Greenpill Podcast Guest Seasons - Call for Proposals!

TLDR - I am going to step away from the Greenpill Podcast in Q3/Q4 2024 + am looking for ppl to guest cohost during that time.

Hi all,

For those of you who are unaware, I have been hosting the Greenpill Podcast for the last 2 years. This podcast has been a way I can democratize my context + access to the rest of the ecosystem, research in public, vision-cast, and generally just explore the frontiers of regen web3.

We’ve produced nearly 200 episodes and have had 300k+ listens, as well as about ~2k subscribers. I’m very proud of the content we’ve created and the role Greenpill has played in supporting the regen movement.

But I think it is time to evolve it forward.

I am considering decentralizing my hosting duties for seasons 5, 6, and 7 to guest co-hosts who can go deep on a handful of different target niches.

Why do this?

  1. I am busy with Gitcoin stuff and dont have cycles to do another season of GP (and do it well) with my current workload.
  2. Decentralizing the workload (and the spotlight) to other leaders in the GP community.
  3. Enabling people to go deep in areas where I dont have access.

Some topics I would love to see covered in season 4,5,6:

  1. Commons in the 21st century
  2. ReStaking Ecosystem <> Regen Ecosystems
  3. Regen Network States
  4. Weird/Fun Fundraising Experiments
  5. Crypto in the Global South
  6. What am I missing?

If you are interested in being a host of a season, please submit a proposal via comment below.


  1. Need to keep content quality high.
  2. The audience knows kevin, need to transfer rapport to new hosts.

Things I would want to see in a proposal to be credible.

  • Season Title
  • Season Goals
  • Why is this relevant to the greenpill audience in H2 2024?
  • Timeline
  • Proposed Episodes + Guests
  • Do you have podcast hosting experience? Links to previous work pls.
  • Are you a known quantity to the regen ecosystem? Links to previous work pls.
  • Whats your favorite greenpill episode + why?
  • Do you have time to record 5-15 episodes in the next couple quarters?
  • How will you ensure the episode is quality + relevant to the audience?


  • Proposals open May 15th
  • Finalists, Top ~7 proposals selected for final round of evaluation - June 3
  • Next Seasons selected + Announced - June 10
  • Recording + Next Seasons Airing - July - December 2024
  • Reevaluate next steps end 2024.


I have a proposal to merge How To DAO and Greenpill for one season. This would be an excellent opportunity to connect communities, where we can focus on the future of crypto from a slightly different perspective but with a very similar mindset. Our aim is to play the infinite game and use crypto for good.

Season Title

How To DAO - Greenpill edition

Season Goals

Promote DAOs and How to DAO book launch that is scheduled for January 21, 2025

Why is this relevant to the greenpill audience in H2 2024?

DAOs are a core concept of the ReFi movement, and we can invite a guest who has experience with both.


Q4 2024 / Q1 2025

Proposed Episodes + Guests

We will invite the guest contributors to walk with us through our book outline, which consists of approximately 15 chapters/episodes.

Some of those are Rune (MakerDAO), Vincent / Boris (VitaDAO), Griff (GiveETH), PeterPan and Mona (Hydra Ventures), Justice (Polygon), Aaron and Primavera (Blockchain and Law), , Ameen (MolochDAO), Alisha.eth (ENS DAO), Berhane (PandoDAO), Tracheopteryx (Coordinape), Anjali (CollabLand), Chase (Uniswap), Vit (Liberland), Janine (Zuzalu), Eche Emole (Afropolitan)

Do you have podcast hosting experience? Links to previous work pls.

We are organizing live conferences with panels and talks, some of our previous guests might also join the podcast episodes.

Are you a known quantity to the regen ecosystem? Links to previous work pls.

Yes we also have impact partners at our conferences, we worked previously with Giveth and Glo Dollar

Whats your favorite greenpill episode + why?

My favorite episode is with Griff about coordination mechanism, because I love learning about coordination.

Do you have time to record 5-15 episodes in the next couple quarters?


How will you ensure the episode is quality + relevant to the audience?

