Projects for At-Risk Kids Community Round Proposal

What if we made a community round for GG22 supporting projects for at-risk kids?

Potential projects:
-Ava’s House Kids Shelter in Chiang Mai, Thailand with Deng Arjaw that I know of through @viviantp6 of G0V/DA0. See here:
-New Hope Shelter in Baños de Agua Santa, Ecuador with Francisco Ayuy that I support:
-Wendy Hanamura organizer of works with a fund with $600,000 that’s trying to reach
1M so they can continuously send investment dividends to projects supporting at risk kids (kinda like Octant using staking rewards from their fund of eth to sustainably support web3 public goods projects)

Round operator(s)
If this is accepted as a community round I could be a round operator.
For experience, I’ve been a round operator for 2 Zuzalu Gitcoin rounds.
I would love to be co-operator with others or have others fully take over the operator role.

Vetting the Projects:
-Video call interview with a representative from every project
-The project demonstrates they can receive crypto and use it
-Review their social media, website, and financial accounting

Streaming Donations
We’d love to set up sponsorships of particular individual kids with recurring monthly payments. Would some sort of recurring payment work through Gitcoin? @garysheng do you have any info on that?

Video Call Links with Translation Captions
What if we had every project representative include a link so donors can book a call with them and form a real relationship?
I think this would provide more value than just financial support. It would lead to greater 2-way learning and a sense of human connection which encourages a greater sense of fulfillment and mutual understanding.
Translation captions are available but you have to pay for it with Google Meet and Zoom. If we can’t find any existing free option, I think I’ll put out a prize on viaPrize for someone to build this as a free, open-source option for anyone to use perhaps with which is open-source. Would that work?

Fiat and Multi-Chain Donations
Other innovations that would be a big bonus to get ready in time that viaPrize would work on:
-PayPal Donations (already built and used. See here:
-Credit card donations without PayPal (depends on getting Visa and MasterCard API access)
-Multi-chain donations (using KYC)

I think GG22 will occur during the Archipelago with 5+ different Zuzalu-ish pop up villages happening in Chiang Mai all at the same time, so I also wonder if that’s helpful. Info on that here:

Would love community input on this idea!


Thank you for putting this together Noah! It would be interesting to see Gitcoin go beyond Web3/Open-source and connect more with the real world :slight_smile: Also very excited to onboard more marginalized communities to the ecosystem.

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Thank you for this @noahchonlee !! Love these ideas coming from the community. FYI I will be posting the eligibility criteria & proposal template for GG Community Rounds within the next day so keep an eye out for that!

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