Introducing Stewards Governance

Gitcoin username : CPix18

ETH Address : collinpixley.eth

Statement of Intent : I’m interested in becoming a Gitcoin Steward because I’ve seen first hand how big of a role Gitcoin has played in the development of Ethereum over the past couple years. Quests were a great way to learn about projects, networking through Gitcoin helped me meet people I would’ve otherwise never met, and quadratic funding really changed how I viewed funding public goods. After participating in several rounds as a donor its been amazing to watch the projects/people grow to where they are today. Gitcoin has helped me in a lot of ways so I want to do what I can to give back to such a great team/community.

Qualifications : I got involved in crypto in fall of 2016, mainly just buying some btc and eth reading the white papers. I was in college at the time studying sport management but once I fell down the Ethereum rabbit hole there was no going back. I spent most of my time in 2016 and 2017 just learning the basics and wasn’t until 2018-2019 I really started to interact with smart contracts. I have a basic understanding of solidity and python but my real value add is more on the end user side of things. I like to teach people how to use Ethereum to do something they otherwise wouldn’t be able to. I’ve deployed a few smart contracts on mainnet, interacted with a lot of commonly used dapps/protocols, participated in The Graph Curator Program, and now spend most of my time helping people use Ethereum (wallets, basic apps, DeFi, NFTs, L2s, etherscan).


Gitcoin username: monet-supply

ETH Address: monetsupply.eth

Statement of intent: Gitcoin is a powerful force for public goods funding in the Ethereum ecosystem. But maybe more importantly, it’s a real stakes experiment for building sybil resistant identity. If we view identity as the core goal, the stakes are much higher than securing a few million $ in QF - we’re determining standards of citizenship. I think the Gitcoin community is well positioned to meet this challenge with rigor and integrity, and I would like to contribute however I can.

Qualifications: I worked in consumer lending until early 2020, where I gained considerable first hand experience of identity fraud schemes and mitigation strategies. I’ve been working full time in the Ethereum governance ecosystem for around the past year; presently I’m working with the MakerDAO risk team as well as


Gitcoin Username

  • decibels42

ETH Address

  • 0xf4c7E772f24c10E3Ce60CE549059a021F60c911E

Discord Handle

  • decibels42 #9916

Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining

  • I want to help Gitcoin achieve its goals in trying to revolutionizing aspects of fund raising in a more fair and equitable way (for systems built on Ethereum and the broader world).
  • It’s undeniable how helpful Gitcoin has been to projects in the Ethereum space thus far. Moving forward, and as the ecosystem grows, I want to help solve some of the hard design problems around creating efficient public good funding systems.

Your Web3 Qualifications / Skills

  • Years of studying the ecosystem, from the consensus level of Ethereum, to the governance/organization/tokenomics structures and designs of the dapps built on top.
  • Longstanding participant in Ethereum-related Reddit ecosystems, attempting to help educate and synthesize difficult information from across the ecosystem for newcomers. My profile and contributions can be found here.
  • Active governance participant in various DeFi protocols (Aave, Yearn, MakerDAO, Uniswap, PoolTogether).

Gitcoin username : @souptacular | Gitcoin

ETH Address : 0x80D63799b1e08a80f73FB7a83264b5c31600bF3a

Statement of Intent : I’m interested in participating as a Gitcoin Steward because I think I am a pretty good decision maker and want to help Gitcoin succeed!

Qualifications : I have worked in the Ethereum space for 5 years. Previously I worked for the Ethereum Foundation on their Devops, Security, and Community teams. I co-founded the Ethereum Cat Herders whose goal is to bring order to the chaos of decentralized project management (specifically with core development work). I was a member of MolochDAO and am currently a GitCoin community multi-sig signer.


