[GG21 Community Round Proposal] Decentralized Documentation: Empowering Bioregional Initiatives

Name (or Topic/Theme) of Proposed Round: Decentralized Documentation: Empowering Bioregional Initiatives.

Social Handle of Your Organization: @P2PFoundation


Founded in 2005 by Michel Bauwens, the P2P Foundation is a pioneering force in promoting P2P principles and decentralized technologies. It serves as a hub for open-source innovation and knowledge sharing, influencing global discourse on blockchain and commons-based peer production. With a comprehensive wiki (https://wiki.p2pfoundation.net) and impactful publications (Curated article: An overview of research into the emergence of the contributory economy ), the foundation fosters collaboration and sustainable economic models. Its unwavering commitment to openness and decentralization drives the creation of resilient and equitable digital ecosystems worldwide.

Eligibility Criteria: This is the inaugural round specifically dedicated to bioregional blockchain documentation. There is no historical context for this specific round within Gitcoin Grants. Projects must primarily focus on bioregional documentation using blockchain technology.

Criteria include one of the following:

  • Content Production: Projects must demonstrate the ability to contribute to the bioregional knowledge base. / skills
  • Documentation Infrastructure: Projects should utilize blockchain/decentralized storage for transparency and traceability in bioregional documentation. / skills

Common Criteria:

  • Verifiable History: Applicants must have a verifiable history of working on related projects. / commitment
  • Gitcoin Core Rules: All submissions must adhere to Gitcoin’s core rules, including no fraudulent activity, quid pro quo, hate speech, or other activities out of alignment with Gitcoin’s essential intents. / governance
  • Project Proposal: A complete project proposal with a clear problem statement, solution, roadmap, benefits, and timeline for implementation. / planning
  • Budget: A budget and funding plan. / accountability

Round History: This is the inaugural round specifically dedicated to bioregional blockchain documentation. There is no historical context for this specific round within Gitcoin Grants.

Team Running This Round:

  • Round Operator:
    • Name: Michel Bauwens
    • Relevant Experience: Founder of the P2P Foundation, extensive experience in peer-to-peer and collaborative economies.
    • Bio: Michel Bauwens is a theorist, writer, and speaker on the subject of peer-to-peer economy, with a focus on the commons-based approach.
    • Social Handle: @mbauwens
  • Team Member 1:
    • Name: Mayssam Daaboul
    • Relevant Experience: Extensive experience in management consulting, blockchain services consulting, and strategic initiatives.
    • Bio: Mayssam Daaboul is an academic and professional in the fields of blockchain and peer production, with a strong academic and practical background.
    • Social Handle: @lusifix
  • Team Member 2:
    • Name: Tiberius Brastaviceanu
    • Relevant Experience: Co-founder of Sensorica, a pioneering open value network in the field of collaborative production.
    • Bio: Tiberius Brastaviceanu is a leader in the field of decentralized collaboration, with extensive experience in open-source project development.
    • Social Handle: @TiberiusB

Alignment with Gitcoin’s Mission and Essential Intents: This community grant supports the creation of transparent, decentralized knowledge bases that benefit the broader community, aligning with Gitcoin’s essential intents of fostering innovation and inclusivity. In addition, this community grant promotes open-source bioregional projects, which align with the sustainability goals of Gitcoin.

For the infrastructure development track we will insist on using the Ethereum blockchain, thus furthering the goal of Gitcoin to advance the growth and adoption of the Ethereum Ecosystem.

The documentation track brings together projects in bioregional blockchain applications, strengthening Gitcoin’s schelling point status in this particular niche. Moreover, the documentation efforts will surface individuals with key skills and achievements in this domain.

Anticipated Size of the Matching Pool: We have already received a $50,000 grant from GCC, which we invested in management infrastructure. We are now actively pursuing new funds to support the development of P2P documentation and enhance our marketing and exposure efforts. The matching pool is anticipated to be fundraised through partnerships with bioregional organizations and blockchain innovators. P2P Foundation is currently engaged in funding operations with several leading organizations.

  • Funding Address:

  • eth:0xa386C179424D8493Ed9A6259F0C3Cc2b941Fd4fB

  • oeth:0x25e5d6504F529ec97B7E9A59BE89cCa1a83a0721

  • arb1:0xa8c871B9298A515845233a245FF59cA7f30eF434

Advisors for This Round:

  • Advisor 1:
    • Name: Michel Bauwens
    • Relevant Experience: A theorist, writer, and speaker on the subject of peer-to-peer economy, with a focus on the commons-based approach.
  • Advisor 2:
    • Name: Tiberius Brastaviceanu
    • Relevant Experience: A leader in the field of decentralized collaboration, with extensive experience in open-source project development.

Funding Mechanism: We are using quadratic funding because it allows for community-driven support, ensuring that a broad base of contributors can influence the allocation of funds, which aligns with the decentralized and participatory nature of our bioregional documentation project. In addition, we will be working on integrating Gitcoin Passport.

