NFT airdrops for GTC holders!

I second that! New here, just found this party… sorry I’m late!

Tout a fais d’accord essayons de partagé l’information en utilisant les réseaux sociaux afin que l’info ce propage :hugs:

This sounds good to me. Unique ones would be great too

Airdrop for Airdroped accounts. It’s brilliant! Woow!

Nice idea, hope coming our very soon. :grinning:


Nice idea,sounds good. :thinking: do it.

Or even if it is possible for GTC holders to own a NFT which relates to 1 part of a larger art piece etc that signifies the launch of GTC

I liked and agreed with the idea, and we worked together to get it implemented as soon as possible.

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Le meilleur moyen pour inçité les gens a détenir le jeton Gitcoin serai qu’il possede au minimum un jeton GTC dans leur wallet afin qu’il puisse ce familiarisé avec le jeton est beaucoup plus de personne pourrais étre incité avec ces conditons la .
Est par exemple béneficié d’un airdrop en fonction du nombre de jeton détenue au ratio
de 1:1 qu’en pensez vous?

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I would love to see this and hopefully some day be good enough to contribute my own art.


I like that idea! :+1:
Would connect Gitcoin also more to the NFT space.

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I agree on this IDEA. It will be great

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Cool, that’s a good idea for holders

Happy to hear this news. Hope in future we get this types of news and airdrops for gtc holders.

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I like the idea - but we should provide some sort of education / rewards program for learning how to do these activities

Any NFT is good, will need some kind of eduction/ reward program for sure

NFT is a very good trend and development, but also a very good idea, I am looking forward to the arrival of NFT.

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这个想法很好,举双手赞成。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 :grinning: :grinning:

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