a few months ago, i set out to build a tool that generates a pdf/html infographic summary of a grants stack/allo QF round.
the idea was to create something glossy that says “it got x contributions from y contributors, it was a z% success. here are the winners, here are some testimonials.”
the thought was that this would be useful for me to have something like this in the greenpill community (well, actually, each of the communities i’ve run a round for) to market the round as a success to my peers other members of the community. that would then increase the social support for doing further rounds in the future.
by enabling the round operator to present the results of a round back to a community that was served, there is an opportunity to
- make the round operator look cool
- shape how that community perceives the round
- gather feedback on the round
- set up the next quarter for another round well-ahead of time
i assembled a team to make it happen (@lare.cristina @octaviaan @umarkhaneth ), and i am now happy a few months later to show it to you!
say hello to https://reportcards.gitcoin.co/ !
let me show you what the tool does. you can view the screenshots below or click here to see a live version.
at the top of the page you can select a network & a round (the system should know how to find most recent rounds).
you can also pull the round direclty by going to https://reportcards.gitcoin.co/NETWORKID/ROUND_ADDRESS (replace the NETWORKID and ROUND_ADDRESS with your information)
at the top of the report card for a specific round (in this screencap were looking at the PDX DAO round, the round I recently ran for Portland community), you will see
- the title of the round
- top level stats
- how the matching pool was distributed
(this information is loaded straight from Allo Protocol - and can only be pulled after a round is finalized)
below that, you will see a note from the round operator. only the round operator can set this by connecting their wallet + typing it in.
below that you will see a leaderboard for the round, and also the stats of each grant.
feedback welcome
if you are a round operator, id love to hear your feedback. does this help you market your work? why or why not?
post feedback below or in the telegram for this proejct: Telegram: Join Group Chat
thanks again, especially to @lare.cristina @octaviaan @umarkhaneth & co.