GitcoinDAO Digest - Edition #24
Weekly highlights and hot topics from the GitcoinDAO community
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Welcome to the GitcoinDAO Digest, a community-led publication with TLDR-summaries of the most important discussions and proposals in the GitcoinDAO, along with relevant links for further reading! Without further ado, let’s dive in!
Owocki published a series of posts this week after the deactivation of a grant last week. Read to learn more about how GitcoinDAO Stewards govern Gitcoin, and how that might change over time.
Governance via Curation in Gitcoin Grants may be Necessary by Joe aims to “spark conversation, inform the community, and serve as a precursor to a proposal to potentially have steward ratification of the main round being separated from the Ethereum ecosystem rounds at a technical level and their guidance towards governance via curation.”
The Gitcoin Anti-Sybil Flywheel by Owocki explores how Gitcoin could be uniquely positioned to help with sybil resistence in the web3 ecosystem and how the sybil resistance created on Gitcoin could one day be exported to the rest of the ecosystem. Joe added further information and directions to the FDD General channel in Discord and If you would like to join the conversation.
Kevin gave an update on the proposal to Retroactive GTC Allocation to Lead Engineer of Gitcoin Grants V1 as the conversation continues with multiple Stewards providing feedback.
GitcoinDAO Hackathon 2022 by Leon describes how “The Gitcoin Events Team aims to organize the first GitcoinDAO Hackathon. In doing so, we hope to encourage the Gitcoin community, computer and social scientists, and field experts to accelerate the growth of digital public goods. The Gitcoin Events Team invites builders to propose digital technology solutions that make the governance and production of digital public goods and Gitcoin more democratic and accountable.”
Gitcoin Mission & Vision by Simona started a conversation around the “Gitcoin mission and vision for the project in an effort to align and update the trajectory & the purpose of this DAO” and proposes a “crystallised goal and modus operandi”.
2/17 ETH DENVER event by Huntfrye11 is a proposal to fund GitcoinDAO activities at ETHDenver 2022 with 4363 GTC to fund ETHDenver Cypher Sponsorship, SporkDAO Retroactive Rewards and Event Planning & Admin.
GitcoinDAO Governance Overview

Workstream Discussion
Public Goods Funding
Public Goods Are Good: PGF Q1 Budget Request posted by @ceresstation requests 90k GTC for Q1 to forward the workstream mission to “help increase the interest in public goods within the web3, and to increase the funding for and the usage of quadratic funding based systems”.
Grants Round 12 officially exceeded $5m in funds raised across all rounds, the largest ever. Thanks to everyone who pitched in to make it a huge success!
Our first two DAO partnerships have passed on Snapshot for DeveloperDAO and PrimeDAO
Alisha and Lani hosted three episodes of the “Public Goods Are Good”-Twitter spaces last week. If you would like to listen back to an episode they will be up on Twitter for 30 days after recording. Three new episodes scheduled for this last week of GR12 before we continue on with the 1/weekly schedule. Recordings can be found here:
Initial conversations around the Public Library + Crypto Culture and Society collaboration is starting to take place later this week!
Moonshot Collective
Yesterday (Tuesday 12/14) was the LAST DAY of The GreatestLARP. Colton also gave an update on The GreatestLARP in the forum thread.
Thanks to the help of our amazing community, The GreatestLARP raised over $500K for public goods.
Decentralize Gitcoin
This new dGrants dashboard shows key stats for GR12 and will be used for future rounds!
The Gitcoin Building Gitcoin round has received 1385 contributions valued at over $4718 across 39 grants with an average contribution amount of 3.4 DAI
Our workstream held a dGrants workshop which is intended to be the first of a series that goes into a deep dive of the various sections and components of dGrants
We are currently addressing the questions that we have received around a grant determined to be related to a sanctioned country
The DevOps sub-stream is building a VPN service to increase the level of security around our data.
Fraud Detection & Defense (FDD)
- Building the FDD Operating System to restructure and smooth out the governance process as FDD continues its push towards decentralization. A framework for “minimal viable governance” is being worked on by core contributors. This includes councils rather than leads of initiatives.
- Our treasury diversification paid off! $150k USDC was bought over the last 2 weeks. We are now moving into ETH with the down market at parity. Our goal is approximately 50% GTC, 25% ETH, 25% stables (USDC/DAI/RAI)
- We are modeling a non-transferrable governance token for FDD to start examining decision integrity in different models alongside our current processes during Q1 2021. These models will explore the effect of issuance, inflation, voice/conviction, and exit ability as measurements.