Hey all,
Gitcoin Username: Typto (@Typto)
ETH Address: 0x9ac9c636404C8d46D9eb966d7179983Ba5a3941A
Discord Handle: Typto#7037
Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining: I’m a DAO promoter, and I launched a DAO named DAOSquare in China. We are promoting the concept of DAO and Ethereum ecosystem in East, and we are building an incubator based on DAO, which we called Incubator for Web3. Our goal is to help those innovators in the web3 era to succeed including those public goods. on the other hand, we also excited about the concept of decentralized Gitcoin, happy to contribute our efforts.

Your Web3 Qualifications / Skills

  • Community builder, I launched DAOSquare (a incubator for Web3), and MetaCartel Ventures China (a ventureDAO forked MetaCartel Ventures).
  • Translator, translated 50+ articles about DAO and Ethereum ecosystem to Chinese.
  • Promotor, promoting DAO in China.

gitcoin username : @jschiarizzi

ETH address : 0xe4b420F15d6d878dCD0Df7120Ac0fc1509ee9Cab

statement of intent :

OS builders who work thanklessly to support the greater tech ecosystem deserve to be recognized and paid fairly for their societal contributions. I will work to fund open source, and use its power for good.

web3 qualifications/skills :
4 years building in Ethereum and beyond, 10s of thousands of dollars earned and paid through gitcoin. Web3 native, Meta Cartel member, Raid Guild mage, EthDenver winner, Nifty Chess summoner, GitHub OpenSource.Guide contributor, Ruby for Good supporter.


Gitcoin username : @willyogo

ETH address : willywonka.eth

Statement of intent :
I align with Gitcoin’s vision, values, and mission, and intend to uphold these values in governance decisions.

web3 qualifications/skills :
I’ve worked full-time in web3 since 2017, and have contributed to the development, launch, and evolution of multiple projects, including Bitfract, ShapeShift (web and mobile apps), and Giveth. I’ve also used Gitcoin as a donor, grant creator, and bounty creator, and have donated to every Gitcoin grant round since round 4!


Gitcoin username (Suji Yan):

(please use Suji Yan as preferred name)

Discord Handle : sujiyan#2968

ETH Address :


Statement of Intent :
I’m interested in participating in Gitcoin Steward Governance because both myself and the project I’m work on ( have witnessed the early days on Gitcoin and the beauty of it. Personally I’m strong believer of Open Web and FOSS, and been developing in this field for years. I feel the current Open Web ecosystem and FOSS community are lack of projects like Gitcoin and would love to contribute all I can to help pushing the limit of open web.

Qualifications :
I’ve been involved in FOSS/ Open Web movement since high school as engineer and independent journalist. So far I have been working actively in Ethereum/Open Web ecosystem (mainly through ). I’m also active contributor of RadicalxChange (especially about the QV/QF) and was mentor of RxC fellowship. I’ve also co-drafted Anti-996 license and been helping FOSS for many years. Sujitech (related with ) also maintained largest instances of Mastodon and Fediverse, sponsored many open source events, and is member of ECMA/TC39.


Gitcoin username: Raullen Chai ( )

ETH Address: raullen.eth

Statement of Intent : I’m interested in participating as a Gitcoin Steward because I want to support digital public goods and contribute my expertise and influence to help Gitcoin move towards complete decentralization.

Qualifications : I’m the cofounder of IoTeX Network and ranked top 30 on gitcoin’s leaderboard. I started as a cryptographer (500+ citations, member of IEEE/IACR, editor for crypto conferences&journals), and an early community member of Bitcoin@Canada. In 2012-2016, I led teams at Google and Uber to build cryptography and security/privacy tools, some of which are contributed to the open-source community. In 2017, I cofounded IoTeX to really focus on the real-world information marketplace (RIM) on top of the high-performance and decentralized public blockchain which we built from scratch, running in production with 100+ global delegates and already processed 13M txs. I am full of experience and passion for engaging with dev and gitcoin communities. Also, I am an angel investor and mentor for some well-known crypto protocols/dapps and active in crpyto circles.

