Retrospective of the Hypercerts Ecosystem Round during GG20

First ever Hypercerts Ecosystem Round

The Hypercerts Foundation and Community proudly conducted our first community round on Gitcoin during GG20.

Thank you to @jon-spark-eco, @Decentralizedceo and @mortech for the support from the Hypercerts Community and @MathildaDV, @Sov, Lina, @cici, Drew, @meglister from the Gitcoin team and support!

The Hypercerts Ecosystem

The mission of the Hypercerts Foundation is to advance the development and adoption of open-source protocols for funding and rewarding positive impact.

We organised this round for the hypercerts ecosystem to empower and support projects that build on the hypercerts primitives. By increasing the adoption of hypercerts across funding mechanisms and platforms, we aim to transform isolated platforms into interconnected, dynamic funding networks.

Types of Projects in the Hypercerts Ecosystem

We focused on supporting projects in the following categories:

  1. New Applications: Projects developing new applications, like prize competitions leveraging the hypercerts infrastructure.
  2. Integrations: Projects integrating hypercerts into existing funding platforms, similar to the integration with Gitcoin.
  3. Tooling: Projects building tools to extend functionality for multiple integrations and applications, such as Deresy for coordinating evaluators.
  4. Pilot Use Cases: Tangible use cases piloting new functionalities, e.g., implementing retroactive funding rounds with hypercerts or using hyperboards.
  5. Community Support (DevRel): Projects or individuals providing technical expertise to the community.

These categories reflect our vision for the Hypercerts Ecosystem. Our goal is to develop a diverse array of components to support various use cases, such as open-source software, journalism, AI safety contributions, and nature regeneration.

Improving and maintaining the hypercerts protocol, the ecosystem’s base layer, is managed by the Hypercerts Foundation and was not part of this ecosystem round. We participated in the apps & apps round of GG20 with the Hypercerts Foundation separately.

Applications: Exceeding Expectations

We received more applications than anticipated:

  • Accepted: 35 projects
  • Rejected: 12 projects

Projects by category:

  • New platform (5): VoiceDeck, Hyperstaker, HPGF Ecosystem Support Machine, viaPrize, Hyperchange
  • Integrations (13): ReFi DAO, Silvi, Sovereign Nature Initiative, Gainforest, GreenPill Network x GPN Dev Guild, Proof of Philanthropy, Atlantis, Change Code, NERD DAO, Hyperfiles, RWA x Public Goods | BASIN, Drivyx ESG, dMeter
  • Tooling (2): Spark | Deresy & Hyperminter, LiquiCert
  • Pilot use cases (13): Blocktrend, Funding the Commons, PGF Ethereal Mexico, FAB DAO, MesoReefDAO, AgroforestDAO, Armitage, DWeb Camp, LexDAO, Solarpunk Guild, $Earth, DeepVentures, Public Optimism
  • DevRel & community support (2): sodofi, bitbeckers

We are thrilled to have so many projects building on hypercerts or serving as pilot use cases. A significant benefit of this round was uncovering more activity within our ecosystem and making it transparent to the entire community.

Our initial goal was to support a small round of 10-15 projects. However, we ended up with more than double that number, which led to the matching funds being spread thinner than we had anticipated. We will reconsider our criteria for future rounds to ensure what we believe will be a more effective distribution of funds.

Crowdfunded Donations: Over $9,000 Raised

  • VoiceDeck: Highest crowdfunding and total amount ($1,745)
  • Atlantis: Highest contributor count (113)
  • Spark | Deresy & Hyperminter: Highest matching amount ($4,658)

Full results: Hypercerts Ecosystem Round | Gitcoin Round Report Card

Thank You to Our Matching Funders for $60,000

We are incredibly grateful to our matching funders—Gitcoin, Thank ARB, and Protocol Labs—for their support in pushing the young Hypercerts Ecosystem forward.

Excited About Projects’ Progress

We will follow up with all projects to provide support and understand further needs. Additionally, we are eager to learn how the distribution of matching funds correlates with the projects’ success.

Get involved

If reading this makes you interested in joining the Hypercerts Ecosystem as a funder, contributor, or new project, please reach out to us at team [at]


Thanks for the thoughtful retrospective. We appreciate the partnership with Hypercerts and we’re very pleased with the results.

Hope to see you back for future rounds!