I will learn from more experience hosts, such as @owocki and also get help with editing.

1 Like

This is a great opportunity and thanks for sharing it with all of us @owocki
I along with @LauNaMu would like to propose a season we are excited to host!

Season Title: Summer of RetroRounds
Season Goals: Our primary objective is to delve into the intricacies of Retroactive Public Goods Funding (RPGF) and examine its multifaceted phases and potential designs. This exploration will enable our listeners to gain a comprehensive understanding of how RPGF rounds are designed and the nuances involved in their execution.

Why is this relevant to the greenpill audience in H2 2024?
RPGF is one of the most innovative mechanisms in the Public Goods Space now, a lot of the audience of Greenpill podcast has been involved directly or indirectly in the implementation of this mechanism and it’s different designs, hence it would be relevant to explore the design space of retro rounds in depth and the outcomes they have led to.

The first cohort of Ezrpgf concludes in June 2024. We aim to schedule our podcast episodes for July, providing a timely reflection on the outcomes of Cohort 1, great synergies with programming during EthCC, and set the space for the second cohort of Ezrpgf. This will also serve as an ideal platform to discuss potential innovations and improvements for future rounds. However we are flexible with the schedule.

Proposed Episodes + Guests

  1. Setting the stage: This episode sets the stage for the season in which we discuss the development of the Cohort training sessions followed by pilot cohort, learnings and open the forum to the Study cases of the first Cohort.
  2. Round 1 of FILRPGF: A discussion with the Filecoin team, including Tom and Kiran.
  3. Exploring Round 1 with POKT: An episode dedicated to understanding the unique aspects and results of collaborating with POKT.
  4. Retro Funding Rounds 4 and 5: Featuring RFP builders, this episode will explore the builds. For eg: 1.the West team on their development of the platform for rounds 3 + 4 and 2. MACI team on taking a privacy spin at ezRPGF
  5. Innovation Opportunities: A session with Jonas to jam on uncharted areas within RF that could benefit from innovative approaches.
  6. Future of RetroFunding: Evaluating the role of committees or citizen involvement in upcoming Retro rounds with Optimism (OP), forecasting the evolution of community engagement.

Do you have podcast hosting experience? Links to previous work pls.

Yes, we have some experience in hosting as well as being guests in some of the podcasts


Are you a known quantity to the regen ecosystem? Links to previous work pls.

Sejal is a seasoned contributor to the Greenpill Network and Gitcoin ecosystem. Previous work includes:

  • Running the EasyRetroPGF learning program and community,
  • Facilitating the pilot cohort of ezRPGF
  • Co-Led Quadratic Avengers initiative
  • Led round manager training program(s)

LauNaMu is an active voice in the Public Goods Design Space and Impact Assessment, . Previous work includes:

What’s your favorite greenpill episode + why?
Sejal : My personal favorite episode of the Greenpill podcast is undoubtedly the one I had the pleasure of hosting with Minister Audrey Tang. This episode stands out for me because of its unique focus on the innovative work being done in Taiwan. The discussions in this episode provided a deep and clear understanding of the local initiatives, making it super informative.

LauNaMu: My favorite episode of the Greenpill podcast is Dangerous Protocols with Nadia Asparouhva because of the analysis she shared on the duality of qualities protocols can have and the importance of keeping underlying implicit protocols in mind when designing visible and explicit protocols.

Do you have time to record 5-15 episodes in the next couple quarters?
Yes we have.

How will you ensure the episode is quality + relevant to the audience?
The quality of each episode will be anchored in thorough research, the caliber of our guests, and the depth of the questions we pose. Our active involvement in the domain of retroactive public goods funding ensures that we are well-positioned to maintain high content standards.


Wow! Super bullish in this two great green pilled maxis :D. Definitely it would be a great season.


Season Title:

Onchain Grants Deep Dive (working title)

Season Goals:

The world of web3 grants has been exploding, with hundreds of millions of dollars being given out and more on the way. Onchain activity has given us the opportunity to experiment at scale with new, novel funding mechanisms, new ways of measuring, and more. This season will deep dive into the wild world of grants, all its peculiarities and explore its possibilities.