- Q4 2021 Budget | Epoch 5 & 6 payments this weekend. FDD is pausing mandatory meetings from 12/21/21 until 1/8/22. Contributors know their Q4 deliverables and will be able to work async or take time off as needed.
Sybil Detection
- Monday the 20th at 3pm UTC (10am EST) - Join our massive, huge, incredible Sybil Defense roadmap event. This is the FDD contribution to the overall Grants Events schedule. Monday the 20th at 3pm UTC (10am EST) - Inviting relevant ecosystem guests
- Three out of five rounds of human evaluations have been completed totaling almost 3k reviews. Our data science squad performed an analysis of results to help us better review in the future rounds.
- We worked with Trueblocks as a contributor to FDD to create onchain data features for our ml algorithm. This will help the community data science group hit their Q4 deliverable of having one onchain feature in the ml pipeline.
- Final run of Blockscience algo to be run Monday afternoon. This is the one that is currently used for addressing the sybil accounts.
- Kevin published The Gitcoin Anti-Sybil Flywheel
Grant Eligibility
- We made a new squad which aptly named itself the Grant Investigation Agency. Tasked with handling the grants disputes using Ethelo software, they talked to stakeholders to criteria for distributed adjudication of grants. This round we will run this process in parallel to the previous review squad model. A post round review will allow us to assign proper weighting to use the system to scale grant approvals and decrease turnaround time for GR13.
- Grants created after Dec 10th will not be approved for this round. Our review squads are now working on the dispute backlog which can be seen at our public Grants Disputes oversight page. Feel free to comment directly on the page!
- TE Governauts DAO Compensation Open Science Program had its halfway event. While GitcoinDAO is not a subject matter, 5 of the FDD researchers are participating in the study of DAO Compensation Models. Event Video
- Growth & Experimentation - This squad is looking at how to define squad/initiative health & creating a playbook for starting new streams & squads. Their Q4 deliverable will be to deliver 3 academic papers focused on the following topics:
- Bottoms Up Approach to Building the Research Stream
- Contributor Life Cycle Analysis
- dReward & Decentralization Review
- Risks & Threats - The study of defending Gitcoin from both sybil attacks and other attacks on Gitcoins legitimacy to produce 3 academic papers include:
- Sybil Profiles Analysis
- Gitcoin: Threats & Vulnerabilities
- Threat Detection in GitcoinDAO
Merch, Memes & Marketing
An update to the Steward Report Cards is underway and scheduled for launch by the end of week. The update greatly improves the APIs that fetch the different metrics displayed. A version 2.0 of the cards with added metrics and features is currently being outlined in collaboration with Simona.
The MMM workstream is working more closely with Gitcoin Holdings design and marketing team. We will present more plans in our upcoming Q1 budget proposal as we look to fully merge early next year.
A GitcoinDAO Primer as well as a couple of infographics are being worked on to help the community visualise the structure of various parts of GitcoinDAO.
Upcoming community events
Join the upcoming Sybil Defense roadmap event on Monday the 20th at 10pm ET hosted by the FDD-Workstream.
Join the Gitcoin team as we discuss the results of GR12 at 2pm ET on Dec 17th at the Gitcoin Grants Round 12 Finale Event.
Drop in on our weekly DAO Vibes & Office Hours w. Kevin Owocki on Wednesdays at 12PM ET in Discord! We have been seeing great attendance and engagement.
Community Onboarding Call! New to Gitcoin? Every other Wednesday we’ll tell you all about how we’re organized and how to become an active contributor. The next one is Monday, December 20, 1:00pm - 2:00pm ET. (If you haven’t applied, do this first!)
New to GitcoinDAO?
Apply to become a member of GitcoinDAO by filling out the application form. To learn more about what the DAO onboarding experience entails, please visit our Notion page.
Have you already applied but have yet to join a Gitcoin Workstream? Start here to learn more about where you might fit in. Current openings across the GitcoinDAO can be found here.
Key actions for this week:
- Vote on the proposal to Redistribute GTC to Individuals Who Could Not Claim Due to Error.
- Donate to your favorite project in GR12 and join us for the Gitcoin Grants Round 12 Finale Event at 2pm ET on Dec 17th.
Thanks for reading!