Introducing Stewards Governance

Hi @a-jwc,

I hope you are doing well! Thanks for showing up your interest around GitcoinDAO!

I would be interested to discuss with you since I am looking for a Data Scientist to contribute with us.


Gitcoin Username

ETH Address: 0xC9a238405ef9D753D55EC1EB8F7A7b17B8d83E63
ENS: huxwell.eth

Discord Handle
Huxwell | Cali #2172

Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining

Iā€™m very interested in supporting open source projects in a sustainable way, and I think the decentralization of Gitcoin opens the door to many new possibilities for collaboration, such as co-creation and thus co-ownership of projects :

  • where people are rewarded for their added value
  • where a share of the profits flows back into public goods by supporting other projects with similar values/missions
  • and where everyone has a say (e.g. voting on features, priorities, etc.)

Your Web3 Qualifications / Skills:

I have 4 years of professional experience in software engineering and my hobbies are primarily around learning web3, security, devops/infrastructure and sharing knowledge.

My side projects were primarily focused on education and Iā€™m currently working on a project to decentralize Gitcoin quests.

I became an active Gitcoin DAO contributor in early September 2021, joining :

  • The FDD Workstream, I worked on improving the Notion by creating templates that can be used by other workstreams as well as migrating the current knowledge base to a Gitbook space.
  • I joined the Moonshot Collective, and contributed to Quadratic Diplomacy to implement gasless voting and also helped improve the Notion and the onboarding workflow.


  • Product : Interaction design, Figma, Excalidraw, Lucid Chart, Miro, Agile/Scrum, Jira, Trello, ZenHub
  • Front-end : HTML, CSS/SASS/JSS, JS, TS, React, NextJS, emotion & styled-components, State management libraries, Apollo
  • Back-end : NodeJS, NoSQL/SQL, REST APIs, GraphQL, Serverless Framework, NestJS, TypeORM, Sequelize, Mongoose, PostgreSQL
  • Web 3 : Hardhat, Web3.js, Ceramic, IDX, Solidity, ipfs-js,,, Chainlink & Subgraph development basics
  • DevOps : AWS EC2/Lambda/S3/RDS, GCP, Terraform, GitLab CI, Docker

Username: amazingang
ETH Address: 0x3317AD9eDa6942b5a7BE5BA83346C0Ea82C3C26C
Discord Handle - 0xAA#2040
Statement of Intention: Hello I am a Ph.D. student in computational neuroscience in PKU and a web3 developer. I value the building of web3 infrastructure and want to help it through Gitcoin DAO. I participated in building the Gitcoin China, including participating in weekly AMA held by Bob Jiang, introducing Grants and Bounties to community members in WeChat, and shilling GitcoinDAO in social media (I have 20k followers in WeiBo). I am willing to be a part of Moonshot Collectives and build more utilities for GitcoinDAO and Web3. I want to become steward that would represent interest of GTC holders in China.

Your Web3 Qualifications / Skills: I lead the tech branch of the blockchain association in PKU and won the wxblockchain hackathon in 2021. I can write python, solidity (smart contract), and html/css/js. Also, I am familiar with machine learning, including reinforcement learning and deep learning.


Username: RAZGA

ETH Address: 0xb62E762Af637b49Eb4870BCe8fE21bffF189e495

Discord Handle: ZER8šŸ§ #9093

Statement of Intention: My name is Popescu Razvan Matei and I am a telecomm/electronics engineer and creative builder from Romania, although in the last few years I kinda became a decentralized citizen. I became an engineer to try to build systems that can help the world not the other way around and I really think that web3 is the future and the collaborative economy has arrived through it. I guess that the transition to Gitcoin DAO is just a natural step for every creative engineer :smiley:

A must watch video: The Third Industrial Revolution: A Radical New Sharing Economy - YouTube

My short and inspirational web3 story:
Joined 1Hive in 2020, contributed a lot as a creative/builder and from marketing, support and onboarding standpoint. I had the public goods ā€œcliqueā€ because of 1Hive.
My efforts in 1Hive and the TEC were noticed by one of the Gitcoin Stewards and he later invited me to join Gitcoinā€™s FDD Grant Review Squad in August 2021. I knew about, donated and contributed to Gitcoin since 2020, even created a grant for my local artist community, but Iā€™ve never thought that I could have the chance to actually contribute to Gitcoin DAO itself and in the web3 frenzy between(2020-2022) it never crossed my mind.

