GG23 Community Rounds Eligibility Criteria

GG23 Community Rounds Eligibility Criteria

The updated Community Round process was first introduced in GG20. For more context, you can read the retrospective, and it is being improved via Gitcoin ‘25 Governance Revamp.

Read the Gitcoin Grants 2025 Proposed Strategy to gain context on changes to GG23 and future rounds that are being implemented.

  • Application Period: Feb 5 - March 2, 2025
  • [NEW]: Round Selection: The Council will vote on the proposals leveraging Grants Ships, a pluralistic approach ensuring Accountability, Capture Resistance, and Progressive Decentralization of the Gitcoin Community Rounds via 100% On-chain Voter Participation; the council will decide on the amount of rounds & how to allocate matching funds depending on the quality of applications received.
  • Funding: There is a total of $150k+ (pending governance approval) from Gitcoin to be allocated across the top selected rounds.
  • Timeline: GG23 is from the last week of March into early April.
  • NOTE: There is a minimum of $5k matching that teams need to raise in order to be eligible to apply.
  • NOTE: If you want to experiment with a different funding mechanism (e.g., Direct Grants, Simple QF, Cluster Matching QF, Tunable QF, Conviction Voting, MACI QF, etc.), include this in your proposal for council review. For more information, visit the Grants Stack Resource Hub.

Eligibility Criteria for GG23 Community Rounds

  1. Team Requirements:
  • Identify at least one experienced* Round Operator and at least two partner team members who will act as reviewers or assist in managing the round.
    1. It is mandatory to have at least one Round Operator on your team who has experience in running rounds on Grants Stack (proof to be provided), or to have gone through training and received a certificate.
    2. If your team has no experienced round operators, you may engage an available experienced round operator from a pool provided by Gitcoin, OR your team needs to undergo training hosted by Gitcoin.
  1. Matching Pool & Proof of Funds:
  • Every round must raise its initial matching pool, with a minimum of $5k raised by the proposed round.
  • Show proof of funds in a multi-sig wallet, similar to how funds are visible in Gitcoin’s multisig.
  • Proof of matching funds and plans for raised funds should be provided by the time applications are reviewed to assist council members.
  1. Mission Alignment:
  • The round must align with one of the following intents:

Helping to advance Gitcoin’s mission & vision

Supporting builders building on top of or integrating with Gitcoin’s tools

Scaling and growing the Ethereum ecosystem

  1. Compliance:
  1. Marketing Plan outlined:
  • All rounds to provide a detailed marketing plan for their round.

Information on Grant Ships

Applications, reviewing and voting will take place on the Grant Ships platform.

Grant Ships is an evolutionary grants framework designed to refine and advance best practices through a dynamic mix of competition, collaboration, and skill-sharing among grant programs. Selected grant programs — known as “Ships” — innovate and engage in a public arena, where they are observed and evaluated by the community and/or designated judges. These assessments set each Ship’s starting position for the next round, rewarding top performers and allowing new Ships to join. This iterative cycle drives continuous innovation, leading to ever-improving strategies and outcomes.

Watch a Youtube short from a Green Pill appearance for more info.

Once applications are live, we will release further instructions and support on how to apply.

Before the Round

  • Preparation:
    • Ensure dedicated owners are driving the responsibilities forward. For smaller first-time rounds, these tasks may fall on the experienced Round Operator.
    • Use Gitcoin’s AI Checker tool for application reviews and consider building a small team to assist the Round Operator.
    • Form an Advisory Team of committed community stakeholders to help generate ideas, gather feedback, and provide support throughout the round.
    • Go through the Gitcoin Grants Canvas to prepare your round with its goals, mission, and design.
    • Familiarize yourself with the details of operating and running a round before considering applying.
  • Round Eligibility Document:
    • Create an eligibility criteria document for project acceptance before fundraising and recruiting grantees to ensure clarity on what qualifies. While this can evolve if needed, the first version should be created before going out and fundraising and recruiting grantees so that it is clear to parties what is eligible & what isn’t for the round.
  • Mission-Critical Areas:
    • Allocate or raise funds for the matching pool.
    • Recruit and onboard grantees using guidance from the Gitcoin Grants Stack tools.

During the Round

  • Marketing:
    • Promote the round effectively. Reminder: Gitcoin merely supports marketing efforts during a round. All Community Rounds are responsible for their own outreach & marketing.
  • Compliance:
    • Undergo KYC if receiving matching funds from Gitcoin. As per Gitcoin’s policy, for any funds +$15k we distribute, parties need to undergo KYC.
  • Support:
    • Support grantees and donors, with dedicated grantee portals, Office Hours, onboarding documentation, etc. Note: if needed, Gitcoin may advise.

