Probably Nothing - Discussion on Gitcoin's Reorg ahead of the Twitter Spaces AMA

Probably Nothing - Gitcoin’s New Chapter: Grants, Growth, and Your Engagement! :fire:

Hey there Gitcoin community, you may have seen our most recent announcement on changes to the org and how we work in 2024.

Now that everyone is aware - it’s time to delve deeper and get your input. If you’re up to speed, drop some comments below or add your questions for our Twitter AMA (February 8th @ 1 PM EST) here or in our Slido link. The Slido will be open from 05 Feb - 12 Feb. We’ll follow up with another forum post for any questions not answered the week of February 12th.

Our AMA has several key topics lined up, including Gitcoin’s endgame plan, structural changes, the role of Grants Labs, and the future of the Gitcoin Grants Program. We’ll also discuss the evolution of Passport and introduce the Ecosystem Collective subDAO. Join @kyle , @Viriya , @MathildaDV, @Sov and @meglister to hear more about the path forward for Gitcoin.

Tell me again - What’s the TL:DR?

We’re redefining Our Mission :dart:

We’re embarking on a fairly significant shift in our journey, with a clear goal to distribute one billion USD to fund ecosystem growth in Ethereum, positioning ourselves at the forefront of the ecosystem’s growth. This isn’t just a structural change, it’s a fundamental shift in how we operate and impact the world of Web3.

Grants at the Forefront :earth_africa:

Grants have always been the heartbeat of Gitcoin, and now we’re doubling down on our commitment. With a historic $56 million already distributed and an ambition to escalate this significantly, we reaffirm: Gitcoin = Grants = Growth.

Innovation at the Core: Business Units & SubDAO :rocket:

The introduction of two new business units and the restructuring of our DAO are aimed at enhancing our tech-specific endeavors and deepening community engagement. This marks a pretty huge step in our journey towards greater impact and innovation.

Community is Key :key:

Now, we turn to you, our community. This evolution is a collaborative effort, and your perspectives are important to us, and changing the narrative of how we collaborate. Join us for a more detailed discussion in the upcoming Twitter Spaces AMA.

What are your thoughts on these changes? What questions do you have about our new direction? Start the conversation here, and don’t forget to add and upvote questions on Slido for the AMA.

:link: Slido Link


Thank you for setting this up, @deltajuliet! I’m excited for the AMA and to hear people’s thoughts and questions!