Why is this relevant to the greenpill audience in H2 2024?

Grants are going parabolic. It’s a great time to get an early look at the game-changing experiments being run. Some numbers to consider:

  • OP just wrapped up a massive $100M round in RetroPGF3
  • Arbitrum is currently running 5 different grants programs (sometimes overlapping)
  • Octant just wrapped its 4th iteration of running a massive experiment, using proceeds from 100,000 staked ETH in an attempt to sustainably fund digital public goods
  • In March, Filecoin announced a new $1M Retro Funding grants program


Episodes would be recorded in June/July and debuted in August.

Proposed Episodes + Guests

  1. Scoping Your Grants Program - Objective setting, budgeting and setting program foundations. Possible guests: Sov from Gitcoin, Ben from Thrivecoin
  2. Roles & Responsible - Exploring the key roles of a grants program and how to staff it well. Possible guests: David from Hats Protocol
  3. Measurement - Creating strong metrics to measure the success of programs. Possible guests: Ed from Impact Plus, Carl from OSO, Eugene from Metagov
  4. Audiences & Funding - Speaking to the right people and securing funding through DAO governance and fundraising. Possible guests: StableLab, one of Gitcoin’s many amazing cause-communities
  5. Funding mechanisms - Deep dive into the current state of funding mechanisms, pros and cons and what’s possible in the future near and distance future. Possible guests: Cheeky and/or Trent from Protocol Guild, Someone from OP re: Retro Funding, Kevin Owocki from Gitcoin, other capital allocation strategists (Vitalik, Glen, etc.)
  6. Eligibility criteria & Applications - How to set thoughtful eligibility criteria to get the applicants you want, creating smooth onboarding flows. Possible guests: Disruption Joe from Thrivecoin.
  7. Communications & engagement - Creating thoughtful and effective grants program comms. Possible guests: Mathilda from Gitcoin.
  8. Retrospective & Reporting - Follow-up to measurement episode + how to report effecitvely (can also combine these episodes). Possible guests: Carl from OSO, Umar from Gitcoin

Do you have podcast hosting experience? Links to previous work pls.

I’ve hosted several podcasts and have appeared as a guest on over 100 podcasts.

As a podcast host:
The Leadership Gap
The Gitcoin Pulse

Are you a known quantity to the regen ecosystem? Links to previous work pls.

I don’t think I’m particularly known outside of IRL experiences, though I’ve had the privilege of working at Gitcoin for the last 2-1/2 years and primarily participating in the Regen space through that. I’ve also been a part of the Schelling Point planning team since April 2022.

Whats your favorite greenpill episode + why?

Any episode with Daniel Schmachtenberger, obviously. And anyone who hasn’t/doesn’t put this as their answer has obviously not listened to these episodes yet :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you have time to record 5-15 episodes in the next couple quarters?


How will you ensure the episode is quality + relevant to the audience?

I personally have a professional recording setup at home. I also have extensive podcasting experience and am familiar with the idea of keeping the audience top of mind. Ideally I’d be able to get a pulse on the relevance of the content based on the performance of the episodes compared to previous episodes.


I already want to subscribe to this series @sejalrekhan @LauNaMu :seedling:


Thank you for the opportunity for allowing the community to submit these proposals @owocki!

I’m proposing the following Season:

Season Title
Token Engineering the Commons

Season Goals
The goal of this season is to educate the GreenPill community on some of the Token Engineering concepts, mechanisms and processes that are enabling the creation of local commons. It will highlight some of the organizations and projects that are building the tools that will be used to enable local coordination, and to talk to the many organizations and individuals that are already experimenting in real communities all over the world.

Why is this relevant to the greenpill audience in H2 2024?
The GreenPill audience has enjoyed exploring some of the broader solutions that blockchain technologies are attempting to solve. During this season, we will dive deep into the application of Web3 technology and how it is actually being applied in the context of a real-world Commons, what challenges we still have yet to overcome, and how local communities can begin to apply some of these Token Engineering principles into their own environments.