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Gitcoin Username: itsencrypted
ETH Address: 0x4f0a1940De411285ad0455a7F40C81B5E0BC8492 / itsencrypted.eth
Discord Handle (optional): itsencrypted#6766

Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining
I’m interested in joining the Stewardship program because I’m a big fan of the Gitcoin community and work that the team has developed in the past few years. I’m a web3 dev and thanks to the Gitcoin Quests I got a lot of knowledge in Ethereum.

I see a need for improving the Funding Rounds process by detecting fraud and collusion. I’m not a pro in quadratic funding, but I know that collusion is a serious problem that needs to be solved. I’m here because I would like to get involved in a more equitable and fair distribution of public resources.

Your Web3 Qualifications / Skills
Since I came back to Brazil in the end of 2018, I delivered many free events to the developer community locally. I started a Meetup Group called EthDevs Sao Paulo: and a community chat channel on Telegram called BlockchainJuju where I post all interesting reading/material and events. I believe in the power of community building and I can see that developers empower each other with web3 knowledge.
I participated in Hackathons(EthBerlin, EthWaterloo, Eth Denver) and online (DragonQuest/ ConsensysHealth - STOP COVID19) and got hooked into web3 development. In the DAO community, I got Meta Gamma Delta deployed (was the initial summoner and learned tons with governance and shareholder value discussions internally).

And thanks to that I was invited to be a part of Meta Cartel, Raid Guild, MetaFam and I’m very active in the DAO Haus ecosystem.
When I’m not doing community work, I’m actively programming. I’m a dart developer, big fan of flutter.
More about my web3 work: itsencrypted dot com



Username cnukaus a.k.a 懂数据

ETH Address 0x8477981dbd957ae4c6a249544E43915218948404

Statement of Intention / My Values & Reasons for Joining

The most fascinating part about Gitcoin/Blockchain communities in general, is that there are so many geniuses and even more fun and inspiring people here, we share, and learn. I told my son - “you went to meet up (get free pizza, learn with warm support from talents). When you grow, you will provide pizza and help other people to learn”

That’s how a grassroot Joe like myself start to connect, learn, then share to bring in more people.

I am not very active on Gitcoin (because already so many geniuses there), but I was able to help quite a few average Joe and Jills to gradually setup their crypto strategy (mining, regular depo, coding and earn eth, learning) and getting exposure since ~2013 (not an easy task)!
I am a bloke but I onboard more Jills (except my wife) :tipping_hand_woman:

Buidl and hodl (also I spendl), envision it will change the world since like 12 years ago and 6 years ago. So I spend most of my time connecting the degen world to the routine physical world, where our neighbours and friends and co-workers are.

My exposure as a grassroot crypto user and IT professional will allow me to have input to stewards governance, and we can get better exposure to Chinese crypto communities.

My Web3 Qualifications / Skills

Data analyst, buidler, spendler

Some of my buildl:
15 hours video tutorial/examples on data analytics (a bit is for blockchain data), [recent Solana tools]/solana_batch /fulltextsearchanalytics

I wrote Bitcoin for dummies (in Chinese) since 2013: btctalk index.php?topic=182135.0

I buy stuff (not pizza) using BTC/ETH since then ( :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :hot_face:)

Now I also work with some of the best KOL such as Dayou 王大有 in Chinese crypto community. Below is his profile in English that I created with his consent (I am his diplomat and Twitter/Discord operator):

a KOL that always be open and transparent, influence reaches 50,000+ actual crypto users including ~1000 paid subscribers

How both of us differ from other opinion leaders, is that always consider how the influence would impact people who may take my action/thoughts as investment advice (for example, DaYou created the ‘Hodlers of XVS club’ while the token was ~$2 as can see the strategic position it is on Binance Smart Chain (sidechain of ETH), 900 holders joined because of Dayou’s detailed analysis, and most of them hold it until it reached $100.) But Dayou and I always make sure people don’t follow KOL advice blindly (always ask people to learn through the way to analyse the pros/cons of the project and how the project team will realise their vision, not just follow cz/vb to ape in. Dayou is also one of earliest and the most influential evangelist of BadgerDAO.

Let’s connect and share!