After the Round

  • Payouts:
    • Oversee the payout and KYC process (if required) to ensure smooth facilitation and address any issues.
    • Matching funds must be released within 4 weeks of the round ending; delays may result in ineligibility for future rounds.
  • Retrospective:
    • Conduct a retrospective to assess what worked and what can be improved, and share feedback with Gitcoin.
  • Ongoing Support:
    • Continue communication with grantees as needed.

REMINDER: This is the minimum for a viable round. The runbook provided to Round Operators will include much more information about how to run the best possible round.

Community Round Partner Offerings - GG23

Gitcoin’s Agreements:

  • Marketing Support:
    • Round highlighted on our grants website and in announcement posts.
    • Open shill spaces are available for ecosystem rounds and community rounds.
    • Partner logos are featured on the main partner banner on the grants website and in Gitcoin Grants Round emails.
    • Each Community Round will receive access to design assets for the round.
    • Gitcoin will amplify partner posts and provide a marketing best practices handbook.
  • Grant Ops Support:
    • Dedicated Grant Ops team is available for general questions and support.
    • A support group with selected round operators will be set up.

Partner’s Agreements (Non-negotiable):

  • Publish a fleshed-out proposal on the governance forum.
  • The Community Council will vote on proposals, selecting the top 8 and allocating matching funds to the top 5 rounds.
  • Meet all eligibility criteria for running a Community Round.
  • Align donation and application periods with GG23 dates set by Gitcoin.
  • Outline your round’s eligibility criteria.
  • Own marketing, grantee, and donor support for your round.
  • Release a post-round retrospective report within 30 days after the round closes.
  • Complete security training with Gitcoin’s security consultant.
  • Use Gitcoin’s “Checker” tool and provide clear feedback to applicants with a rationale for approval/rejection.


This structured approach will help ensure clarity, compliance, and success in running a Community Round for GG23.


Cool to see the continued evolution of the process and excited to see what communities apply. The GG23 build up begins!

Also excited to announce that CeloPG is planning a ‘matching on matching’ program with up to $25k available across GG23 community rounds that choose to run on Celo.

We would be particularly keen on round proposals from experienced teams that meet at least 1 of the following:

  • Share regen & Celo aligned aims and values
  • Have previous contributions or alignment with Celo
  • Aim to fund people or projects that create value in the Celo ecosystem
  • Utilise USDGLO or Celo’s regional stablecoins (cEUR, cREAL, cCOP etc
) as the payout token.

If you are pulling together a GG23 Community Round proposal and think this could be a fit for your round, please shoot me a dm @montymerlin on Telegram as soon as possible. Thanks:)


love this!

i will also be matching rounds that are related to ethereum localism and localist public goods funding. details here.


one thing we might want to consider if we want to encourage more matching on matching is integrating multiple matching funders into one round application flow
eg insetad of person X applying to gitcoin, then celo, then owocki yolo funds
 allow them to apply to all possible matchers in one fell swoop.


Love the idea, the only thing that makes me caution is the possibility of matching Paypal donations with the matching pool. Please clarify this issue when submitting the proposal. As you might know the use of Paypal in the global south is but a fraction of the use in the global north and that puts us in a disadvantaged position.


I love seeing it every time the community rounds open up for applications, and I’m looking forward to seeing what submissions come in.

Also - shout out to @MontyMerlin and the CeloPG squad for the “matching on matching”

LFG y’all


Loving the band4band energy. In full support of this. I’d also advocate for Celo regional DAOs to experiment community rounds as well. Would be great for the overall ecosystem growth.


Applications are live! View the process here


cool, glad to join. In full support of this. I’d also advocate for Celo regional DAOs to experiment community rounds as well. Would be great for the overall ecosystem growth.


Thank you so much for this Mathilda, I and my team just finished reviewing the full process and are preparing our proposal, will hit back if we have any questions.

1 Like

This is great, thank you Monty, looking forward to this for B<>rder/ess community round.


@MontyMerlin Hi Monty, this is Swift Evo, which we are working to prepare the coming GG23 DeSci community round. We feel interest about the idea of CELO PG “matching on matching”.

I will TG you and would like to know moer details. and this is my TG @swiftevo.