GG22 Community Round Proposal — Planetary Council — Building Blocks of Civilisation


Planetary Council is an organization that recognizes the current challenges in global governance, such as the gridlock at the UN Security Council level.

We exist to provide actionable policies and advisory services aimed at resolving the metacrisis and building a thriving civilization.

The purpose of this round is to activate and support projects and initiatives working towards aligned goals.

Name (or Topic/Theme) of Proposed Round:

Planetary Council — Building Blocks of Civilisation

Social Handle of Your Organization:

Twitter: @PlanetCouncil
Mirror blog:

Eligibility Criteria:

Main eligibility criterion in one sentence:

Are you a building block of civilisation?

In other words, if we were to start fresh :tophat::magic_wand::sparkles: and rebuild civilization from scratch, what would your role be?

Some building blocks that come to mind:

  • Culture
  • Media
  • Entertainment
  • Education
  • Healthcare
  • Economy
  • Law
  • Food system
  • Governance / coordination
  • Energy
  • Transport
  • Housing
  • The list is not exhaustive. If you belong to a category that is not explicitly listed here you are still encouraged to apply.

Explicitly excluded from this round: DeFi. This is because DeFi as an industry received loads of funding in general. Projects not excluded from the round include those working towards a better economic system, such as:

Examples of eligible projects, all of them operating in the area of law / legal / dispute resolution:

Examples from the previous Planetary Council round:

Project Civilisation building block justification
Ministry of Geoengineering Obvious need for bioregional regeneration beyond existing nation states boundaries
Institute of Metacrisis Researching, educating, raising awareness of the metacrisis dynamics. Essential to change the course of the planet
Global education curriculum Reading, writing, numbers,communication, problem solving, critical thinking, foreign languages, not just English to avoid “imperialistic neocolonialism” vibe.
WorldVote Worldwide system of voting is as close as it gets to being civilisation building block.

Further examples illustrating the eligibility criteria:

Project Civilisation building block justification
Open Root Server Network An alternative to ICANN that manages domain resolution on the internet, essential for preventing a single US-based entity from ruling over the internet.
Alliance to Feed the Earth in Disasters (ALLFED) Ensuring food security, especially in the context of MBBF (multiple breadbasket failure)—a situation where several of the world’s major agricultural regions (breadbaskets) experience significant crop failures at the same time.

More specific definition of “building block of civilization”?

It is our view that the examples provided above are sufficient to indicate which projects are eligible, and we are comfortable with the four-word definition: “building block of civilization.”

A more specific definition could backfire—someone might reverse-engineer it to fit their project, or someone else may decide that, even though their project is a true civilizational building block, it doesn’t fit the definition.

List of questions to the applicants:

  1. MTP (Massive Transformative Purpose), North Star, Big Hairy Audacious Goal—what is the main reason for your project’s existence? Provide your inspirational 1-liner statement.

For example:
TED: “ideas worth spreading”
Google: “organise the world’s information”

  1. Describe your vision of overwhelming success. Assuming everything goes perfectly, what is the end game of your project?

For example:
Planetary Council becomes the natural successor of the United Nations and every human receives universal basic food / water / education / housing / healthcare. All business models based on scarcity (lifesaving :pill: that is $1 to manufacture and sold at 1000x markup) are eradicated and humanity begins the new era of abundance and planetary regeneration.

  1. The problem you are addressing now:

1-liner elevator pitch, intentionally brief and concise

  1. The solution you are providing now:

1-liner elevator pitch, intentionally brief and concise

  1. Describe how this project is a building block of civilization.

Ideally a 1-liner. If a longer explanation is required, it might be a :triangular_flag_on_post:

  1. Current size of the project.

How many people: full time, part time, volunteers, consultants, advisors, community members?

  1. Current funding of the project.

If you are long enough in the grant game you surely have this data readily available

  1. Existing successes / accomplishments / achievements / impact / deliverables of the project

If applying with just an idea and a pitch deck, please showcase accomplishments and credentials of the founders.
This is your chance to shine, be bold!

  1. Independent proof of legitimacy:

Press, media, podcasts, the more the better

  1. Business model, how are you making money, how are you financed?

  2. What is your roadmap for the next couple of months?

  3. WWW link

  4. Twitter link

  5. Telegram / Discord public chat link

Evaluation Criteria / Method / Apparatus

Note: there is a difference between “eligibility” and “evaluation”. Eligibility: is the project eligible? Evaluation: once eligible, what is the scorecard?

We will use the scorecard template from Round Operations Guide.

NON-NEGOTIABLE: being a building block of civilization.

