2024 GMV Strategy Overview - Grants Lab

2024 GMV Strategy Overview - Grants Lab


Our primary objective for 2024 is to triple our Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) from 2023, aiming for $15 million, with a Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) of reaching $50 million. Although we’ve had a slow start, achieving only 10% of the $15 million target in the first quarter, numerous opportunities remain to be seized. This document outlines our strategic bets across product opportunities and the investments necessary to reach our GMV goals this year.

Key Points

  • Market Focus: Maintain a focus on web3 and EVM, as we believe this market is sufficient to meet our targets and we have the most strategic advantages in.
  • Go-to-Market (GTM) Strategy: Expand the scope to accelerate opportunity creation, emphasize a land-and-expand approach, and improve our software development process to create more impactful features.
  • Product Strategy: We predict 60-70% of our GMV will come from QF on Grants Stack, with the remaining 30-40% from other initiatives like EasyRetroPGF and Allo builds. Other product bets will be limited in Q2, with a review planned at the end of the quarter.

Detailed Strategy

QF on Grants Stack

Main Objective: Enhance our QF business via Grants Stack GTM and product improvements to achieve the majority of our GMV this year.

Challenges and Solutions:

  • GTM Execution: We need to accelerate our GTM efforts with newly hired key personnel, focusing on rapid execution.
  • Product Improvement: Elevate our Grants Stack product from good to great, demonstrating our capability and innovation to the market.

Key Actions:

  1. Expand Opportunities: Move beyond L2s to target large tokenized treasuries, such as LSTs/LRSTs, GameFi, DePIN, and DeFi 2.0 memecoins.
    • Q2 Goal: Identify and pitch to new segments, securing a new client in one of these areas.
  2. Land and Expand Strategy: Increase initial commitment sizes and provide a clear roadmap for clients to increase their spend.
    • Q2 Goal: Ensure client satisfaction and higher investment through excellent service and new service models. Target commitments from Avalanche, Polygon, and Zuzalu for larger subsequent rounds.
  3. Product Advancements: Implement enhancements based on customer feedback, such as MACI, whitelabel solutions, fiat checkout, and support for new tokens/chains.
    • Q2 Goal: Improve core QF product and UX, embracing the Unix philosophy and enhancing the user experience, particularly for managers and builders.

Other Bets: Allo Builds and Easy RPGF

Objective: Generate $10M+ in GMV from innovative product bets, with a focus on Allo builds and Easy RPGF.

Key Initiatives:

  1. Allo Builds: Engage with integrators like REDACTED, 1Hive, Streaming QF and explore future opportunities.
  2. Easy RPGF: Build on the success of the OP RPGF Version 3 and evaluate scaling opportunities post-pilot.
    • Q2 Goal: Achieve $1M+ commitment from the large pilot program and build a pipeline to $5-10M for the year.

Direct Grants: If Allo builds and Easy RPGF don’t gain expected traction, shift focus to Direct Grants v2.

Long-Term Vision and Experiments

Builder Ecosystem: Encourage other builders to develop on top of Allo, prioritizing high-potential opportunities like the Arbitrum LTIP.

Continued Innovation: Conduct ongoing experiments with new ideas like Easy Protocol Guild and other initiatives from the Rainbowpaper.

Ambitious Targets

Why $50M?: Despite the ambitious nature of the $50M target, it serves as a stretch goal to drive innovation and growth. We are leveraging a favorable market, recent product releases, and our strong brand and community to aim high.


By setting quarterly targets and continually refining our strategies, we aim to achieve our GMV goals while fostering growth and innovation. Our focus remains on leveraging existing strengths, expanding into new opportunities, and maintaining a customer-centric approach to drive success throughout 2024.


How is the Prediction calculated; proper details are necessary to understand Key viewpoints?

My sense is this could be interpreted as a CTA for EthCC. Let me know if I’m on the right track. If so, I’m excited to explore how I can support this objective by:

  • using our Luma calendar specifically for the advantage of BD & DevRel
  • improving on feedback collection from ETHDenver.
  • encouraging prospects to book a demo.

Hi @gulliverz – you should think about this as less of a mathmatical calc and more of a strategic bet or investment of our resources. As noted above, we’ve done an analysis of the market and the partnerships necessary to scale our QF product. We think there is opportunity to scale above $15M GMV this year through the initiatives detailed in the post!


Hey @quaylawn , ethCC is definitely one of several ways we can expand our targeting! would love for you to support this, initiatives look like a great start.


Bullish. I’m excited to see if our focus on expanding opportunities beyond L2s to target larger tokenized treasuries can benefit significantly from our community’s engagement. Looking forward to finding ways we can rapidly iterate and refine our offerings based on real-time feedback from our community and contributors. I have the utmost confidence that this is going to elevate our GTM strategy and other bets we’re placing on product and the community this quarter and in the future.

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That is what I’m asking to see, the analysis of the Market, and the list of partnership. Its a transparent process, right. There should be no issue showing your analytical approach.