Now, after a year in Gitcoin DAO I can honestly say I am very happy to be part of this amazing environment in which all the people involved have such an amazing growth oriented, inclusive mindset and regen mindset. Becoming a Gitcoin Steward is a natural step I would like to take!

Your Web3 Qualifications / Skills:

Technical: Engineering approach in everything I do. I focus more on being on top of the technology trends rather than a specific tool or software. Matlab, GUIs, Canoe, Testing.

Management: Lead small teams remote and in field for three (under 50 employees) companies. I like to add a creative twist when leading small teams. Design thinking advocate with a focus on decentralized operations for the past 2 years.

Marketing: Experience in community building and inclusive growth marketing/hacking, social media marketing and memetics. Skilled in product marketing. Decent writer: HOW TO AGAVE 1: STAKING. A lending protocol created in aā€¦ | by ZER8 | AgaveFinance | Medium )

Creative: I love painting, designing and focus on conscious fashion in my spare time. Experienced in Illustrator, GIMP, aesthetics, fashion and creative direction. I love GUI and am always on top of the latest creative trends.

I joined the regen space in early 2020 and contributed to 1Hive, TEC, UMA, SuperUMAns, Agave and a couple of other smaller DAOs.
DAOs in which I am an active contributor:

Launched the NFBees

Mission/Objectives: My personal goals are to ensure that creatives, builders and all people can actually use these new tools to improve life and help create a better present+ future for everyone. The third industrial revolution is here and we need to ensure that everybody at least has equal access to the next evolution of the web(equal opportunity is still far away) all while trying to preserve itā€™s security and values!

My work in the the FDD and Gitcoin DAO in the past year:

Present lead of GIA, FDD. In GR12, GR13 I was the Grant Eligibility lead and in GR14 I became the GIA initiative lead.

  • Lead the team that reviewed, approved and helped ensure credible neutrality in the grants program for the past 3 rounds (GR12, GR13, GR14)
  • Since GR11 I helped save over 300k$ in matching funds due to the grants investigated and over 1m $ total along with the GIA team( @David_Dyor being my co-detective)
  • Operated and resolved appeals/disputes and everything related to grant eligibility along with Gops and FDD
  • Co-organized Memepalooza VII (Kudos @Fred and MMM)
  • Spreading the word about Gitcoin daily :slight_smile:
  • Enforcing credible neutrality in the Gitcoin Grants program

Got the airdrop, joined the DAO, but I didnā€™t get the vibe in the beginning. Thanks to @David_Dyor for opening my eyes wrt to Gitcoin! Thanks to @DisruptionJoe for being an amazing leader and mentor for the FDD :robot:


Hey all. - So excited to be here now that I have left my role at Gitcoin Holdings

  • Gitcoin Username: kweiss

  • ETH Address: kbw.eth

  • Discord Handle (optional): kbw#1246

  • Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining:
    Gitcoin has been my passion for over the last year+. I have loved pushing and extending public goods funding, being part of our DAO launch, and seeing the workstreams take shape. I would love to be a steward to continue this trend of engagement and mentorship when that is requested of me. I am already working in the DAO Ops workstream and am very excited to be partnered with the community in achieving our mission.

  • Your Web3 Qualifications / Skills:
    I have help spin Gitcoin our of ConsenSys, capitalize the core team, launch the DAO, and now requesting to be a steward in the community as well. Fun fact, I wrote some of the prysmatic labs docs prior to beacon chain launch, and have been plugged into FWB, BanklessDAO, Index and other communities in my spare time.

I would love to move closer to governance, and participate in more of our discussions in the coming weeks and months.


Gitcoin Username DisruptionJoe

ETH Address disruptionjoe.eth

Discord Handle DisruptionJoe | Gitcoin #6464

Statement of Intention

I did not sign up as a Steward from the start because I was on the Gitcoin Holdings team when the token was launched. I was the first person to leave the core team to work exclusively on the DAO and be paid only by the DAO.