Community Size and Engagement:

  • Community Size: The P2P Foundation has grown to encompass a vast, worldwide community over the past 20 years. As a network of networks, the size of collaborations is variable. The P2P Foundation is unique in that it builds bridges and connections amongst many different subcultures and projects in the p2p space.
  • Tangible Metrics: The wiki consists of 25k documentary entries that had been consulted already a billion times by 2020.
  • Type of Projects to Fund: Projects that document bioregional activities and innovations using blockchain technology, ensuring transparency and traceability.
  • Estimated Number of Eligible Grantees: We estimate that around 50 grantees will be eligible to apply for this round.

Impact Assessment Plan: The P2P Foundation Wiki has evolved as a very reputable information source for everything P2P, as a result of almost 20 years of curation done by Michel Bauwens, with help from other collaborators. We will use Hypercerts to establish the impact of the P2P Foundation. Moreover, the bioregional blockchain initiatives that we are planning to map and document will also be encouraged to build their impact assessment on Hypercents, and further to build their portable identity and reputation on Karma GAP, enabling them to unlock future opportunities.

We also plan to to include regular reporting, community feedback mechanisms, and independent audits to measure and evaluate the success and impact of the grantees over successive rounds.

Additional Considerations: Community members should consider the potential for creating a comprehensive and transparent documentation system that could serve as a model for other bioregional and commons-based projects globally.

Potential Conflicts of Interest: There are no known conflicts of interest. All round operations team members have no direct involvement in any projects that will participate to receive a grant.

Primary Resource:

The P2P wiki will serve as the decentralized, open-source home for storing bioregional data, using blockchain technology for secure, transparent, and traceable documentation. The P2P Foundation aims to build a comprehensive and accessible library for all things bioregional, ensuring that cutting-edge technology and concepts are readily available to the community. For more information, visit our Bioregional Library.


Thanks to Mayssam Daboul for posting this. This is the first posting by myself, Michel Bauwens, and colleagues, on behalf of the documentary work of the P2P Foundation. As some may know, we have been documenting the open source, p2p, commons and crypto movements for over 15 years now, publishing 25k documentary entries, which had been viewed a billion times some years ago. What distinguishes us is I believe our capacity to build bridges between the inside and the outside, and to link many individuals and communities together in a integrative and wholistic framework. PLease support us to do this more intently for the ‘bioregional blockchain’ revolution. While our wiki is in one place, though produced in distributed fashion from a pluralistic point of view (not one, but manyi perspectives), we are more than willing to take steps to distribute it even further. We hope that non-technical documentarians and librarians can be a part of the Web3 ecosystems and that such content work can be funded as public goods.


Excited to see this proposal go live! Reviewing and voting will take place July 17 - 19, with rounds announced here on the forum July 20th

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Awesome initiative. I see some great synergy with our proposed Regen Coordi-NATION – would be great to explore any potential collaborations and align!

Just been reading through the Bioregional Library, I love this section from Paddy Le Fluffy on Bioregional Cosmolocalism:

"The systemic basis of the new civilisation is also a combination of two parts. They are bioregionalism and cosmolocalism, and they combine to become bioregional cosmolocalism.

The organisations at the heart of cosmolocalism are global networks that connect local nodes. The local nodes only serve their local area, for example their local bioregion, while the networks connect them with similar nodes in other areas. The global networks include information commons through which every member node can access the innovations and experience of every other node, while remaining free to choose how to apply it in order to serve their own local area. This is what creates the collaborative development dynamic."


Hi @MontyMerlin,

Thank you for reviewing our proposal. @MDEE and I also reviewed your proposal and we appreciate the composition of team and supporters. You seem to be well connected within the web3 ecosystem and have access to skilled blockchain developers. Moreover, your proposal seems to mainly target infrastructure development: impact tracking methodologies, grant tooling interoperability, and integrated QF & RPGF.
On our side, we are mainly focused in curation, sense making and documentation, which have been part of Michel Bauwen’s core activities with the P2P Foundation. We see complementarity between our proposal and yours.

The P2P Foundation has evolved into a think tank for p2p, providing a vision about the future, based on on-the-ground observations coupled with studies of history of human civilizations. This predictive body of knowledge is, in our opinion, essential to guide the development of web3 applications for commons good. Generally speaking, like during any past technological breakthrough, the development in web3 is in its chaotic stage, with a lot of efforts not to be well aligned with powerful trends of socioeconomic transformations that we have identified. A random-walk innovation process may lead to interesting discoveries, but adding some vision based on decades of study and understanding will definitely help accelerating development and reducing costs and frustrations.

In my opinion, we should join together for this Community Grant call. I wonder what my colleagues think.

Thank you @MontyMerlin @TiberiusB
Let us have a chat maybe early next week

Hello, I am one of the council members and would like clairty on the matching pool question. Currently you haven’t raised any amount? However you are in the process of fundraising to get one?

We initially received a 50K fund for management infrastructure, marketing and content creation and yes we are in the process of fundraising

Dear Tibi, and a warm thanks to Monty. I fully agree with Tibi that these proposals could be seen as complementary and non-competitive. Our focus is on what John Vervaeke calls ‘relevance realization’, i,.e. the construction of joint but pluralist meaning, and creating bridges between the many fragmented islands, not just within web3 but between web3 and the outside world.

So open to any conversations, Mayssam organizes these types of meetings for me, so I will follow his lead.

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