Keys to Better Impact Reporting [Grants Program Canvas Deep Dive]

Earlier this month I helped facilitate a workshop at ETH CC covering the Impact Reporting section of the Grants Program Canvas. Check @Viriya’s post here for more info about this excellent new resource for the community!

We had a very lively discussion. Here are some notes I took:


If we want to 10-100x the grant funding happening on crypto rails, then we need to prove that these mechanisms are more impactful. Not just 10% better, but 10-100x better. Impact measurement can’t be an afterthought that the intern does while everyone else is on vacation in August. It needs to be the selling point.

Let’s discuss:

  • Why should we care about this in the first place?
  • How to do retros and get 360 feedback on rounds?
  • How to capture both quantitative and qualitative data about impact?
  • How to get interim reporting from grantees and verify accuracy?
  • How to get case studies and testimonials about long-term impact?

Why should we care about this in the first place?

  • Altruistic: Build in public … fail in public too … let others learn from your experiences
  • Selfish: Your reports become your case studies that power your marketing
  • Legitimacy: Proof that each funding round tests a hypothesis, learns from it, and strives to improve the next round
  • Competitive advantage: Grants = growth

How to do retros and get 360 feedback on rounds?

  • Table Stakes

    • Announce the Results: Summarize how much was distributed and to how many projects.
    • Publish a Post-Round Summary: Release a forum or blog post within a month after the round ends.
  • Gold Standard

    • Comprehensive Surveys: Conduct 360 surveys with grantees and voters, focusing on both operations and impact.
    • Hypothesis Reassessment: Revisit and evaluate the hypotheses stated at the beginning of the round.
    • Grantee Pulse Checks: Understand the performance and health of grantees at regular intervals.

How to capture both quantitative and qualitative data about impact?

  • Table Stakes

    • Self-Reporting: Track activities and progress against milestones.
    • High-Level Metrics: Consolidate metrics on activities and outputs of projects.
  • Gold Standard

    • Decentralized Reviews: Incorporate decentralized reviews and attestations to enhance credibility.
    • Outcome Analysis: Consolidate comparable metrics on outcomes and deeper impacts of the funding.
    • Funding Effectiveness Analysis: Conduct a deep analysis of where the funding went and its effectiveness.
    • Social Proof: Analyze who backed projects early (wisdom of the crowds/social graph).

How to get interim reporting from grantees and verify accuracy?

  • Table Stakes

    • Regular Updates: Require projects to post regular updates on a public forum.
    • Milestone Verification: Check if projects have fulfilled their stated objectives.
  • Gold Standard

    • Public Accountability: Utilize tools like Karma GAP for milestone verification, third-party reviews, and consolidating project reputation.
    • Passive Monitoring: Implement passive monitoring via work artifacts (eg, GitHubs) to continuously track progress and outcomes.
    • Third-Party Reviews: Do audit bounties, spot checks, or other independent assessments of activities and impact.

How to get case studies and testimonials about long-term impact?

  • Table Stakes

    • Social Media Compilation: Collect and compile relevant tweets and other social media mentions into a blog post to showcase impact.
    • Bloc Posts: Do interviews and turn them into blog posts or short form features.
  • Gold Standard

    • Longitudinal Studies: Conduct longitudinal studies to track the long-term impact of funded projects.
    • Counterfactual Analysis: Perform counterfactual analysis to understand what might have happened in the absence of the grant funding.
    • Comprehensive Testimonials: Gather detailed case studies and testimonials from stakeholders other than grantees (eg, users, beneficiaries, etc) to illustrate long-term impact.

Related threads

A few other things since ETH CC that could be of interest to this group:


Thanks for these notes Carl.

Id be interested in experimenting with some impact reporting for Citizens rounds to gain confidence that those are working as we ramp up funding towards the north star goal of a 6.9m GTC citizens round.

Key metrics for that:

  1. Allo GMV
  2. devs building on Allo
  3. innovative builds launching on allo

though i’m mindful that since public goods funding must be evolutionary that as soon as these metrics become targets, they will cease to become good measures. so i’m mindful to evolve impact reporting on gitcoin citizens forward based on that as well.