After 2 full seasons leading the Fraud Detection & Defense workstream, we now have the FDD-OS v1.0 which has a purpose of removing the workstream lead role from existing. During season 13 I will still maintain a veto right over our new source council. My intention is to let go completely before Season 15.

During the next couple of seasons, I will be participating and paid like any other FDD Source Council member. As we move towards my removal, I will use veto power and authority sparingly. I intend to equip the workstream with a clear essential intent aligning them with the rest of Gitcoin. I intend to leave them with good processes and cadence for synchronizing behind their process and knowing when to change the process itself.

When I am no longer the FDD workstream lead, I intend to remain a source council member for at least a couple more seasons. I intend to lead a few squads which can grow into their own workstreams. I also intend to participate across the DAO in other workstreams with some of the time I will have freed from the FDD responsibilities.

This is my why:

Web 3 Qualification/Skills

Founder of Chicago Blockchain Project meetup in 2017. Founder of Voice of Blockchain conference in 2018. Coached/Consulted/Advised over 100 blockchain based startups.

Hired by Gitcoin in September 2020 for Growth Marketing. Directed Grants operations during rounds 8, 9, and 10. First GH employee to leave the company and work for the DAO full time.

GitcoinDAO - FullTime
PadawanDAO - Jedi Advisor
MetaCartel - Inactive Member
FWB - Inactive Member
Meta Gamma Delta - Inactive Member


+vouch great guy with an incredible breadth of experience


A great guy, daily I learn from him and his leadership skills.



Gitcoin Username: Fishbiscuit
ETH Address: 0x0CF30daf2Fb962Ed1d5D19C97F5f6651F3b691c1
ENS: fishbiscuit.eth
Discord handle: QZ#6600

Statement of Intent: I believe we do not have enough Public Goods which has led us down a path of increasing centralisation of our internet (what I consider a collective space). DAOs got me started on Web3 - reading Colonyā€™s whitepaper piqued my curiosity, and Colonyā€™s Gitcoin bounty was my first contribution back in 2018. GitcoinDAO is the perfect amalgamation of the Web3 values that I would like to see and it has been a great pleasure and honour of mine being a part of the DAOā€™s workstreams.
Being a Steward would be a great way for me to serve GitcoinDAO in a greater capacity.

Web3 Qualifications:

Research work:

Work at Tribe:

  • creating and delivering material on blockchain education
  • ecosystem building for Singapore on blockchain
  • blockchain accelerator program planning and design
  • growing student communities with blockchain clubs

DAO work:

  • writing for Bankless (1, 2, 3)
  • ScribeDAO (1, 2, and many more)
  • DreamDAO - Notion, workshops, being a Champion
  • Rabbithole Pathfinder on Content

GitcoinDAO work:

  • built out GitcoinDAOā€™s notion
  • first memepalooza
  • Public Goods workstream coordination for the public library, twitter spaces, onboarding contributors, and ops

Gitcoin Username: sidcode
ETH Address: 0xd0ef3a2Ae7Fb496C0897400f1be46693B6183B0a
ENS: sidcode.eth
Discord handle: sidcode#1729

Statement of Intent: The open request for public goods got me started with DAOs, and especially GitcoinDAO. I have been helping contribute to open source software since 2014.

I intend to understand the health, wealth, and truth of our commons which I shared about at length in CommonsWTH- a talk I gave at the Governauts Rewards Research initiative. I love studying public goods through multiple aspects of society - technology, economics, culture, and policy. To that end, I have been contributing to various initiatives such as-

  • GitcoinDAO (Public Goods workstream as a librarian, organizing community, building coordination tools at MMM (Memes, Merch, Marketing) and Moonshot Collective.
  • KERNEL Steward involved in the mutualistic co-evolution of KERNEL with GitcoinDAO to build communities of care,
  • Token Engineering Commons (via the Governauts Rewards Research program till Feb 2022),
  • Complexity Weekend (a community of practice to facilitate applied complexity projects. This is where I learned about the Commons Stack in the first place and became a part of the Trusted Seed),
  • community contributor to build a network state,
  • Helping steward DWeb nodes and local communities in Singapore to design techforgood, such as

I helped moderate a session with Griff Green in our GitcoinDAO Public Library call as well as helped facilitate a twitter spaces call with him (with the help of Alisha, Lani, and others).