DeeL auto translated to Chinese:

意向声明 / 我的价值观和加入的原因


我在Gitcoin上不是很活跃(因为那里已经有很多天才了),但我能够帮助一些普通的Joe和Jills逐步建立他们的加密货币战略(挖矿、定期存款、编码和赚取eth、学习),并从~2013年开始获得曝光(不是一件容易的事 令人惊讶的是,我是男性,但我能够股东更多的小姐姐







我从2013年开始写《比特币傻瓜》(中文):btctalk index.php?topic=182135.0





:heart: 0x6BCa50D16b45D6092362caDD70a65955E65c2f8e

  • Gitcoin Username - adamsc1-ddg

  • ETH Address - 0xf07A2439296e07Bc4320AF924E655a01fb69D89C

  • Discord Handle (optional) - N/A

  • Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining

I care deeply about the funding of public goods, and have long believed that there are many components of need within any society that create a net benefit for all participants but are not ones that can be safely tied to a for-profit pursuit.

But, I also understand the complexity in managing the oversight of any system that attempts to represent and hold up the voices of a diverse community.

I’ve long been passionate about Gitcoin and the challenges around funding public goods in the space and have been an active participant around conversations in how we deal with challenges such as manipulation of quadratic function.

During this discussions I grew concerned that often these solutions are over-engineered and we reduce the actions of people down to numbers in a machine and forget to take into account the different behavioral patterns that others may have in different socio-economic and cultural lots of life.

My hope in partaking in Gitcoin governance is to be an active voice in representing under represented individuals and preventing our public goods infrastructure from becoming a cultural monolith, or popularity contest.

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Gitcoin username : kaxidai08
kaxidai08(@kaxidai08| Gitcoin )

ETH Address : 0xFefc26249E37Ac4f554B0f82a2f75Ccbe6488970

Statement of Intent : I am interested in participating in Gitcoin Governance because I love their mission to push “open-source forward”. Gitcoin has onboarded thousands of developers to the Web3 world and has added immense value to the Ethereum community. They play a pivotal role in growing Web3 and open source communities, and I would love to support them in their mission by being a steward.

Qualifications : I have been part of the Ethereum community for the last two years, leading developer relations at Polygon for a considerable time now. I have helped organize many hackathons and developer grant programs to onboard developers to the Ethereum community and have always supported their growth.

Some of the groups I have worked with apart from my role at Polygon are nfDAO, MGD, Panvala, and Metacartel.


The experience looks promising!


Hey all,

Hoangptsc here.

Gitcoin username: @hoangptsc

ETH Address: huyhoang.eth

Discord : wikisum#0068

Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining:

  • I want to help Gitcoin decentralization completely .

Your Web3 Qualifications / Skills

Community builder, Translator, translated 100+ articles for Ethereum ecosystem to Vietnamese.

I am a construction engineer with nearly 10 years of experience. I participated in the blockchain industry since September 2017 and actively learn about it. Up to now I have accumulated a lot of experience in blockchain industry especially building and community development, hold event, meet up… Now I working as Community Manager / Ambassador for a lot of projects as well as develop community for these project in Viet Nam.


Gitcoin Username: Jiajia20
ETH Address: 0x138e6cB570d0617D59B3DB9e82f622A54022DBD5

Projects: Meta-governance and Anti-collusion, progressive decentralization

Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining:
I’m very excited to see how decentralized governance and algorithmic-aided governance played out in the amazing Gitcoin community and see how the community maneuver future attacks and hard governance decisions. :fire: :fire: :fire:

Having been an academic researcher before this, this is the first time I am able to participate and help out in a decentralize algorithm-aided governance in the wild. I have great faith and interest in web3 projects and I believe Gitcoin is not only vital for the Ethereum ecosystems but also a extremely important case study for other web 3 projects.

Since relatively new to the gitcoin and Ethereum ecosystems in general. I’m excited to learn as I go and contribute other aspect from academic research perspective in data-science and interaction design.