Secondary eligibility criteria: early days, startup phase, up to $420k in funding. On this basis, some of the projects mentioned previously would not be eligible, even though the solution they offer is a building block of civilisation.

Criteria Weight
Radical innovation 20%
Potential to change the world 20%
Social proof and existing accomplishments 10%
Grit, power, determination of the team 10%
TBD . . . .
TBC . . . .
Ability to clearly articulate MTP / problem / solution as a 1-liner 5%
Meme game 5%
Overall quality of the application 5%
Personal preference / intuition / gut feeling / free vote 10%
Excessive use of AI* -20%

*We want to learn about your human intelligence, not AI buzzword bingo. Some minor AI edits, proofreading, clarity = of course. Just don’t overdo the AI, negative points for excessive AI use.


We designed the evaluation criteria to be fair, transparent, and both objective and subjective, with each evaluator having a “free vote,” allowing them to use their personal preference.

Our decision is final. We do not intend to run an appeals process unless absolutely required.

Marketing Plan:

Round History:

Right after the GG20 we run the round outside of the regular Gitcoin cycle. This is the only round done by the Planetary Council so far. Link to the explorer:

The numbers were rather unimpressive due to the “out of cycle” timing and market conditions.

This time, we hope to participate in the main event—GG22 is a powerful vehicle for outreach and community building, with everyone in donation mode. We anticipate a much higher turnout this time around.

Team Running This Round:

Role Name Relevant Experience Bio Social Handle
Round Operator Mars Previous round operator Originally from :poland: @marsXRobertson on Twitter, @marsrobertson on GitHub
Operations Associate Greg Previous grant recipient Originally from :romania: @grigore_trifan on Twitter, @GregTrifan on GitHub
Operations Associate Miloje Full stack hacker and entrepreneur Originally from :serbia: @FCBtcpioneer on Twitter, @milojeBtc on GitHub

Alignment with Gitcoin’s Intents:

This round aligns with Allo GMV by curating high-quality projects and committing to substantial marketing efforts. These activities make it highly likely that this round will secure at least 20% crowdfunding proportional to the matching pool, directly contributing to the success of Allo GMV.

Anticipated Size of the Matching Pool

The matching pool is anticipated to be $5k, already available through sales of the passports and historical fundraising.

Funding address:

We have a clear plan in place for future fundraising, including:

Advisors for This Round:

Wholistic system thinkers / polymaths / multipotentialites.

Amazing human beings who are aligned with the mission of the Planetary Council.

Name Links Bio / Relevant Experience
Alis0r A graduate in International Diplomatic Sciences from the University of Naples l’Orientale, Alis0r has over 15 years of experience in grant writing, project development, and regenerative solutions. Driven by a passion for sustainable socio-economic models, Alis0r has worked on European Union programs like ERASMUS+, LIFE+, and Horizon2020, collaborated with the Global Ecovillage Network, and facilitated the use of blockchain technologies for environmental conservation at, demonstrating a constant commitment to systemic change.

In parallel, Alis0r’s personal transformation journey, grounded in psychological and meditative practices, has inspired the pursuit of a second bachelor’s degree in psychology. Alis0r also has previous experience as a Gitcoin user.
MadMunky2140 Nostree Cypherpunk, Nostr and Bitcoin artist, MadMunky is a woodworker, designer, creator, and privacy advocate. As a tech enthusiast searching for free-market solutions, MadMunky is one of the founding members of, a project that shares cypherpunk ethos and values through art, music, money, and culture.

Driven by a passion for connection, MadMunky aspires to create spaces and educational platforms where people can practice the change they want to see in the world. Although new to Gitcoin, MadMunky brings a wealth of experience in design, privacy, and decentralized tech solutions.
Jesús Ledesma (Neoindigena) Forestry Engineer, Ethnobotanist, Agriculture Monitor, Permaculture Designer, and Regenerative Systems Developer. While deeply connected to nature, Jesús also grew up surrounded by technology. His avatar, “Neoindigena”, embodies a vision of how technology can help us reconnect with a wild and sustainable lifestyle.

With a long background in permaculture, Jesús currently coordinates RegenHub.Earth (Regenerative Hubs Network), Forest Living (Regenerative Accelerator), and Reverdecer (Smart Social Agroforestry). Although Jesús has no prior Gitcoin experience, he brings extensive expertise in regenerative systems and sustainable agriculture.

(We have approached a few other knowledgeable, insightful, well-connected individuals but haven’t received affirmative answers yet. We will update the proposal if/when confirmed.)