Depending on scheduling and availability, I would like to begin this season in the middle/end of July and wrap up the season at some time near the end of the year (November/December).

Proposed Episodes & Guests
The proposed episodes and guests listed here are separated into two sections. The first half of the season would be dedicated to setting the context for exploring the Commons in the 21st Century through the lens of Token Engineering. The second half is dedicated to exploring the real world experiments already in progress and laying a blueprint for how others in the GreenPill network can implement their grassroot efforts.

*As this is a desired list, I do not have approval or agreement for any of these speakers/organizations to participate in the podcast prior to this proposal. It is simply a vision for the Season…topics and speakers may change based on several factors.

Part 1: Exploring the Commons through Token Engineering

Episode 1: Web3 and Ostrom
Speaker(s): Marco Schletz
Exploring the intersection between Commons Management and Web3 with Marco Schletz. A broad overview of Ostroms impact, modern challenges to Commons management and where we are headed technologically in our pursuit of improving these systems.

Episode 2: Implementing Ostrom through Collaborative Economics
Speaker(s): Livia D. & Tam H of CommonsStack
Exploring the concept of collaborative economics through the lens of the initial formation of the Token Engineering Commons, how to apply Ostroms principles and the benefits of bringing the economic design space to our communities.

Episode 3: Regen TE
Speaker(s): Representative of the Regen Tokenomics DAO
Exploring the token engineering principles involved in the Regen space, how they differ from other areas of Token Engineering and how they are being applied.

Episode 4: The g0v Movement
Speaker(s): Representative of g0v
Establishing a vision for g0v as a grassroots social movement dedicated to deepening civic engagements and connections between the social arena and local citizens.

Episode 5: Coordination Technologies
Speaker(s): Ben of Open Civics
Exploring the evolution of coordination technologies in local communities, identifying trends, current practices, and whats on the horizon.

Episode 6: Legal Challenges for Local Commons
Speaker(s): Gabriel Shapiro of LexNode
Exploring the ins and outs of the legal challenges that local DAO’s and projects must face as they continue to practice decentralization in the real world.

Episode 7: Learning from Localized DAO’s
Speaker(s): Representative from CityDAO Network
Exploring how to build information centers that document real world experiments and share them with one another in our efforts to create a knowledge commons around local initiatives.

Part 2: Exploring Local Efforts of Implementation

Episode 8: ATXDAO
Speaker: Mason Lynaugh of ATXDAO
Discussing localized community efforts in Austin to solve local problems.

Episode 9: Local Efforts in LATAM (Hosted by colleague @bear100 in spanish)
Speaker(s): Sandusky
Discussing collective land ownership efforts and collaborative networks implemented in LatAm communities.

Episode 10: Cabin.City
Speaker(s): Jon Hillis of Cabin.City
Discussing the network village concept.

Episode 11: $OAK Community Currency
Speaker(s): Jesse Pollack, DJ, Garrick of Oak Community Currency
Discussing the history of community currencies and current experiments within Oakland, CA.

Episode 12: 404DAO
Speaker(s): Pruitt Martin of 404DAO
Discussing community organizing and local DAO formation in Atlanta, GA.

Episode n: * More local examples….to be discovered.

Do you have podcast hosting experience? Link to previous work pls.

I am currently the host of the Token Engineering as Public Goods series hosted on X. Here are a few episodes you can view:

TEPG Episode 1 - Smart Contract Audits w/Jackson

TEPG Episode 2 - Predictions, Data-Markets, and Ocean Protocols Predictoor w/Trent McConaghy

TEPG Episode 3 - AI + TE: A new era of Token Engineering with cadCAD GPT

Are you a known quantity to the regen ecosystem? Links to previous work pls.

I’ve engaged with many regen ecosystem participants and projects through my work in the TEC and the Gitcoin Grant rounds.

What’s your favorite greenpill episode + why?

