Gitcoin Username: Evan Hudson
**ETH Address:**0xc8d92326bd4dd3Bb1D4eae8355FCA6833d64Ea80
Discord Handle (optional): c4collabecon
Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining:
I believe blockchain, Web3 and decentralized finance form a vital element of our society’s transition to a more just, inclusive, equitable and resilient world.
I am particularly bullish on the capacity for these technologies to reduce inequality by removing intermediaries from the financial system and realign incentives by “funding what matters.”
Following on that conviction, I am excited about the nascent regenerative finance movement’s thesis that impact is valuable and decentralized finance technology can be used to increase efficiency, transparency and equitability in the impact world.
GitCoin forms a key part of the ReFi ecosystem and I would be honored to be part of the organization’s governance, stemming especially from my desire to see the nonprofit/philanthropic world evolve into something capable of re-shaping the economy and society instead of reinforcing unequal, counter-productive structures underlying capitalism.
Basically I think Web3 will help us form a parallel, regenerative society and GitCoin is a keystone in that process, and I feel called to help out however I can.
Your Web3 Qualifications / Skills:
I founded the Center for Collaborative Economics, a blockchain-first organization dedicated to building infrastructure to facilitate impact, by helping nonprofits, social entrepreneurs, foundations and mutual aid organizations fund and track their impact on-chain using Web3 technologies. My role as founder falls somewhere between project manager, community liason, and business development.
Look for our multi-chain donation and impact certification platform, coming soon.
I’m a proud member of the GreenPill Dev Guild as well as an active member in other web3 impact/ReFi communities.
In my day job, I run a mutual aid public health organization serving people who use drugs, named Dubuque Harm Reduction.
My experience in the nonprofit-industrial complex has given me first-hand experience with how broken the system is- misaligned incentives, poorly-allocated funding, nepotism, corruption- and I believe Web3 tools like GitCoin hold the key to unlocking the potential contained within the system, by empowering the people and smaller community organizations who have been left out in the cold, while immense amounts of funding flow to the larger and more well-connected organizations.
On the flip-side, my nonprofit experience has given me skills and connections which would be helpful to Gitcoin, including experience with grant writing and administration, and I am fluent in bureaucrat-ese- I’m happy to serve as “nonprofit whisperer.”