Better Impact Funding - The Greenpill/Hypercerts/Gitcoin combo move

Demo of the Greenpill Hypercerts minter:

Thanks Raid Guild for being my huckleberry on the build :slight_smile:


It would be difficult for me to be any more stoked about this idea.


Sounds great, awesome idea to coordinate some games and incentives !!! :smiley:


Wonderful explanation and ideas! This is exactly why I joined Web3 five month ago! Let’s groooooooooooow! :seedling:


Fantastic!!! Definitely great ideas here. I feel like hypercerts are hard to understand for some grantees. Happy to see the creativity when it comes to creating Green Pill chapters and learning exactly what we can do to prepare ourselves for the future of working together with public goods related projects.


Love this idea! I’d be interested in helping out with the training and logistics side of operating a round


Thanks ill probably hit u up about this

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This is really exciting to see.

I like the way you’re presenting this. This eliminates lots of the red tape associated with impact certs like carbon or plastic credits the same way GG eliminates the funding red tape for small projects without a legal entity. Something like “walking to little old ladies across the street” makes it clear that impact is impact no matter how small it is. If you live in an area with a large population of seniors, this would be very impactful.

I ran a mini grants program in 2022 and remember thinking it would be great to do a QF round instead. This could have grown the amount distributed and given participants more visibility - making them more excited about executing on their proposals. It’s great to run it back with QF and support from GPN for the next one. I think it will coincide with the Gitcoin Citizens round so we can piggy back on that.

I haven’t gotten around to onboarding these communities to hypercerts, this is a great opportunity to do so now that some of them have participated in GG18.

Will continue experimenting with all of these tools and integrating when/ where possible. Thanks for making all of this happen.


I love this idea and vision for where it could go! Ultimately we need a multiprong approach to funding public goods, so this model looks exciting. I know on a small scale the GPN Ottawa team is launching a rooftop garden program while continuing to run onboarding and educational workshops. We want to help people unlock the power of crypto for the average person and realize that often showing over-telling works.

We will keep this hypercerts and local QF plan in mind.

I know some issues in this space are always around balancing funding what is proven and what has the potential to be. Down to participate in this experiment and get our hands dirty!


Thanks so much for sharing @owocki. Looking really forward to implement this with our chapters. It’s an incredible way to visualize the impact they’re creating and ensuring alignment simultaneously.

I’m particularly excited about enabling chapters to run local QF rounds. This will lead to simplified explanations, especially in local languages which will reduce barriers to onboarding. Ultimately, it will encourage local NPOs/projects (to begin with) to participate and leverage the mechanism, paving the way for substantial real-world adoption.


Just got onborded to the Greenpill network repping Kenyan chapter @sejalrekhan thank you for sharing gitcoin gov and for the smooth onboarding process @carlosjmelgar great to meet you here after the interactive twitter space for ETHsafari cant wait for the IRL meetup and the launch of the Kenyan chapter LFG… interesting vybes


Welcome David @mortech Love your energy! Excited for GP Kenya!

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GM GM everyone,

Thrilled to share that GreenPill Hypercerts Minter and Attestation app is readyy! Below is the demo of how simple and straightforward it is. Thanks to @owocki and Raid Guild team.

Would be awesomee to get some feedback and love on this. Link below


I just minted my first hypercert for Ottawa GPN and it was very easy. Only takes a couple of minutes to fill out and create. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.


After going through the minting process, I think this is a good way of keeping track of impact which can directly be used on GS!! I’m sure with the proper brand valued implementation, this process will go far!


Great to hear :slight_smile: Can you ellaborate a bit more on ‘proper brand valued implementation’, I’m trying to gather feedback and see if we can deliver a few of those feature before the next major GR.


@bitbeckers In terms of “proper brand valued implementation,” could you be more specific? Off prima facie, I would state that the implementation can vary from group to group or brand to brand, depending on the group/brand’s core values. An example is shown here on Hypercerts for the Local Level.


hey @bitbeckers @sejalrekhan @owocki ! Now that GG19 is live would be great to drop the link to the app here so that people can check it out and use it!


Thanks @meglister

We are doing the GG19 GPN round on the forked version with Hypercerts integrated. We still have 2 days. Would be awesome to get everyone’s support here


here’s a write up on the pilot by @sejalrekhan => Lessons from GreenPill Network's Hypercerts Impact Funding Experiment