I really enjoyed the 3 part series with Daniel Schmachtenberger covering the metacrisis. I particularly enjoyed part 2 on Superstructures and his insights into conflict theory and its application to design.

Do you have time to record 5-15 episodes in the next couple quarters?


How will you ensure the episode is quality + relevant to the audience?

Generally, I prepare each episode with a narrative in mind that is backed by research of the topic and the speaker involved. In a shared document, I establish the goals of the discussion and provide each speaker with a general outline of the proposed talk and allow them to modify the content, questions, and format to help create a narrative of their work that aligns with the goals of the discussion.

This collaborative process has worked very well in the past as it allows each of us to be better prepared for the recording of the episode. At the end of the day, I want to enable honest conversations and allow for the speakers to express their viewpoints without influence or prompting.

Thanks again! Looking forward to see how the GreenPill Podcast evolves!


Crypto Grant Wire is excited to submit a proposal for a new season of the Greenpill Podcast!

This season will explore the Web3 grants landscape, combining expert insights, data-driven analysis, and a strong focus on the regenerative economy. Hosted by experienced professionals, including Sov, @sejalrekhan, and @M0nkeyFl0wer , the Crypto Grant Wire season promises to be an essential resource for anyone looking to navigate the world of Web3 funding and drive positive change through innovative grant mechanisms.


Today, the Crypto Grant Wire is a Telegram community of Web3 Grants Enthusiasts that has been going strong since 2022. The community has nearly 4K active followers and details the happenings across Web3 grants, DAO Governance, insightful thoughts, and tools. Check it out below:

In the future, The Crypto Grant Wire could evolve into much more, starting with this season of Green Pill. Providing a platform for in-depth exploration and discussion of the Web3 grants landscape unmatched by any other podcast or resource. Our season stands out in several key ways:

  1. News and Current Events: Each episode will feature a 10-minute segment focusing on the most recent and interesting additions to the Crypto Grant Wire. This segment will inform listeners about the latest developments, trends, and opportunities in the Web3 grants space, providing timely and actionable insights that cannot be found elsewhere.
  2. Unparalleled expertise: The season brings together a lineup of hosts who are recognized thought leaders and contributors within the Gitcoin ecosystem and have extensive hands-on experience in Web3 grants. Their deep understanding of the landscape and strong networks and connections enable them to provide unrivaled insights and perspectives on the topics covered in each episode.
  3. Comprehensive coverage: The Crypto Grant Wire season will cover various topics related to Web3 grants, including novel funding mechanisms, grant program design, real-world applications, impact measurement, community building, and more. This approach brings a broader perspective and allows for various topics while balancing current events and updates across the Web3 grants landscape.

Season Goals

This season’s primary goal is to explore the Web3 grants landscape, focusing on novel funding mechanisms, grant program design, and the intersection of real-world organizations with Web3 funding. Each episode will feature a 10-minute segment discussing recent interesting additions to the Crypto Grant Wire, informing the audience about the latest news and developments. The season will also include analyses, breaking down grant cycles and identifying emerging trends, and predictive insights, forecasting the future direction of funding based on data-driven analysis. The season will be hosted by a rotating lineup of experienced professionals, including Ben West from Thrive (prev. Gitcoin), Sov (Gitcoin), and Sejal (Gitcoin), who will bring their unique perspectives and insights to the discussions.

Why is this relevant to the Greenpill audience in H2 2024?

The Greenpill audience, with its strong interest in the intersection of technology, society, and regenerative practices, will benefit greatly from a season dedicated to exploring the Web3 grants landscape in depth. Including the Crypto Grant Wire segment in each episode will provide listeners with a unique and valuable resource to stay informed about the latest news and developments in the space. The seasonal analyses and insights will offer perspectives on the trends and future direction of Web3 grants. By featuring insights from experienced professionals and thought leaders, the season will empower the audience to navigate the grants landscape effectively and stay at the forefront of this rapidly evolving ecosystem.


Episodes will be recorded between July and September 2024, and the season will air from September to December 2024.

