fall of 2022 I became an active part-time contributor to Gitcoin - focusing on open data. As explained on the Gitcoin Forum here the OpenData Community can help Gitcoin achieve its essential intents by decentralizing the analysis & potentially the tools themselves necessary for public goods funding to flourish.

I am also thankful to be a public goods operator in the metagovernance DAO, Wildfire. Via this collaboration, I work with colleagues who are active in governance and governance design across the breadth of web3, from ENS to Bankless and from Optimism and Aave, DAO Haus, and elsewhere. I introduced Wildfire to our Gitcoin forums here:

I intend to be an experienced, analytical, and compassionate voice as a steward. As an example, in November of 2022 I asked the hard question in public about whether we are collectively spending too much given inherent risks and the macro environment. This Forum post became one of the most active during the period and has led to a healthy level of introspection.

Qualifications / skills:

  • Metagovernance professional
  • More than 20 years of experience as a board member, founder, and individual contributor of for-profit and non-profit organizations
  • Active contributor in Forums and as a leader of OpenData Hackathon and Community

I am a peer of @epowell101 in WildfireDAO. We work together as core operators in the Public Goods working group where Gitcoin is one of the projects we support.

I can attest to epowell101ā€™s commitment to public goods and his expertise and knowledge in the area of metagovernance and public goods. Iā€™ll also add that he is great to work with, is conscientious, and follows through on responsibilities. He would be a great steward for Gitcoin.


Also extremely supportive of @epowell101 becoming a Steward. Lives and breathes Gitcoinā€™s core values & is committed to itā€™s mission.


Gitcoin Username: @kriak-eth
ETH Address: @kriak.eth
Discord Handle: Mike Kriak#1516
Twitter: @mkriak

Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining

My apologies for not introducing myself sooner! As part of ConsenSys Mesh, I was honored to help the team with the spin-out of Gitcoin and with the launch of the DAO. While Iā€™ve been voting since the launch of the DAO, I havenā€™t commented directly in the discourse here. Looking to change that.

I deeply believe in the plural, growing voices that shape DAOs. Iā€™m very luck to be a part of RugRadioDAO, c0c0DAO, ReadyPlayerDAO and DarkHorseDAO as well as on the board of ConsenSys Software Inc, 3Box/Ceramic, Community Gaming and Allinfra to name a few, all of whom are in some shape or fashion exploring DAOs. Iā€™ve worked as Kernel mentor and as an active Tachyon mentor and have helped 15 or so projects spin-out of ConsenSys.

My goal here is to listen, exchange learnings, and actively participate on what I think will be the best outcome for the greater Gitcoin community. I can think of no better nexus in web3 than Gitcoin that brings funding to shared outcomes.

Iā€™m very excited about the evolution of Grants 2.0 as well as Passport. From the start cracking sybil resistance and identity is core to web3. Gitcoin is leading that charge.

Qualifications /skills

  • decentralized operations and finance focusing on helping founders on strategy, product market fit, business planning and capital raising.

  • active in the evolving governance and decision making in the DAOs mentioned above.

  • Gitcoin Username

  • ETH Address

  • Discord Handle (optional)

  • Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining
    For the entirety of my career Iā€™ve been focused on fulfilling an inherent need to improve the state of the world. I aim to die being proud of my work, and discovered early on that the highest leverage path to achieve that aim is to simply democratize access to the tools, capital, and networks that unlock prosperity for individuals. As a result of that focus, I found myself working in economic development, startups, and for the past five years, blockchain technologies at ConsenSys / Mesh. Contributing to Gitcoin is a natural next step as I aim to further the impact I make personally, and contribute to the collective impact being made through token networks.

  • Your Web3 Qualifications / Skills
    I currently serve as a Partner at ConsenSys Mesh where I focus on token networks, DAOs, and the Mesh investment portfolio of 170+ positions. Iā€™m also an angel investor, board director, and advisor to early-stage web3 technology companies. Previously I led Client Services at Live Grey, served on the innovation and global business development teams at IPG Mediabrands, and co-founded Propeller, an impact-driven coworking space and business incubator in New Orleans. Iā€™m an alumnus of the World Economic Forum Global Shapers, hold a BS in Applied Economics, am an amateur programmer, and in my spare time I design impractical three-dimensional art.


Gitcoin Username: shawn16400
ETH Address: 0xAE6Ef687e55ccd6EC96d2BF6E67FA51819193AFD
Discord Handle: shawn16400#5507
Twitter: @shawnlgrubb

Find below my intention to become a Gitcoin Steward

Statement of Intention:
I believe web3 and DAOs are these generations best chance at changing the world. When I compare traditional business with Web3, itā€™s clear to me that the advantages of web3 are different than traditional business (efficiency, first mover, price, quality, scale, etc.). Web3 can replace parts of traditional business, but we have to play the game differently. Web3 has the ability to activate passionate contributors who are united in purpose, it can source talent from a global resource pool, and it can build on the shared successes of peers and competitors as we eliminate zero-sum competition. That is where DAOs can thrive.

Itā€™s not going to be all bunny rabbits, butterflies and sunshine. There are some really hard challenges in front of us an chief among those challenges is NOT letting ourselves fall into old habits. There are some solid business tools that we can use in the DAO, but I argue here that we have to use those models judiciously. If we keep doing what we did, we will keep getting what we got. And ainā€™t nobody got time for that.

My principles for web3 are best summarize as the following:

Hats off to for the starting point. When I vote, I follow the principles above.

Your Web3 Qualifications / Skills:
I come to web3 from traditional business background in project/program/portfolio management in supply chain and IT, but spent my last few years in general management. I was introduced to the blockchain in 2015 in traditional business, but we pulled the plug on that project when the ā€œpublicā€ part became clear. I was started trading crypto in 2017, and mostly bailed out before the market crash in 2018. In 2020 jumped back into crypto as a technical analyst and swing trader. After a year of trading full time, I got bored of charts, momentum, and divergence and started to go deep on token fundamentals and that is when the DAO model really caught my attention. I joined the Index Coop as a contributor 2021 and in early 2022 I was leading Governance Communications and I picked up responsibility for the Human Capital and Culture Pod as well. I rant/write about DAO thing here and mostly post boomer-memes and governance-themes here.

And, I have a keen interest in harnessing the scary power of metagovernance. Treasury diversification paired with metagovernace can be interesting driver for the web3 ethos.