Projects for At-Risk Kids Community Round Proposal

What if we made a community round for GG22 supporting projects for at-risk kids?

Potential projects:
-Ava’s House Kids Shelter in Chiang Mai, Thailand with Deng Arjaw that I know of through @viviantp6 of G0V/DA0. See here:
-New Hope Shelter in Baños de Agua Santa, Ecuador with Francisco Ayuy that I support:
-Wendy Hanamura organizer of works with a fund with $600,000 that’s trying to reach
1M so they can continuously send investment dividends to projects supporting at risk kids (kinda like Octant using staking rewards from their fund of eth to sustainably support web3 public goods projects)

Round operator(s)
If this is accepted as a community round I could be a round operator.
For experience, I’ve been a round operator for 2 Zuzalu Gitcoin rounds.
I would love to be co-operator with others or have others fully take over the operator role.

Vetting the Projects:
-Video call interview with a representative from every project
-The project demonstrates they can receive crypto and use it
-Review their social media, website, and financial accounting

Streaming Donations
We’d love to set up sponsorships of particular individual kids with recurring monthly payments. Would some sort of recurring payment work through Gitcoin? @garysheng do you have any info on that?

Video Call Links with Translation Captions
What if we had every project representative include a link so donors can book a call with them and form a real relationship?
I think this would provide more value than just financial support. It would lead to greater 2-way learning and a sense of human connection which encourages a greater sense of fulfillment and mutual understanding.
Translation captions are available but you have to pay for it with Google Meet and Zoom. If we can’t find any existing free option, I think I’ll put out a prize on viaPrize for someone to build this as a free, open-source option for anyone to use perhaps with which is open-source. Would that work?

Fiat and Multi-Chain Donations
Other innovations that would be a big bonus to get ready in time that viaPrize would work on:
-PayPal Donations (already built and used. See here:
-Credit card donations without PayPal (depends on getting Visa and MasterCard API access)
-Multi-chain donations (using KYC)

I think GG22 will occur during the Archipelago with 5+ different Zuzalu-ish pop up villages happening in Chiang Mai all at the same time, so I also wonder if that’s helpful. Info on that here:

Would love community input on this idea!


Thank you for putting this together Noah! It would be interesting to see Gitcoin go beyond Web3/Open-source and connect more with the real world :slight_smile: Also very excited to onboard more marginalized communities to the ecosystem.


Thank you for this @noahchonlee !! Love these ideas coming from the community. FYI I will be posting the eligibility criteria & proposal template for GG Community Rounds within the next day so keep an eye out for that!


I support this concept. @noahchonlee, you should check out the eligibility criteria for GG22 Community Rounds and see if it could be a way to pursue this with us.


Hi Sov thank you! Unfortunately I haven’t found someone who would support with the 5k in funds required to apply

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Would anyone have suggestions on who to talk to to try to raise 5k?

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We’ve got 3 people each saying they could give $1000!!!
We are 3/5 THERE!!!

If anyone can share this or contribute to help bring us home with the remaining $2000 please let us know
@Sov @MathildaDV @viviantp6


@noahchonlee I commend you for this hustle! This is really great news. I would recommend that even if you don’t have the full amount of $5k by the proposal deadline for GG22, that you still apply and just outline exactly your situation. That will give you some extra time to raise the funds :slight_smile:


yeah do that.

also @noahchonlee ill throw in $1k.


@noahchonlee I’ll contribute the remaining $1K


Thats amazing lets gooooo!!! I’ll draft up the application and post it as soon as I can to hear feedback :partying_face:

Celebration tweet here:
(Tbh I now regret the gif I chose for that it’s so over the top, I apologize to the internet)


Curious peoples thoughts:
Should it just be for kids shelters?
Should it be more broad for projects supporting vulnerable youth including education, nutritional, mentorship initiatives etc?
Should it be for individual kids to get sponsored?

However we do this I’d really love to include call links and encourage people to form real relationships with people they’re giving to

Name (or Topic/Theme) of Proposed Round:

Youth in Need

This round welcomes projects that support youth in need through kids’ shelters and related services, such as safe housing, counseling, and crisis intervention programs.

Social Handle of Your Organization:

Just a network, ya’ll

Eligibility Criteria:

Projects must primarily focus on supporting youth in need.
Additional criteria include:
-Video call interview with the round operators
-Demonstration of knowledge of crypto and the ability to receive and use donations effectively
-Transparency of financial records
-A video call booking link such as calendly or so donors may call directly with a project representative

Round operators will also review relevant materials such as a website and social media accounts.

Reminder: All rounds must comply with Gitcoin’s core rules, which include no fraudulent activity, quid pro quo, hate speech, or other activities out of alignment with Gitcoin’s essential intents.

Marketing Plan:

Clearly outline your marketing plan, including channels utilized and ways you plan on engaging your community and target audience.

