Allo S19 Progress Update

We are rapidly approaching the next budgeting cycle, so we’d like to take a moment to share what the Allo team has been up to this season. We hope that this can be a useful reference for community members as you review our upcoming S20 budget.

Progress against Goals

In our S19 budget request, we outlined our long-term view that resource allocation is a broad market category that Gitcoin and Allo are uniquely positioned to help define. We see web3 grants (and DAO investment generally) as our best near-term opportunity for traction and know that providing end-user interfaces will be a key requirement for unlocking those use cases. Given that, we set a S19 goal of 3 products built on Allo v2.

Goal Scoring

  • Today:
    • 1 out of 3 products built (Alloscan)
  • Forecast by end of season:
    • 2 out of 3 products built (Alloscan + Impact Stream)
  • Notes
    • At the beginning of the season, our hypothesis was that these products would be a mix of existing apps and new products built in-house.
    • We have engaged with the major existing apps and, while they all have expressed an interest in using Allo v2, their adoption timelines are likely early/mid 2023 given their organizational priorities.
      • teams engaged: Grants Stack, Questbook, Octant, Giveth, Buidlbox
    • We have had more success with the apps that we have been able to directly influence — Alloscan was built fully in-house and Impact Stream is a collaborative effort that we will likely wrap by the end of October.

Key milestones

Despite falling short of our published short-term goal, we are proud of the progress we have made against our long-term aim of creating a flourishing ecosystem of apps on v2. These include:

Auditing + Deploying Allo v2 to Mainnet:

The bulk of our energy this season went towards the unsexy but highly necessary work of preparing Allo v2 for audit and mainnet deployment. We wrapped our first pass at the core contracts at the end of July and kicked off a Community Build Period in August. During this time we solicited reviews by our community of builders, refined the protocol based on their feedback, and wrote extensive documentation for v2. The protocol is currently being audited by Sherlock and slated to deploy to mainnet in mid October. We’re excited about the final form of Allo v2, and think it will be a great pillar of the Gitcoin ecosystem.

v2 SDK

A key driver of Allo’s success will be its developer experience. While scoping the eventual v2 migration, we were able to collaborate with the Grants Stack team on scoping an initial software development kit (SDK) that will ease future integrations with Allo. We recently put the finishing touches on the SDK and will be dogfooding it ourselves as we begin developing UIs.


One of our favorite achievements during this period has been the creation of Alloscan. Alloscan is the first app built on top of Allo v2, and it offers an initial path to exploring and interacting with the Allo ecosystem. We shared more about the development of Alloscan here.

Impact Stream

Impact Stream is pursuing an exciting project to bring the power of QF to Togo. They’ve created a lightweight fork of Grants Stack that is better suited to mobile connections and the Allo team is in the middle of a two-week collaboration to help them integrate with v2. This will be the second app built on v2 and we’re excited about the impact it will have in Togo.

Protocol Integrations

While our pool management app ecosystem will take a little more time to bear fruit, we are excited about the complementary integrations that have been built with other protocols in the web3 ecosystem. Sablier, Privy, and Hedgey have all built integrations with our strategy contracts and have helped us validate that v2 is a much more developer-friendly environment for building new strategies.

Next up

Once v2 is live on mainnets, our team’s attention will fully shift to building new apps on top of Allo v2. We’re excited to share more about our plans in the coming weeks via additional forum posts and our S20 budget proposal.