Your Web3 Qualifications / Skills:
I’m a academic researcher in Social computing and has been working in design research and social computing labs in Stanford, UW and soon in CMU.

I work as a research scientist in Block Science, and helped wrote this Gitcoin blog article and helped with some data analysis during GR9 sybil attack.

I’ve also been helping out on other projects including the Graph, Sifchain and Handshake.

Good to see a few Token Engineering community folks here! @pet3rpan @octopus


Gitcoin Username: erickpinos

ETH Address: erick.eth - 0xb215cFebB90D91b1D2F499843800d3105b1366Fc

Discord Handle Erick Pinos#8322

Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reason for Joining:
I’ve known the Gitcoin team for a long time, and have always been one of the first users to try out any of their new products. I want to help the project scale to become a powerhouse for Web3 development.

This past year normalized working from home. I believe there is going to be increasing demand for bounty work and Gitcoin is perfectly poised to onboard and match all the incoming talent with the rapidly increasing number of Web3 projects in need of microservices.

Likewise, Gitcoin’s innovative Grants curation, voting, and matching models have enabled dozens of new projects to get off the ground. These projects then pay it forward to the next round of projects.

Gitcoin is turning the Web3 ecosystem into a self-funding organism capable of growing the parts it needs and funding them. It’s a very exciting future, but not without it’s challenges. I hope to help Gitcoin in navigate these challenges.

What Web3 Qualifications / Skills I have:
I’ve been running the Blockchain Education Network for 3 years and have overseen the deployment of our own various Web3 initiatives (BENcoin, BEN NFTs, decentralized certificates, DAOs, meta-delegates) to aid in our mission to incentivize and gamify education. I’m familiar with the requirements and challenges with running these types of projects.

Since BEN has had our own Grant, I’m very familiar with the Gitcoin experience from the grantee side and the donor side. I can leverage my experience into providing useful insight and guidance for the further development of Gitcoin.

As the Americas Ecosystem Lead at Ontology Network, I’ve done extensive work with various partners to integrate and advocate for decentralized identity solutions, which is a direction Gitcoin is going towards.

I hope to increase my contribution in building the Gitcoin ecosystem.


Gitcoin username: [ @JTraversa| Gitcoin ]

ETH Address: 0x3f60008Dfd0EfC03F476D9B489D6C5B13B3eBF2C

Statement of Intention / My Values & Reason for Joining:

I am interested in joining the stewardship program because first and foremost I believe that open-source funding is likely the most important effort in software development.

Of course all the projects being built have immense utility to the wider community, but simply put many of our projects would not be possible without Gitcoin and the support that has made our development possible.

Without Gitcoin / Kernel’s contributions, the chance that my project, Swivel, would be where it is today would be low. And further there are dozens of projects in a similar situation having been incubated or perpetually funded by donations through Gitcoin. It is absolutely insane and serves as a testament to all that is possible with properly allocated funding and community effort.

What Web3 Qualifications / Skills I have:

I am currently the sole maintainer for a number of open-source web3 and web2 projects, am a Gitcoin Kernel mentor, ETHGlobal hackathon judge, etc… however beyond all this, I am currently the Founder & CEO of Swivel Finance, a project that came out of Gitcoin Kernel’s Genesis cohort.

At the start of the cohort I was just a hackathon addict, psychology graduate, and professional MOBA player (HOTS/LOL) with little hope of my day to day life being what it is today. So while I have plenty of technical and financial expertise surrounding financial derivatives and cash-flow markets within defi, I really feel that my largest value add is what I can provide based on my lived experience transitioning from a degenerate gamer. (Off the back of the community support that Gitcoin provided)

I’d love to provide Gitcoin with all the assistance my expertise and experience can give!

  • Gitcoin Username : harryfariz
  • ETH Address : 0xD267a858B237e77FA707eDD8C7365c5061c8914B
  • Discord Handle (optional) : harryfariz#9324
  • Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining : want to share amazing future of community, to my local community.
  • Your Web3 Qualifications / Skills : JavaScript, Python, Music Producers, Designer