We will be asking the following individuals to help promote the round on Twitter:
-Noah Chon Lee (round operator and contributor of 1k to the matching pool. Will also share on LinkedIn and Facebook with another 3,500 followers there.)
-Mozhi Rinpoche (round operator and contributor of 1k to the matching pool)
-Kevin Owocki (Contributor of 1k to the matching pool)
-Vivian Chen (Supporter of Ava’s House Kids Shelter in Thailand and a shelter in India)
-Sun (Supporter of Ava’s House)
-Vee (Supporter of Ava’s House)
-Janine Leger (said “Love it!! I’d also potentially reach out to different non-profits that run kids shelters to get them involved.”
-Brooke Bowman (works with Mozhi)

If all these individuals support then this amounts to roughly 118k followers. With Gitcoin we reach 322,000 followers.

Based on the positive responses to this idea, we expect many more individuals to share this. See responses to the idea here:
(Apologies to the Internet for the terrible gif)

Round History:

To our knowledge, this would be the first time a round of its kind has occurred through Gitcoin.

Team Running This Round:

Noah Chon Lee
Bio: Professional juggler turned tech entrepreneur. Former Marine Corps midshipman, volunteer in Ukraine, nonprofit organizer in the Amazon Jungle, AI start-up manager, co-founder of viaPrize, and supporter of New Hope Shelter in Ecuador.
Relevant experience:
-Manager of the first Zuzalu Gitcoin round and round operator in the Zuzalu Q2 2024 round, totaling >1M dollars dispersed.

Mozhi Rinpoche
Bio: Recognized as a Buddhist Rinpoche in 2018 and currently the Executive Director of the No Self Society. This new 501(c)(3) nonprofit has launched several programs, including the Build to Become Club, which supports youth in developing a deeper sense of purpose to overcome life’s challenges through mentorship and unique project opportunities.

Relevant experience:

  • Over 20 years of experience working in a wide range of educational settings
  • Executive Director of a nonprofit with a program to help mentors youth

Alignment with Gitcoin’s Intents:

This round will increase Allo GMV by…

-Pulling in donations during this round
-Opening up participation to fiat donors

When we added fiat donations for the OpenCivics GG21 round (see here) 7.21% of donations came through fiat. If Gitcoin had this option in place in Grants Stack, it would result in millions more in Allo GMV. We expect the percentage would be significantly higher if the user experience wasn’t split between two sites, and long-term this opens up the user base to billions of people instead of thousands of L2 users.

Noah plans to write up a proposal for the viaPrize team to build this into grants stack, taking a fee, and splitting the revenue with Gitcoin.

Otherwise, we would add fiat donations the same way as during GG21.

This round would also be new in its focus on social projects, which may open up a new potential user group for Gitcoin.

Anticipated Size of the Matching Pool:

  • The matching pool is anticipated to be $5,000, fundraised through kind-hearted individuals contacted through Twitter and the Gitcoin forum.
  • Funding address: 0x850a146D7478dAAa98Fc26Fd85e6A24e50846A9d
  • We have a clear plan in place for future fundraising, including sharing stories from the grantee communities on social networks.

Advisors for This Round:


Funding Mechanism:

Our default plan is to use quadratic funding because it is easier to convince people to donate when they know it will be matched.

We are also in discussion with Flow State to see if quadratic streaming would make sense for this round.

Community Size and Engagement:

We are planning to include 10-20 projects in the round.

We believe this is a reasonable number for us to thoroughly review during the application period. We are also learning from how the most recent Open Civics round chose a number of projects in this range to make sure the time spent by grantees fundraising is worthwhile.

If we count Ava’s House and New Hope Shelter as representative projects, each has around 50 people in the TG group or mailing list and roughly 30 donors. The estimated average monthly donations between the two projects is $600.

This could mean an estimate of a community size across all projects of 500-1000 with perhaps 300-600 donors giving $6,000-$12,000 if this were a normal fundraiser. We believe that the Gitcoin community, social network, and matching funds will pull in many new donors to these projects, as well.

Type of Projects to Fund:

  • We aim to fund projects that support youth in need through kids’ shelters and related services, such as safe housing, counseling, and crisis intervention programs.

Estimated Number of Eligible Grantees:

  • We believe that thousands of grantees will be eligible to apply for this round. There are many amazing kids’ shelters, orphanages, and other programs supporting vulnerable youth worldwide.

Impact Assessment Plan:

Describe how you intend to assess grantee impact through methods such as Hypercerts, GAP, Deresy, etc., and provide details of the plan, including how you will measure and evaluate the success and impact of the grantees over successive rounds.

  • We intend to assess grantee impact through Karma Gap updates. Our detailed plan includes sending a follow-up to the projects 3 months after the round to request that they report to us how they have used the funds. In case they struggle to make a report on Karma Gap, we will ask them to also send updates in a Google form and we will add the updates to a Karma Gap project representing the whole round on their behalf.

Additional Considerations:

Community members should consider THE CHILDREN.

Potential Conflicts of Interest:

Noah supports New Hope Shelter in Ecuador
Mozhi is founding Build to Become as a mentorship program for students
We both would be happier if our projects are part of the round.

More Information:

If you do not receive matching funds from Gitcoin, will you still participate in the round?


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@noahchonlee please post this proposal to the forum as a new post, and not a reply to this initial post. It’s best for Community Council to review/ask questions as reviews are ongoing next week. Thank you!


Done :+1: