[S19 Proposal Amended] MMM S19 Budget Request


In S18 & 19 the MMM Workstream is going to continue its focus on one overarching north-star goal: Reposition Gitcoin as a tech-first organization. To do so, we are requesting a budget of $448,435 (changed from $560,500 in our initial S18/19 budget request).

To accomplish this goal, MMM will focus on the following strategic marketing areas in S18/19:

  • Drive awareness, engagement, adoption and fandom of our products (product and growth marketing)
  • Continue to establish and build hype for our products and Gitcoin’s overarching brand (brand marketing)
  • Shift existing audience perceptions through PR and community engagement initiatives (PR and supporting community engagement)
  • Bolster the narrative of our tech’s impact with meaningful impact reporting (research & impact reporting)


MMM’s S19 budget request is for $448,435 (-20.01% change vs S18 budget). After accounting for remaining budget & reserves (and 33% reserves budget for S19), MMM is requesting $276,419 for Season 19 from the treasury.

A full breakdown of the budget can be found at the end of this post.

Gitcoin Season Season 16 Season 17 Season 18 Season 19
Season Budget $471,979 $414,041 $560,500 $448,435

The amount of GTC requested and the value of the reserves will be adjusted based on the current market value at the time this proposal is moved to Tally using the lower of the current price or the 20 day moving average, whichever is lower.

Milestone Report for the past Season

Please use this link to view the MMM OKR tracker. A summary of highlights re: OKRs from S18 includes:

  • Big wins at EthCC with 100+ leads on both DevRel and Partnerships (shoutout to @azeem and @0xZakk for their partnership on this and @meglister for representing Grants Stack)
  • Lots of cancelled projects on Allo with the switch to v2 launch in Sept/Oct
  • Lots of wins on Passport marketing, misses are around designing funnels and tracking conversions (S19 focus)
  • Several cancelled projects around whitepapers & research due to resourcing constraints
  • Most brand marketing initiatives still in progress, wrapping up early-to-mid S19
  • Major Schelling Point conference in Istanbul is currently cancelled
  • Thought leadership initiatives are underway but behind schedule

Our S18 Wins! (index of key outputs created)

MMM has the unique opportunity to work on multiple products, with a combination of both small and large projects that results in dozens of outputs in a single season. This list is part humble-brag, part chronicle, part celebration of contributions from MMM contributors :partying_face:

High-level metrics to measure how we are performing overall as a company.


Measurement S15 S16 S17 S18
Gitcoin Twitter Impressions 5.3MM 4.3MM 7.1MM 4.9MM
Engagement rate 2.5% 4% 4.6% 4.63%
Gitcoin Passport Impressions - 261,000 720,000 2.4MM
Engagement rate - 4% 4.6% 6.86%
Follower count - 3,700 7,000 32,866
Email Open rate - 16.43% 19.43% 12.8%
Click-thru rate - 0.52% 5.87% 3.14%
Unsubscribe rate - 0.29% 0.25% 0.16%
Blog Total blog post views 64,014 76,326 5,915 (platform change) 45,450
Avg time spent on page 39 seconds 50 seconds 26 seconds 43 seconds

Budget Update

We are still orienting toward the goals we had set at the beginning of S18 with one added distinction (note growth marketing included in our focus):

What’s changing

Budget and headcount

  • From:
    • 8 FT contributors
    • 4 FT contributors budgeted for
    • 8 PT contributors
  • To:
    • 8 FT contributors (1 onboarded, 1 offboarded, 2 salary-leveled)
    • 8 PT contributors (1 reduced # of hours)
  • Budget decrease of Β±20%

Shifting Priorities

  • Major focus of S19: Wrap up brand design work and double-down on sales enablement, qualifying leads and tracking conversions through our marketing funnels
  • Other changes:
    • Canceling vast majority of research initiatives relating to bolstering thought leadership due to resourcing constraints
      • We will continue to execute existing research-related activities that directly relate to product marketing
    • This move will impact our impact reporting initiative but we are still working on that at a reduced capacity.
    • We will be continuing to zero in and refine marketing metrics tracking and reporting
  • We will be redirecting considerable design resources to support in-app development on Passport and Grants Stack

Budget Breakdown

View 1.1: Breakdown by category

The chart below is a hypothetical breakdown of the approximate amount MMM will spend on each category of work. Note, the totals here do not add up to the total budget requested.

View 2: Breakdown staffing, contracting, operational expenses

Function Description Amount USD %
Full-time Contributors Marketing Strategy Lead & Passport Product Marketing – Laura

Marketing Operations Lead – Jonathan

Passport Marketing Coordinator & Social Media Lead - Gary

Senior Brand Strategist, Allo Marketing Manager – Alexa

Design Director - LH

Art Director, designer & videographer – Cici

Communications Lead - Caolan

Campaign Coordinator & Content Manager - Mathilda

$287,250 64%
Part-time Contributors Designer – Gina

Designer – Harry

Grants Stack & Gitcoin Grants Marketing Manager – Ericka

Technical Lead – Gerrit

Accounting & Treasury Diversification, marketing analytics – Jonas

Staff writer – Rohit

Writer – Liam

DAO Digest writer – GOAO

$90,700 20%
Various other freelancers for 1-off projects (based on requests from the DAO) Includes freelancers specializing in:
  • Video development
  • Animations
  • Additional writing support
  • UX copywriting
  • UI design
$30,000 7%
Opex Software

Gas fees

Event sponsorships


Education, conferences






Total $448,435 100%

View 3: Total request including reserves & budget rollover

Total [Workstream] Budgeted Spend S19 $448,435
33% Budget Reserves $147,984
S18 Treasury Balance, incl unspent reserves and any source of revenue* $320,000 est.
Total 19 Request $276,419