Funding Mechanism:

Inspired by the CCN (Climate Coordination Network) that used the similar mechanism in GG21:

We are using this mechanism because it appears as the best option for this round.

Community Size and Engagement:

Quality over quantity. Organic growth rather than manipulating metrics.

Twitter: 103 followers @PlanetCouncil

Telegram: 21 members

In the era of airdrops, there are various “quests” that require users to follow, retweet, and join Telegram groups, but we intentionally abstain from this strategy. We prioritize organic growth over “mercenary farmers.” On the positive side, since we started preparing for GG22, engagement in our group has significantly increased!

Type of Projects to Fund:

To avoid duplicating content, please scroll up to the Eligibility Criteria section.

Type of projects to fund = those matching eligibility criteria = building blocks of civilization.

Estimated Number of Eligible Grantees:

We intend to cap the round at 30 projects.

This is motivated by the following:

  • More projects mean a lower average payout, leading to questionable ROI for actively participating in the round.
  • Fewer projects (up to 30) mean a higher average payout, providing a higher ROI for actively participating (promoting, engaging) in the round.

Impact Assessment Plan:

Screenshot from Grant Program Canvas:

We strongly encourage applicants to use industry standard tools such as Karma GAP and Hypercerts. This is particularly important for already established projects.

Assuming that the Planetary Council will be approved for GG22, our intention is to continue our relationship with Gitcoin for the long haul. We will expect grantees to post the updates to Karma GAP and mint Hypercerts for the donors.

On top of great resources in Grant Operations Guide and Grant Program Canvas we intend to review other GG22 proposals on the forum and “borrow” (get inspired) from the best ideas. That said, Hypercerts and Karma GAP appear to be the default industry-standard tools, and as we reviewed GG21 proposals, we found that the impact assessment plans of various rounds were generally similar.

We commit to publishing a retrospective of our round and sharing the learnings with the community.

Additional Considerations / Experiments

Treat these as optional suggestions / proposals / experiments. Nice to have. Safe enough to try…

:one: Equal kickback

Something mentioned in the marketing plan - if possible and permitted by the rules - all donors above $10 to receive a passport on Arbitrum - all donors above $100 to receive a passport on ETH Mainnet.

We believe this is in the spirit of the rules. Normally: no kickbacks, no additional incentives to preserve QF mechanism and wisdom of the crowds. However, because these incentives are applied equally across all projects, they should not interfere with the QF results.

:two: Top 20% projects to redistribute 20% of their matching

Logic and reasoning: The winners of the QF are reliable and trustworthy, with established trust and reputation. Because of that trustworthiness, I’m suggesting a new model of fund distribution: the top 20% of projects will redistribute 20% of their matching funds as follows:

  • 10% to projects that are good
  • 10% to projects that are good AND received below the average.

There is a requirement though: “All payouts must be conducted via Allo, not manually.” We will need to check if Allo allows manual adjustments. If not, it is still possible to implement this method (top 20% to redistribute 20%) manually.

Potential Conflicts of Interest:

Mars Robertson, as the founder of Planetary Council, is actively involved in several projects that are eligible to apply for funding. To avoid conflicts of interest, the simplest and most common-sense solution is to ensure that people involved in the projects do not evaluate their own proposals. This helps maintain fairness and transparency in the process.

More Information:

If you do not receive matching funds from Gitcoin, will you still participate in the round?

Most likely YES, provided that marketing support is available. The marketing aspect is crucial, as without it, the journey could feel isolated, competing for attention among many other well-positioned rounds. Without that visibility, participation may be significantly less effective.

Thank you for reading that far…

Proof of humanity

COP26 Glasgow

Davos 2024

Some ideas may initially seem pretentious, big, or even radical, until they are brought to life. Planetary Council certainly embodies an ambitious vision, but it remains grounded in reality, responding to the current needs of society. As we observe, the world is increasingly ready for this kind of upgrade—we are simply aligning our efforts with this momentum.

Thank you for the submission! I just reviewed the round and had some notes to share as feedback

Overall I think the round is trying to achieve too much. Trying to tackle every problem under the sun is a sureshot way of making nothing is tackled. I contrast this approach with the Ma Earth round, which very narrowly scoped itself to land based regeneration efforts.

The reason why i think this is important is that evaluation becomes far easier when the sector is specific. all that you have written is that Planetary council would use industry standard hypercerts and karma gap, as if they are a silver bullet which magically creates accountability and tracks impact. This is not the case, and i did not see any tangible explanation for impact tracking for such a large problem statement.