As a Steward, I intend to understand the needs of other stewards via the Stewards council and build better tools and processes to improve the DAO.

GitcoinDAO work:

  • coordinating tech projects as an MMM lead with Brittney and Fred.
  • helped build to make DAO onboarding easier.
  • helped build our memeshot: and co-facilitating Memepalooza 1-6.
  • Initiated partnerships with Karma to improve our steward health reporting.
  • Public Goods workstream contributor where I help find speakers for the weekly Public Library calls, ā€˜Public Goods are Goodā€™ twitter spaces.
  • helping Gitcoin Grants teams from FDD in GR12 and GR13 with Sybil hunting
  • contributing to the inaugral DAO Workers Report w/ Gitcoin and Bankless via the Moonshot Collective.

More details:
Thank you for reading this!


Full support for the recent steward requests. Bring them in!

Disruption Joe

The Dao is a better place because these folks care. I support their candidacy to be a Gitcoin Dao Steward. Thanks for all your efforts folks.


Gitcoin Username: dschlabach

ETH Address: schlabach.eth

Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining
Iā€™m excited about Gitcoinā€™s mission of advancing public goods and supporting open source software. Part of the reason I was able to start contributing to Llama is thanks to funding from Gitcoin. In the past, I was active in the independent maker space; one of the problems that people faced was a lack of financial support to help them realize their ideas. Gitcoin can help change this dynamic and give people the opportunity to build innovative new public goods.

Iā€™d like to become a Gitcoin Steward so I can help advance Gitcoinā€™s mission through productive use of the treasury. Prior to becoming involved in crypto, I worked at a university endowment and helped manage large pools of capital. With proper management, Gitcoinā€™s treasury is a valuable asset that can be used to grow the public goods ecosystem.

Your Web3 Qualifications / Skills
Iā€™ve been contributing to Llama since May 2021 and have been Community Lead there since December 2021. While at Llama, Iā€™ve worked on several projects with partner DAOs, including Gitcoinā€™s $15 million Treasury Diversification. Llama has worked with Aave, Uniswap, Gitcoin, FWB, and other notable communities. I also wrote Easy DeFi, a weekly blog that used simple language to help beginners learn about crypto and DeFi.


Statement of Intention

Iā€™m most interested in the opportunity Gitcoin has to scale new methods for funding public goods. I think blockchain-based quadratic funding has the potential to change the way we allocate resources to goods we all benefit from (on and offline).

I also care about bringing additional mission-aligned people into the community.

Qualifications / Skills

I bring over ten years of economic development, housing, and management experience to my role in Gitcoin. So far in my career, Iā€™ve supported teams and projects in planning for the future based on the resources available today.

I began my web3 journey 2+ years ago as a Ethereum Foundation DevCon Scholar. Through that program I developed a deeper understanding of the technology, and a strong appreciation for its potential to change the way we work and support communities.

I joined the Operations workstream in February as a lead, and Iā€™m excited for the opportunity to help build the team to be responsive to the needs of the DAO, while remaining decentralized in approach.

User Name: Jodi_GitcoinDAO

Eth address: 0x43a70AB0D5Beb7C09f974630FBC56E601F28aA32


(repost due to technical difficulties)

  • Gitcoin Username: blazingthirdeye
  • ETH Address: 0x59AE7f21D18b2F5fDC7a99c4fd6dD9E67Cec0Bc9
  • My Twitter: @blazingthirdeye
    *Discord Username: David (please DYORā€¦)#4116

Intention/Reasons for Joining:

I want to help steward Gitcoin because my values align with their values. I am getting concerned by the proliferation of greed in the digital asset space. When I first started participating in cryptocurrency I was immediately impressed by the potential to move the world in the direction of better justice, equality and wealth distribution. Instead I am seeing hints of the opposite. Wealth getting concentrated in the same areas, economic instability is occurring in many countries, and crypto is getting banned in some countries while being embraced in others. I think such things are happening because the digital asset space is being adopted as a runaway casino in which people want to get rich fast then exit the space.

I believe the way to prevent this is by fundamentally changing the principals that digital assets are built on and distributed by. I am also a Trusted Seed at the Common Stack and a member of 1hive Dao. I was part of a universal basic income project utilizing algorithmic stablecoins until it sadly ceased operations. Becoming a Gitcoin Steward will empower me to help change the course of crypto for the better.


