[GG21 Community Round Proposal] Regen Coordi-NATION đŸŒ±

The Regen Coordi-NATION Round

The Regen Coordi-NATION Round is a proposal for a GG21 community round centered on the themes of Coordi-nations, Cosmo-localism, Bio-Regionalism, and Regenerative Finance (ReFi). Bringing together GreenPill Network, ReFi DAO, Celo Regional DAOs and Regens Unite, we aim to support a global movement of regenerative communities leveraging Web3 for real-world impact and addressing local needs. The round will feed into a program to support the further development of local community impact tracking methodologies, grant tooling interoperability, and integrated QF & RPGF. We have currently secured $60K in funding from Celo Public Goods, ReFi DAO and Greenpill and ask for Gitcoin’s backing as we embark on a shared mission to showcase how community coordination, Web3, and innovative financial mechanisms can enable ecological and social regeneration on a global scale.

Social Handles

@ReFiDAOist @greenpillnet @CeloPublicGoods @regensunite. Coming together as The Regen Coordi-NATION we have also created @RegenCoordinate.

Eligibility Criteria

  • We are seeking ReFi DAO Local Nodes, GreenPill Local Chapters, and Celo Regional DAOs to participate in the round. In addition, if approved by The Regen Coordi-NATION team, there is potential for other global-local regeneration networks to join the program.
  • Each local community must receive a nomination from the respective evaluation and governance processes of ReFi DAO, GreenPill, or Celo Public Goods (Celo PG). This devolved approach aims to leverage each network’s unique context, diversity, and expertise to provide robust application vetting.
  • In addition, each must also:
    • Have a Twitter account
    • Adhere to Gitcoin’s basic rules and code of conduct, including no fraudulent activity, quid pro quo, hate speech, or other activities out of alignment with Gitcoin’s essential intents.
    • Provide an update on progress and impact if they are a grantee from previous Gitcoin rounds.
    • Include feasible milestones and a roadmap for upcoming plans and development.
  • ReFi DAO, GreenPill, and Celo Public Goods (Celo PG) can also nominate up to three additional closely affiliated projects that provide supportive services to the network.
  • Finally, taking an optimistic governance approach, the Regen Coordination round team and advisors will review nominated applications to provide a final level of checks.

Round History

This would be the first time running a combined round within ‘Regen Coordi-nation’, however, both ReFi DAO and GreenPill have extensive experience in running Gitcoin rounds for their communities.


  • Local Node Beta Round (April 2023): $25k match funding, 14 nodes in the round.
  • Local Node GG18 Round (August 2023): $30k match funding, 31 nodes in the round. Over 1550 contributions totalling over $6700. Round Report Card.

You can read more about the results and impact of these two rounds in our article ‘ReFi Local Nodes 2023 - Round Results & What’s Coming Next?’ or in Gitcoin’s Retrospective article ‘Catalyzing Change: ReFi DAO’s Impact Through Gitcoin Funding Rounds’.

For more on the impact and developments of the ReFi Local Node Network in 2023, see ‘Regenerative Journeys: ReFi Local Nodes 2023 Roundup’ and for a retrospective of our latest local node incubator program during H1 2024 see ‘Local Node Incubator - Beta Cohort Retrospective’.


  • GreenPill Network Round (November 2023): 12 GreenPill Chapters, 3 ETH matching pool, and 403 donations totalling $988 in crowdfunding. Eligibility was to have minted a Hypercert with proof of your impact and to be an active Chapter. Round Report Card
  • GreenPill x Octant Community Round (March 2024): Eligibility for active Chapters and GPN-aligned projects was based on past work done - proof of impact in their work was needed to be accepted into the round. 1,808 donations were made to the round, totalling $5,550 in crowdfunding. Round Report Card.