Proposed Episodes & Guests(Please note that this is a tentative outline, and we may refine or reshape the episodes as we delve deeper into the topics and gather insights from our guests):

  1. Grants BD: Positioning Different Funding Mechanisms
  2. Novel Funding Mechanisms: What’s Hot and Why
  3. Grants Program Design: Best Practices and Pitfalls
  4. The Role of Grants Committees
  5. Governance and Accountability in Grants
  6. Real-World Grants and Web3: Bridging the Gap
  7. Measuring Grant Impact: Metrics and Frameworks for Web3 Grants
  8. Grants and Community Building: Strategies for Engagement and Retention
  9. The Role of Grants in Ecosystem Development
  10. Grants and Governance: Balancing Decentralization and Accountability
  11. The Future of Web3 Grants: Trends and Predictions
  • Each episode will feature a 10-minute Crypto Grant Wire segment discussing recent interesting resource additions, seasonal analyses, and predictive insights.

** Guests will include a diverse range of grant managers, thought leaders, and representatives from key organizations across the Web3 ecosystem, selected based on their relevance to the topics covered in each episode.

Podcast Hosting Experience

The season will be hosted by a lineup of experienced professionals:

  • Sov: A recognized Web3 Grants thought leader and contributor within the Gitcoin ecosystem, Sov has been instrumental in shaping the direction of the Gitcoin Grants Program. They have authored numerous thought leadership pieces on Web3 funding models and have been a key driver behind initiatives such as the Gitcoin Grants Round and the Gitcoin Grants Stack.
  • @sejalrekhan : Actively involved in the Gitcoin Grants Program, Sejal brings valuable insights from her work in the space. She has played a crucial role in developing and implementing the Gitcoin Grants Program’s operational framework and has been a vocal advocate for community-driven funding models.
  • @M0nkeyFl0wer : With extensive experience in the Web3 grants space through his work at Thrive (prev. Gitcoin), Ben deeply understands the challenges and opportunities in this domain. He has successfully managed several high-profile grant programs and has been instrumental in fostering collaborations between Web3 projects and traditional funding entities.

The hosts have some podcast experience; each has participated in countless Twitter Spaces on similar subjects. Additionally, they are “customer-facing” daily in their contributor roles and comfortable in public speaking and engaging with others. Their deep understanding of the Web3 grants landscape, strong communication skills, and ability to engage with various stakeholders position them well to deliver high-quality, informative, and engaging episodes.

Relevance to the Regen Ecosystem

The Crypto Grant Wire season will highlight projects, initiatives, and funding opportunities that align with the values and goals of the regenerative ecosystem. By showcasing grants that support social good, environmental sustainability, and community empowerment, the hosts aim to inspire and inform listeners about the potential of Web3 funding to drive positive change. The hosts’ expertise and networks within the Gitcoin ecosystem will ensure the season remains relevant and valuable to the Greenpill audience.

Favorite Greenpill Episode

Sov’s favorite Greenpill episode is the discussion on coordination mechanisms with Griff Green and Kevin Owocki. Their exploration into various coordination approaches, such as quadratic funding and DAOs, and how these mechanisms can support public goods, foster community engagement, and drive positive change made this episode an invaluable resource. I have recommended it to at least 100 people, as it is a must-listen for anyone interested in the future of decentralized collaboration and the potential of Web3 to drive positive change.

Availability and Commitment

The hosts are fully committed to dedicating the time and resources necessary to plan, record, and deliver a high-quality season of the Greenpill Podcast. With the support of their networks and the flexibility to allocate their time effectively, they can produce ten episodes within the proposed timeline, covering various topics related to Web3 grants and featuring insights from a diverse group of thought leaders and experts.

Quality Assurance and Relevance

To ensure the quality and relevance of each episode, the hosts will leverage their extensive knowledge of the Web3 grants space, tap into their networks of experts and thought leaders, and continuously monitor the latest developments and trends in the ecosystem. By connecting closely to the community’s pulse and engaging with the Greenpill audience, the hosts will strive to deliver timely, informative, and actionable content, providing listeners with a comprehensive understanding of the grant landscape and the tools to navigate it effectively.

