Join the Great Gitcoin Grant Eligibility Hunt before it kicks off next week with GR15! The grants round starts September 7th and runs till the 22nd!
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Hot Topics:
FDD launched the Great Gitcoin Grant Eligibility Hunt on Ethelo. We will release seven sets of grants, one each day. Each set has an open review window of 72 hours. Participants get a limited edition POAP – your agent badge and key to future events!
Owocki answers the question Who is a cofounder of Gitcoin? The title was offered to multiple people over the years, with a clause that to retain the title they must work at Gitcoin for four years. “As of August 2022, my interpretation of the above history & neutral reading of these agreements is that Kevin Owocki, Kyle Weiss, and Scott Moore are the current cofounders of Gitcoin.”
Kyle asks for a recap on how partnerships are going. Vishnu shares that they’ve kickstarted a mutual grants committee who have written a methodology for considering mutual grants and reviewed 30 grants based on those criteria. The four criteria are values-alignment, strategic utility, growth potential, and feasibility and effectiveness. Pre-existing mutual grants include PrimeDAO (with whom we’re working on a proposal inverter), DeveloperDAO (who just launched their governance token), and Radicle(with whom we’re currently executing a tokenswap). Outside of mutual grants, Vishnu also highlights that the CLR Fund 40k GTC grant was a “no strings attached gesture” and that we have a long line-up of matching partners. They include Vitalik Buterin, Coinbase, Momus.Eth, Yearn, Polygon, Aave, and many more.
In his treasury diversification update, Kyle lets us know that $1MM of GTC has been converted to USDC and sent back to the treasury. This will continue until all of the remaining balance of GTC in the account has been diversified. Kyle flags that “this is a slight deviation from the proposal which stated excess GTC would go back to the treasury.” While outside the proposal, this was approved last week by CSDO.
Latest Episodes from the GreenPill Podcast with Kevin Owocki:
- GovernorDAO with Jon Greenwood & Zane Huffman - Green Pill #39. As part of the current series on sybil resistance, learn about a protocol that offers a Governance-as-a-Service (GaaS) sandbox for any project to ensure their governance model works out of the box.
Gitcoin Governance Overview:
Snapshot polls GTC Holders and Tally performs on-chain actions. Proposals that have on-chain steps, such as budget requests, move on to Tally after being ratified on Snapshot.
Active Proposals:
- Disburse Moonshot Collective Budget [Tally]
- MMM S15 Budget Proposal [Tally]
- Withdraw $10MM of GTC to diversify our treasury and increase governance partners [Tally]
- FDD S15 Budget Proposal [Tally]
Proposal Discussions:
Latest Completed Proposals:

Workstream Discussion:
Public Goods Funding
We’re gearing up for GR15 and are excited to have a main round, 4 cause rounds, and 13 ecosystem rounds! Our partnerships team has been hard at work locking in funders and did a great job raising $2.8M despite being in a bear market.
In GR15, for the first time, we are decoupling eligibility for main and side rounds. Previously, projects needed to be approved for the main round before they could be approved for the platform or for side rounds. Now, we’re giving our partners more control than ever over who’s eligible for quadratic funding. This is a big step towards a protocol world.
Moonshot Collective
Quadratic Voting: We are working on a Product Requirements Document(PRD) to layout goals, stakeholders, projects, and milestones. Once the PRD is complete, the discovery phase can begin in earnest, to figure out the solution/building milestones.
Operations: This week, the MC Operations team reviewed three proposals to address the “success themes” of: Cross-Stream Accountability, Initiative Accountability and Idea Intake/Vetting.
Identity Staking: This week the Identity Staking team built out the bulk of the UI for the product. Our smart contract code for Identity Staking is currently being reviewed and audited. We also posted a bounty in Buidl Guidl (open to all, not just Buidl Guidl peeps). By end-of-week, the team aims to complete UI work, finish auditing the Smart Contract code, and to begin doing some user testing on Friday.
Fraud Detection & Defense
J-cook posted a vision for decentralizing Sybil defense and empowering communities to run their own Sybil detection algorithms on top of open datasets, rather than having a monolithic (and centralized) defense strategy. Part of the infrastructure to do this will come naturally with Grants 2.0. But additional infra for analyzing, training models, and making decisions needs to be created and made accessible to as many people as possible.
We are continuing to build labeled datasets of known Sybil users and supporting Gitcoin Passport on stamp scoring mechanisms for GR15.
Merch, Memes & Marketing
Programs: We are preparing for GR15 Launch Week! We’ll be pushing out fresh tweets and emails as well as running several events. Check them out in the community events section👇
Protocols: We’re putting on the finishing touches for Passport marketing materials ahead of GR15 (including our new marketing website) and supporting the Customer Service team to have the Knowledge Base fully updated. We’re also finalizing logos for the Grants Protocol suite (preview coming soon) and creating a roadmap for audience persona analysis.
MMM OS: We’re finalizing a compensation logic model for core contributors and planning to roll this out in in S16. Have you seen our new Notion and updated project tracker?
Content: We published two new blog articles:
DAO Operations
[CSDO]( In this week’s CSDO, we discussed whether we will be hosting Schelling Point at EthDenver. We decided to keep bringing this event to people and are still determining who will be running it if the events workstream is unavailable. We also surfaced a tension about how round policies get created and enforced between FDD and PGF. The two teams will touch base and there will be a proposal that can go through a consent-based process.
Our support team has been hard at work upgrading and updating our Knowledge Base ahead of GR15. We’ve been partnering closely with MMM & PGF and are excited that our documentation and videos will answer many grantee questions.
Gitcoin Product Collective
Grants Hub:
- We are about 90% production-ready with Grant Hub Phase 2 (Anchor). Our latest demo shows off how you can connect with multiple wallets including Metamask, Rainbow, and Coinbase. You can also see our latest designs for creating a new project on the Hub.
- Last week, we hosted our Monthly Team Retro. The recap can be found in the #grant-hub channel in the Discord. DM your local Discord admin for access, if needed.
- Our product team also worked on the first draft of the “Proof of Projecthood” product brief. There is an open request for feedback for this draft. View and make comments here. The team is seeking to finalize the brief this week.
Upcoming community events
Check out our Grants Events Calendar!
August 31st (Weds.) 3 PM UTC: Join our weekly Public Goods Library on Discord! This week’s session is hosted by Maxwell from PGF. Send a DM to @_madison_adams to be added!
August 31st (Weds.) 4 PM UTC: Drop in on our weekly DAO Vibes on Discord! We have been seeing great attendance and engagement and we would love for you to join us.
September 1st (Thurs.) 6 PM UTC: Gitcoin is hosting a Twitter Spaces for the DeSci Round. If you have a DeSci project and are thinking of applying for a Cause Round grant (DeSci is one of four categories), this one is for you!
September 6th (Tues.) 5PM UTC: Grantee Q&A on Twitter Spaces. Get in your final preparation before the round!
September 7th (Weds): GR15 Launch Day!
September 8th (Thurs) 6PM UTC: Shill your Grants Collection Twitter Space
September 9th (Fri) 6PM to 8PM UTC: Memepalooza in discord (w/ shill your grant section)
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This edition is co-written with @alexdwagner