Gitcoin Username smacman

ETH Address seanmac.eth

Discord Handle seanmac #4517

Twitter Handle smacmannis

Statement of Intention

I joined Gitcoin Holdings as Marketing Lead in August 2021. Iā€™ve now led marketing for Gitcoin Holdings for the past 7 months and have progressively increased my involvement in the MMM workstream within the Gitcoin DAO over the past 4 months, including serving as the Workstream Lead.

For background, the goal of the MMM Workstream is to increase the awareness, engagement, and impact of Gitcoin, its Workstreams and its mission. We accomplish this by building sustainable channels, campaigns & content. If weā€™re successful, we will help establish Gitcoin as the worldā€™s preeminent community of web3 builders, building for the public good. While weā€™ve been a workstream since July of 2021, near the start of the GitcoinDAO, weā€™re still quite early in this journey. Weā€™re building meta-public goods here so the sky is the limit!

My current responsibilities as Workstream Lead include setting the direction for the MMM team, creating organizational structure, leading strategy & managing our budget, all of which are performed in collaboration with the other members of the MMM core team, other GitcoinDAO workstream leads, and the community-at-large.

My goal for becoming a steward is to serve the mission of Gitcoin to the best of my abilities, including but not limited to fulfilling the MMM mission delineated above, creating a leading protocol/impact DAO, and generally building dynamic & innovative systems that allow humans to thrive.

Web 3 Qualification/Skills

  • Hired by Gitcoin in August 2021 to lead Marketing
  • Consulting for Blockchain Club at Dartmouth College
  • On Grants committee in Bankless-affiliated DAOPunks NFT community
  • Occasional participant and lurker (itā€™s market research!) in far too many DAOs including Crypto, Culture & Society, Decentraliens, Bankless, DAO Masters, JUMP, Cabin, Mirror, Seed Club & more.

Selected publications:

  1. Gitcoin Blog
    Grants Round 13: Round Results & Recap, Announcing Grants Round 13, Tally Ho Plans First Gitcoin Aqueduct, Gitcoin 2021 Year in Review, Polygon Creating Ecosystem Match Pool, Polygon Commits $1 Million for Public Goods, How Uniswap Grants Program & Gitcoin Partnered to Distribute Ecosystem Funds
  2. Gov Forum
    MMM Season 13 budget request, contributor tiers, product marketing at Gitcoin
  3. Medium: Say ā€œI Quitā€ ā€” but Do It for the Right Reasons, How to Make Time & Money Work for You

Gitcoin Username: freddmannen
ETH Address: 0xA1E4A14363B3ba2c1D49e1eeBE5fa21e25E4ed1D
Discord handle: Fred.#5650

Statement of Intent:
After almost a year at Gitcoin I am incredibly excited to officially become a Steward and continue my work in the DAO. The concept of DAOs is what got me interested in Ethereum to begin with and I am thrilled to become a Steward in the most impactful DAO in the space. Through my stewardship I wish to empower the Gitcoin community, guide us towards our common vision, and increase our impact in the world.

Web3 Qualifications / Skills:
After a handful of years into the Ethereum rabbithole I know my way around several communities and have a good understanding of the ecosystem. At Gitcoin Iā€™ve co-lead of the MMM Workstream together with @seedphrase since June ā€˜21. Organizing a Workstream of 20-30 active contributors for almost a year has improved my project management and organization skills substantially. Beside MMM Iā€™m also part of various cross-workstream groups and initiatives. Iā€™m very passionate about growing our community and our impact, as well as improving our governance processes more broadly.


Reposting with updates and edits: link to original post.

Gitcoin Username: @jodicee4pg
Twitter: @0xJodiCee
Discord: Jodi | Gitcoin#1775
Eth address: 0x43a70AB0D5Beb7C09f974630FBC56E601F28aA32

Statement of Intention

Iā€™m most interested in the opportunity Gitcoin has to scale new methods for funding public goods. I think blockchain-based quadratic funding has the potential to change the way we allocate resources to goods we all benefit from (on and offline).

I also care about bringing additional mission-aligned people into the community.