Thoughts and comments are welcome. We appreciate your consideration!


Stoked to be part of this proposal. I have been going deep down the rabbit hole of allocation mechanism and methodologies and it would be great to share the learnings we are getting from testing programs in the wild as part of Thrive Protocol and the Thank ARB program.

@Sov @sejalrekhan and I always have a blast hosting Gitcoin Twitter spaces together and I think this would be a natural extension of that vibe. Thanks for putting this together Sov. :fire:

Huge fan of GreenPill of course and it would be an honour to play a role in its evolution. :vulcan_salute:t3:


just a heads up i am running behind on doing this. give me another week or two.

also i am considering using jokerace to select the top proposals… or at least give the ecosystem a voice in selecting which proposals are best.


Gm. Thanks for the opportunity to submit this proposal . Huge fan of Greenpill. Here’s a proposal from V DAO

Season Title: Building Regenerative Network States

Season Goals: We’ll explore the building blocks of regenerative network states with key leaders in the field. This series will give listeners a deeper understanding of what tools and approaches can help us transition out of the meta-crisis and into a more regenerative and anti-fragile paradigm.

Why is this relevant to the greenpill audience in H2 2024?

The Greenpill audience has been interested in Metacrisis themes and topics for some time. It’s very easy to get stuck in analysis paralysis and even emotional overwhelm in response to these issues. A key question remains, how can we build the third attractor? We believe that the answer lies in the regenerative network states space and we want to introduce the audience to practical regenerative and antifragile solutions that are high tech, high nature and high humanity.


Q3 / Q4 2024

Proposed Episodes + Guests

  1. The Next Supercycle

    This episode sets the stage for the season by discussing the evolution of human civilization, the challenges facing us today, where we are in the current supercycle, and what the next supercycle looks like.

    Guests: Joseph Lubin, Rob Avis, Marc Ziade

  2. Beyond Sustainability: Regenerative Living

    Introducing the concept of regenerative living, focusing on partnering with nature and leveraging technology to usher into a positive future. This includes the paradigm shift from degenerative to sustainable to regenerative and the implications surrounding that. The episode will also highlight bottom-up action and how to bring regenerative living to our everyday life.

    Guests: Rob Avis, Marc Ziade

  3. Autonomous Regenerative Properties

    Transforming our houses and properties from depreciating assets to living assets able to generate their own energy, water, food, money, etc.

    Guests: Rob Avis, Marc Ziade

  4. Regenerative Network States

    Sharing a vision for how we can usher into a more regenerative and decentralized future and why regenerative network states are essential for a positive future for our planet and humanity.

    Guests: Rob Avis, Marc Ziade

Do you have podcast hosting experience? Links to previous work please.

Yes, we have lots of experience as hosts and guests in recorded discussions on this topic, including a panel at ETH Denver and our monthly twitter spaces. Rob is also an experienced youtuber with over a decade of content in the regenerative living space.

Are you a known quantity to the regen ecosystem? Links to previous work please.

V DAO is a regenerative network state DAO that is well known within the regen ecosystem.

V DAO is being incubated by 5thworld, a regenerative living company based out of Canada. Verge Permaculture, the education arm of 5thworld, has over 12 years of experience facilitating regenerative land design courses, including rainwater harvesting, passive solar greenhouse design and permaculture design.

What’s your favorite greenpill episode + why?

Our favorite greenpill episode is the Daniel Schmachtenberger pod because he lays out in such a cogent way the challenges humanity is currently facing. This conversation introduced metacrisis concepts to many new people and inspired action with finding the third attractor.

Do you have time to record 5-15 episodes in the next couple quarters?

Yes, we have.

How will you ensure the episode is quality + relevant to the audience?

We will ensure the quality and relevance of each episode by seeking feedback from the community after each pod and course correcting if necessary.

UPDATE: JokeRace Results are in!

I’ve contacted each guest cohost and we are now organizing the guest seasons!