Program Team, Advisors & Partnerships

Lead Operator


  • Scott Morris (LinkedIn) — Core steward at ReFi DAO. Scott is a globally recognized expert in regenerative systems design, focusing on place-based investment structures, community currencies, digital marketplaces, and participatory governance systems.
  • Sejal Rekhan (LinkedIn) — Founding Team at GreenPill Network, Grants Innovation at Gitcoin.
  • Izzy Lawrence (Twitter) — Coordinator at GreenPill Network, GG20 Review team, Chapter Lead at GreenPill Nigeria, Round Manager for 5+ Grant Stack rounds.
  • Luuk Weber (LinkedIn) — Founder at Kolektivo Labs and lead Steward of Celo Public Goods. 5+ years of experience developing local regeneration solutions and operating onchain networks.


  • Lana Dingwall (Twitter) — Lana is a consultant, and core team member of RootedLABs and The GreenPill Network.
  • Benjamin Life (Twitter) — Co-Founder of OpenCivics, 2x QF round operator, collaborative network designer and organizer.
  • Lau Na Mu - Optimism badge holder, Celo Public Goods Steward, and founder of Metrics Garden Labs — Lau’s goal is to advance the field of Impact Assessment in the web3 space to improve the funding of Public Goods.

Partnerships & Collaborations

  • MetaGov — In collaboration with Eugene Leventhal, The Metagovernance Project and the Cartographer Syndicate, we will share insights from this program to help inform Web3 grants research and innovation.
  • Glo Dollar — As a round partner, we are planning for matching to be in USDGLO, engaging in co-marketing, and ideally would like to empower native Glo donations through Gitcoin on Celo.
  • $REGEN Tips — In collaboration with the Regen Tips team, we are exploring potentials for $Regen token multipliers and integration with Proof of Regen as a potential experiment for ‘Tunable QF’ - e.g. allowing for community token distributions, badges, credentials, and reputation systems to be applied as signals to modify donation weights that get passed into the QF algorithm.
  • Open Civics — In collaboration with Open Civics and other partners, we are exploring bio-regional coordination and finance facilities for local nodes, decentralization of future grant rounds to operate at a bio-regional level, and attracting public, private, and philanthropic capital into this model. Furthermore, we aim to support the development of ‘Civic Stack’ - an open protocol library of on-chain and off-chain tools and mechanisms for cosmo-local coordination and regeneration.

Bioregional Financing Facilities: Reimagining Finance to Regenerate Our Planet.

Program Plan & Funding Pool

Program Roadmap

  1. Gitcoin Community Round QF during GG21.

  2. Continued support, impact tracking, and reporting.

  3. Retro Round in Q4 2024 based on the impact reported.


  • Celo Public Goods has committed $50K cUSD to this program.
  • ReFi DAO and GreenPill Network have each committed $5k —see the Regen Coordi-Nation Multi-sig with each core team member as a signer.
  • We hope to receive ~$50K of matching from Gitcoin to be used during GG21, bringing our total budget to $110,000 USD.

Funding Mechanisms & Impact Assessment Plan

In addition to leveraging the strengths of both QF & RPGF, a key outcome of this program will be supporting the development of local community impact tracking methodologies, integrated grant tooling interoperability and UX, and documentation of key results and insights.

  • QF with Gitcoin Grants Stack for GG21: The QF mechanism brings a bottoms-up signal of the support for each of the local communities in the program, as well as raising additional funds through the crowdfunding donations. We also plan to combine this with a quadratic signal boosting mechanism.
  • Karma GAP for impact tracking and reporting: All grantees will have their project uploaded into Karma GAP. Furthermore, bespoke development of a contextual schema, documentation guidelines, and hands on support, will facilitate detailed reporting of milestones, updates, and impact.
  • Exploration of Hypercerts: ReFi DAO and GreenPill have both run experiments with local community impact tracking with hypercerts. From these learnings, we have developed some initial visions for how to integrate Karma GAP and Hypercerts, see ‣ Karma GAP x Hypercerts x Regen CoordiNATION. We will continue to work with Mahesh, Holke, and their respective teams to further explore these integrations.
  • Retro Funding Round with EasyRPGF.xyz: Incentivising impact and reporting, we will follow up with a retroactive round leveraging EasyRPGF.xyz. This will include dedicated development towards advancing interoperability with Grants Stack, Karma GAP, and Hypercerts.
  • Program Retrospective: Feedback, insights, and post-round analysis will be documented and shared publicly in Q4.

