GG20 Community Round Proposal - Africa QF Round

Name (or Topic/Theme) of Proposed Round

Africa QF Round

Funding Address


How many times has this round been run during a Gitcoin Grants round?


How big is your team that will run this round? Who is your team?

Five - 5

thinkDecade - Round Operator -

Kutubu - General/Projects Support -

karla_God - General support/Media coordination -

Ganzaro - General Support/projects review -

Ebenezer - General Support/projects review -

How does this round align with Gitcoin’s mission and essential intents?

The GG20 Africa Round provides untapped African talents, builders, and projects with access to funding and resources, enabling them to drive innovation and create positive social change. With a focus on measurable impact and mutual collaboration, the round fosters trust within the community while embracing forward-thinking solutions to address critical challenges. This round also initiates a self-reinforcing cycle of network effects through targeted Gitcoin product adoption and ecosystem engagement. This strategic focus not only enhances Gitcoin’s global reach but also demonstrates the platform’s commitment to supporting underrepresented communities, ensuring that the Gitcoin ecosystem thrives on diversity and innovation.

What do you anticipate the size of the matching pool will be (either fundraised from partners, raised independently through your connections, or a combination of both)?


Please describe the eligibility criteria you envision for this proposed round.

  • Projects exhibit clear relevance to the broad framing of civic innovation
  • Project team size and skills correlate to use of funds and desired impact.
  • Project must aim to make impact in Africa, especially in countries where Web3 has gained significant traction such as Nigieria, Kenya, Ghan and South Africa.
  • Project demonstrates a clear track record of previous work.
  • Projects must have been active for at least 2 months.
  • Projects must comply with Gitcoin’s rules.

How large is your community approximately?

10k plus

What type of projects would you like to fund?

Primary - Prioritized

  • Hackathon Initiatives: Projects that have emerged from hackathons with a clear plan for continuation and potential for impactful outcomes.
  • Developer Training Programs/Workshops/mentorships: Initiatives focused on upskilling developers with web3 technologies, including but not limited to blockchain development, smart contracts, and decentralized applications (DApps).
  • Technical Public Good Projects. Example, web3 infrastructure.


  • General Web3 Education/Trainings: Educational projects that provide a broad introduction to web3 concepts, aiming to onboard newcomers to the ecosystem.
  • Creator/Educator Training Programs: Programs designed to enable creators and educators to leverage web3 tools and platforms, enhancing their ability to produce and share knowledge.

Approximately how many grantees do you believe will be eligible to apply to this round?


Impact Assessment: If and how do you intend to assess grantee impact over successive rounds? This could include, but is not limited to Hypercerts, GAP, Deresy, etc.

We intend to develop and implement a mix of the following strategies for Impact Assessment:

  • Comparative Impact Studies: Conducting studies that compare the outcomes of funded projects with similar initiatives not receiving grants can offer insights into the added value of the grant. These comparative studies can help in understanding the differential impact that the funding has on accelerating project development, community engagement, and the achievement of intended outcomes.
  • Community Feedback Mechanisms: Establishing channels for community feedback allows stakeholders within the ecosystem to voice their opinions on the effectiveness and impact of grantee projects. This direct feedback from the community not only serves as a vital metric of impact but also fosters a sense of ownership and participation in the grant-making process. The Public Good Africa forum(Common) is up and would be used as one of the tools for this.
  • Hypercert : We will also be issuing hypercerts as an impact assessment mechanism.
  • Karma GAP.

Is there anything else that community members should consider when voting for which rounds to focus on in the upcoming GG20 grants round?



Telegram :arrow_right: Telegram: Contact @publicgoodAfrica
Website :arrow_right:
X(Twitter) :arrow_right:
Warpcast :arrow_right: Warpcast
Lens :arrow_right:


Thank you for your proposal! Please note that the council will review and vote the week of March 18 - 22. Voting won’t take place in a public setting (to avoid any collusion).

Results will be posted on the gov forum March 25th. Please be available the whole of next week to answer any questions on this post that the council may have!

Good luck!!

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@PGA what’s your contribution amount to the round going to be?

@PGA will PGA itself be a participant in the round y’all are operating as well?

Hi @PGA I DMed you some direct feedback from the council on your proposal!

As mentioned you are still welcome to run a round during GG20!