Qualifications / Skills

I bring over ten years of economic development, housing, and management experience to my role in Gitcoin. So far in my career, Iā€™ve supported teams and projects in planning for the future based on the resources available today.

I began my web3 journey 2+ years ago as a Ethereum Foundation DevCon Scholar. Through that program I developed a deeper understanding of the technology, and a strong appreciation for its potential to change the way we work and support communities.

I joined the Operations workstream in February as a lead, and Iā€™m excited for the opportunity to help build the team to be responsive to the needs of the DAO, while remaining decentralized in approach.


Statement of intent/ my values and reason for joining: Iā€™m currently a Gitcoin contributor on the public goods workstream focused on onboarding web2 funders into the grants program. Iā€™m passionate about both public goods and how we fund them; the good laws, libraries, parks and open source that surrounds us is the architecture of how we live well, and currently we do not have enough novel funding mechanisms.

What web3 qualifications/skills I have: While Iā€™ve only been in web3 for maybe a year, Iā€™ve been able to leverage my long-term background as a community builder and grantmaker/investor to contribute to projects like Filecoin foundation for the decentralized web and Crypto, Culture and Society. Especially, Iā€™ve been able to bring in many web2 skeptics who do not see the flourishing regen communities that exist from outside of the crypto space. I have a deep network in many worlds, am a board member/steward with 6+ years experience helping organisations navigate scale.


Gitcoin Username: [@kevinrolsen | Gitcoin)
Twitter: @kevinrolsen
Discord: kevin.olsen#8319
Eth address: kevinolsen.eth 0x4Be88f63f919324210ea3A2cCAD4ff0734425F91

Statement of Intention

Iā€™ve been working with the GPC as an engineering leader since December 21, while Iā€™ve had some web3 experience prior to this, and have been watching DAOs with interest for years, Gitcoin has really been the opportunity for me to go down the rabbit hole. I love the vision of Gitcoin, and the essential intents, and personally, Iā€™m thrilled that weā€™ve aligned on our Grants 2 roadmap, weā€™re shipping product, and can finally say weā€™re achieving our mission to decentralize ourselves.

Through my experience here to date, Iā€™ve grown to appreciate the work the DAO does to seek the balance between ambition and focus. I hope to be able to represent engineeringā€™s needs and voice within the DAO governance process and accelerate our transition into being as much a protocol DAO as we are a social/impact DAO.

Qualifications / Skills

Iā€™ve been in Engineering and Leadership roles for 16 years (:flushed: I had to look that up), helping to build software but over time more to build teams. Iā€™ve worked across both large and small organizations, directly and externally in those years. And while I love the craft of engineering, I think my specialization has been as a facilitator, building interfaces with other groups, and creating environments where good engineering can happen. I believe in collaboration, facilitation, and group sense-making, and would welcome the chance to do that as a Steward in the DAO.

  • Gitcoin Username @lthrift
  • ETH Address lthrift.eth 0xbe368cc284A8303Ae4C76A1870d897cfEE2B0812
  • Discord Handle lthrift#8111
    Twitter @thrift_lindsey

Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining
Formally educated in social work and intercultural studies, I have been on a path of continual learning and discovering how social causes can be most meaningfully impacted. My professional journey has led me to develop highly effective skills in software development while maintaining my core alignment around doing work that contributes to the ability for people to thrive. Gitcoinā€™s mission to fund public goods through the development of novel, effective mechanisms for distributing capital is a powerful intersection of my skills and passions.

I joined Gitcoin Holdings in September 2021 as the Product Management leader and have been continuously building context and integration with the DAO as we have sought to decentralize the technology and the team. My intention in seeking DAO stewardship is to continue to integrate into the collective community such that we build the Grants 2.0 protocol and workstream in tight alignment.

Qualifications / Skills
I bring 10+ years of experience across entrepreneurship education, small business financing, product management, and software delivery consulting to Gitcoin. I have served on loan review boards (assessing business plan viability to make funding decisions), built teams for on-going sustainable execution, and been accountable for ensuring mission critical projects were planned and executed effectively. These unique experiences give me perspective to deeply understand how to assess viability of ideas, continuously buy down risks, and execute at the intersection of organizational strategy and software development. Iā€™d value the opportunity to help steward the Gitcoin DAO to realizing its mission of empowering communities to fund their shared needs.