Community Size



Celo Public Goods & Regional DAOs

Estimated number of eligible grantees

We anticipate up to 50 grantees to be eligible based on our set criteria.

Alignment with Gitcoin

  • Community First: The core focus of the Regen Coordi-NATION is community empowerment, creating fundamental alignment with Gitcoin’s Mission to enable communities to build, fund and protect what matters.
  • Gitcoin Adoption: Bringing multiple influential organizations together and investing in local communities introduces a powerful opportunity to enhance the network effects within the Gitcoin ecosystem. Each community and their members onboarded to Gitcoin during our rounds are likely to be part of Gitcoin for many years to come, or even leverage Gitcoin’s tools to run their own local or bio-regional rounds (as evidenced by ReFi Phangan and others). As a result, we can help to stimulate a reinforcing cycle of adoption and engagement in Gitcoin’s products and principles, and begin to attract public, private and philanthropic sources of capital in future programs as we prove out the model.
  • Innovation & Experimentation: The program aligns with Gitcoin’s modular and multi-mechanism approach by integrating QF, Signal Boosting, RPGF, Karma GAP, and Hypercerts. Additionally, by supporting the further development of the tooling, we aim to enhance interoperability, functionality, and contribute to the long-term adoption and effectiveness of the Web3 grant funding ecosystem.

Potential Conflicts of Interest

  • Lana Dingwall - As well as being an active steward of the GreenPill Network and advisor for this round, Lana also sits on the Gitcoin Community Council. We would like to surface this as a potential conflict of interest to be aware of.

Additional Considerations

Exceptional projects from this round may also be eligible to additional programs.

Theory of Change

Thank you for this opportunity and to everyone who is building for a better future :green_heart:


Thank you @MontyMerlin for this detailed proposal and all your hard work putting this together! I am beyond excited about this initiative that brings in so many aligned ecosystems building for real-world impact.

Excited to support :slight_smile:


Brillant stuff! Action is born through communities and strengthened by coordination like this.


I’m so excited to see these communities been woven together, forming a big mycelium network of real-world regeneration. :raised_hands:t4::green_heart:


I believe this collaboration will truly accelerate local regenerative coordination at scale.

Finding paths of collaboration between these networks with local nodes is critical to increasing the likelihood of uncovering models that work at scale.

If successful, I can imagine expanding this collation with Kolektivo Network nodes and BanklessDAO chapters!


Excited to see this proposal and looking forward to collaborating with this team. LFG


Really happy to see this proposal come through for GG21! Reminder that reviewing and voting will take place July 17 - 19, with rounds announced here on the forum July 20th


Thank you @MontyMerlin for this proposal. This is a true moment to push the Regen movement forward!


Thank you for the detailed proposal on the Regen Coordi-NATION Round. While this current round includes diverse regions there is a strong case for having future rounds specifically focused on distinct regions like Latin America. Here are three arguments to support a regional-focused iteration:

1. Localized Impact: Regional rounds can address specific local challenges and leverage unique opportunities within a given area. Latin America, for example, has distinct environmental, social, and economic contexts that can benefit from tailored regenerative finance (ReFi) solutions.

2. Strengthening Regional Networks: A dedicated Latin American round would strengthen the connections between local nodes, fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing. This can create a robust network of regenerative communities that support each other’s growth and impact.

3. Impact Tracking and Evaluation: It becomes easier to track progress and measure impact within a more homogeneous context. This allows for more accurate evaluations and the ability to tailor support mechanisms based on regional feedback.

To summarize, while the current Regen Coordi-NATION Round inclusively supports Latin American communities, establishing dedicated regional rounds in the future would significantly enhance the initiative’s effectiveness and impact. By doing so, we can ensure that the unique needs and opportunities of each region are fully addressed, fostering stronger, more resilient, and more engaged regenerative communities.