GG22 Community Round Proposal Template

GG22 Community Round Proposal Template

For those who would like to apply to be a community round in GG22, below is the proposal template to work off of and a breakdown of the process. PLEASE NOTE: There is a minimum of $5k in matching required to apply! The Community Council will vote on the proposals; the council will decide on the amount of rounds & how to allocate matching funds depending on the quality of applications received.

  • GG22: October 23 - November 6
    • Ecosystem ‘Spotlight’ Rounds
      • Ecosystem Rounds will have the opportunity to share the stage alongside the OSS rounds.
    • $125k allocated towards matching for top Community Rounds
      • The Community Council will vote on the proposals; the council will decide on the amount of rounds & how to allocate matching funds depending on the quality of applications received.

TL;DR of the process:

To be eligible to run a community round in GG22, each community needs to upload their proposal to our gov forum (with the outlined template below) to the “Gitcoin Grants” section.
After the deadline for proposals, the Community Council will review and vote on which rounds to accept into the round, and how to allocate matching funds from Gitcoin.

Community Round Governance - GG22

Here’s a breakdown of GG22’s governance process and a rundown of how the Council will be involved on the process we will follow to select community rounds:

Week 1: Gitcoin team posts eligibility criteria & agreements to gov forum [Sept 9]

Week 1-2: Community Round partners complete and post their proposal to the gov forum under the category [Gitcoin Grants].

  • Community Round partners to create a proposal that they post on the gov forum.

Week 2: Deadline for proposals [September 22]

  • A full list of Community Rounds are available for the GG22 Community Council to review.

Week 2 - 3: Review & voting period [September 23 - 27]

  • The proposals are reviewed by the GG Community Council and go to a vote
  • The decision of the vote is published on the gov forum.

Week 3 - 4: Results and onboarding period [September 30 - October 4]

  • The Community Rounds are onboarded into the upcoming round.

PLEASE NOTE: To officially be part of GG22, each community needs to go through this new governance process.

When drafting a proposal, please include the following information:

The proposal will be posted on the Gitcoin gov forum as a new post under the category: [Gitcoin Grants]. Please note: Review the GG22 Eligibility Criteria and agreements while creating your proposal.

Deadline to submit for GG22: September 22 at 11:59pm UTC

GG22 donations (round kick off) will go live on October 23.

Proposal Template:

Name (or Topic/Theme) of Proposed Round:

[Proposed Round Name]
[Overview of Round]

Social Handle of Your Organization:

@[Social Handle]

Eligibility Criteria:

What is the eligibility criteria for your round? Projects must primarily focus on [specific focus]. Additional criteria include [detailed eligibility criteria]. All rounds must comply with Gitcoin’s core rules.

For example: to be in the Climate Solutions Round, your project must primarily focus on climate action. see this example of eligibility criteria for GG19.

Reminder: All rounds must comply with Gitcoin’s core rules, which include no fraudulent activity, quid pro quo, hate speech, or other activities out of alignment with Gitcoin’s essential intents. Please include all additional eligibility criteria specific to this proposed grants round.

Marketing Plan:

Clearly outline your marketing plan, including channels utilized and ways you plan on engaging your community and target audience.

[Include a link to a document, which has channels, audience and team who will be executing on promotion of your round.] Please include as much detail as you can at this stage of the application.

Round History:

Clearly identify the round history.

  • This round has been run [number of times] during Gitcoin Grants rounds. If running a new version of an old round, specify details. If unsure, indicate lack of historical context.

Team Running This Round:

Clearly identify the round operator with relevant experience, and provide detailed bios and social handle links for at least two additional team members, emphasizing their relevant experience.

  • Round Operator: [Name], [Relevant Experience], [Bio], [Social Handle]
  • Team Member 1: [Name], [Relevant Experience], [Bio], [Social Handle]
  • Team Member 2: [Name], [Relevant Experience], [Bio], [Social Handle]
  • Additional team members if applicable.

Alignment with Gitcoin’s Intents:

Clearly articulate how the proposed round aligns with one of Gitcoin’s GG22 intents.

Allo GMV (A round needs to reach 20% crowdfunding proportional to their matching pool. For example, if gitcoin provides $20k in matching but amount crowdfunded in a round is less than $4k).

Supporting builders building on top of Allo

Scaling and growing the Ethereum ecosystem

  • This round aligns with [insert intent] by [ insert explanation].

Anticipated Size of the Matching Pool:

Clearly state the anticipated size of the matching pool, Include the funding address. Please state clearly the funds that you plan on bringing into the round, and do not take the potential match from Gitcoin into account. This is to avoid any confusion for reviewers. And outline a clear plan for future fundraising if not already in place.

  • The matching pool is anticipated to be [amount], fundraised through [partners/connections/combination].
  • Funding address: [Address].
  • We have a clear plan in place for future fundraising, including [details of the plan].

Advisors for This Round:

Clearly identify any advisors and their relevant experience. Indicate if any have run a round for Gitcoin or participated in running a round in the past. List any advisors and their relevant experience.

Funding Mechanism:

We are using [funding mechanism] because [reason why it is the best option for your round].

Community Size and Engagement:

Estimate the size of the community approximately, provide tangible metrics indicating the strength of the community (e.g., donations, past round participation), describe the type of projects intended to be funded, estimate the number of eligible grantees, and detail the plan for assessing grantee impact over successive rounds.

  • Our community consists of approximately [number] members. Tangible metrics indicating the strength of our community include [donations/past round participation].

Type of Projects to Fund:

  • We aim to fund projects that [description of the type of projects].

Estimated Number of Eligible Grantees:

  • We believe that [number] grantees will be eligible to apply for this round.

Impact Assessment Plan:

Describe how you intend to assess grantee impact through methods such as Hypercerts, GAP, Deresy, etc., and provide details of the plan, including how you will measure and evaluate the success and impact of the grantees over successive rounds.

  • We intend to assess grantee impact through [methods such as Hypercerts, GAP, Deresy, etc.]. Our detailed plan includes [details of the plan].

Additional Considerations:

Community members should consider [any additional relevant information].

Potential Conflicts of Interest:

[Disclose any potential conflicts of interest].

This would include if any round operations team members are part of any projects participating to receive/get a grant

More Information:

If you do not receive matching funds from Gitcoin, will you still participate in the round?