As you noted, the 1st round had poor participation due to being out of cycle. However, i am not sure why this time would be any different, given that community size has not significantly grown since then. even if we take at face value the organic community, 103 followers and 21 telegram group members over 4-6 months is nothing spectacular. I say this because i have doubts about the community contributions being 20% of the matching fund amounts provided.

I did appreciate the use of 50% regular QF and 50% COCM. In fact, opencivics in their recent retrospective had to use exactly this formula in their last round. i wish you good luck in the initiative!

1 Like

Epic, constructive, valuable feedback. I’ve noticed you did a solid job reviewing other rounds as well :clap::clap::clap:

Big vision

Same here. We are in agreement. We are intentionally focusing on ambitious projects. An article that describes moonshot thinking: Google X Head on Moonshots: 10X Is Easier Than 10 Percent | WIRED

WIP and constant improvement

Using industry standard tools is no-brainer. Another no-brainer is asking participating projects about their existing impact metrics. Due to intentionally broad scope of the round (building blocks of civilisation) there is no one-size-fits-all, the metrics of participating projects are likely to be different.

Donations from outside the core community

Me too. No guarantees. I would love to make it success regardless :100::100::100:

You prompted me to update the marketing plan document:

Reaching to Game B / New Earth / system change audiences and communities. Not relying on just the existing community / audience but broadening the network.

Both accounts have 100k+ followers:

I genuinely see GG22 as the marketing / community / movement building vehicle and I’m pretty sure the numbers will increase after the round.

:balance_scale: Advisor / judge / juror update

Today, as I’m writing these words is already Saturday, September 28… It appears that it might be too late to strengthen the advisory / judging / juror team, worth trying anyway as the explicit permission have been granted now.

Bio / Relevant Experience copy-paste from the links attached.

Name Links Bio / Relevant Experience
Lucian Tarnowski
Lucian is the Founding Creator of United Planet and curator of the UP Game - a time traveling immersive experience designed to enable teams to create stories, strategies and solutions from a thriving future. Lucian is a systems change designer and architect of planetary unifying narratives that respond to the crisis of meaning and trust. He is a storyteller, systems strategist, public speaker and convener of leaders of transformation. He has over 20 years experience in community building, knowledge sharing and talent management.
With United Planet he is on a mission is to deliver on the decade of transformation and seed the vision for a Planetary Civilization in harmony with all life.
David Bray, PhD
Dr. David A. Bray is a Distinguished Fellow and Chair of the Accelerator with the Alfred Lee Loomis Innovation Council at the non-partisan Henry L. Stimson Center. He is also a non-resident Distinguished Fellow with the Business Executives for National Security, and a CEO and transformation leader for different “under the radar” tech and data ventures seeking to get started in novel situations. He is Principal at LeadDoAdapt Ventures and has served in a variety of leadership roles in turbulent environments, including bioterrorism preparedness and response from 2000-2005. Dr. Bray previously was the Executive Director for a bipartisan National Commission on R&D, provided non-partisan leadership as a federal agency Senior Executive, worked with the U.S. Navy and Marines on improving organizational adaptability, and aided U.S. Special Operation Command’s J5 Directorate on the challenges of countering disinformation online. He has received both the Joint Civilian Service Commendation Award and the National Intelligence Exceptional Achievement Medal. David accepted a leadership role in December 2019 to direct the successful bipartisan Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies and Data that included Senator Mark Warner, Senator Rob Portman, Rep. Suzan DelBene, and Rep. Michael McCaul. From 2017 to the start of 2020, David also served as Executive Director for the People-Centered Internet coalition Chaired by Internet co-originator Vint Cerf and was named a Senior Fellow with the Institute for Human-Machine Cognition starting in 2018. Business Insider named him one of the top “24 Americans Who Are Changing the World” under 40 and he was named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum. For twelve different startups, he has served as President, CEO, Chief Strategy Officer, and Strategic Advisor roles.

Once again thank you @thedevanshmehta for thoughtful comments, in fact I would love your inquisitive mind to be applied to review the applicants… Maybe you remember, we met 2023 in Paris at Funding the Commons and our discussion inspired me to create this post: Measuring impact — EA bias towards numbers? — Planetary Council

Some things are inherently difficult to quantify, especially when estimating 2nd 3rd 4th order effects and “unknown unknowns”. Currently I’m also involved in IEF and I double down on the “inherently difficult to quantify”: (if anyone is into impact evaluation please join our chat BTW)

There is surely some value from running big / massive / impactful / inspirational (some people refer to this as “blue sky thinking”) round like this: TO INSPIRE OTHERS, TO THINK BIGGER.

See the example of Planetary Council vision of a massive success: