I feel completely aligned with Gitcoin’s fundamental values and the experiments they are running around QF and new financing mechanisms.
I’ve been a crypto enthusiast since 2012. I’ve used and promoted crypto as an empowering tool everywhere since then.
GG22 was a disaster for me.
GG20 was amazing—I wasn’t expecting anything, yet I earned 500 bucks.
I’ve been researching and involved in this project for more than three years now.
I’m also a full-time musician—a guitar concertist and composer.
In addition, I’m developing a big project to fulfill my needs as an indie musician (Musiclog).
I created Ius Naturalis, a wallet designed for self-sovereign individuals under natural law. Beyond being a regular EVM wallet, it serves as a platform to test and explore monnaie libre projects and attestation mechanisms for these individuals, as well as for document management.
My users are communities focused on the application of natural law, people building natural people’s tribunals, and those studying alternative mechanisms for living in society.
I believe the niche is somewhere between 2K and 200K people.
I’ve been researching and involved in this for more than three years now.
I created a group of around 30-40 people in France who are trying out the wallet and may potentially contribute financially to the project.
The majority are crypto newbies.
I made tutorials and helped my users make small test donations.
Most of them donated just a dollar or less as a test.
Others contributed between 10 and 80 bucks.
The Sybil detection mechanism, I believe, hurt my project.
I ended up with 0 QF.
The page says I collected around $56, but in reality, it was closer to $90(!?).
I ran out of energy even to share this terrible experience.
For now, I continue my research in my free time, with no funding.
I’m developing a direct crowdfunding mechanism that integrates with my wallet and enables stealth donations.
GIT22 Gitcoin | Explorer
GITCOIN CHECKER Gitcoin: IusNaturalis
KARMA https://gap.karmahq.xyz/project/iusnaturalis
DEMO https://iusnaturalis.web.app/
SOURCE CODE GitHub - energiasonora/iusdappv2: Starting template for IUS DAPP v2
MI PREVIOUS GG20 PROJECT (chatwallet) Gitcoin | Explorer