Gitcoin Digest #6 2023

:fire: Hot Topics:

  • So far, Gitcoin Grants has been used to support projects that create public good, could it be deployed on a micro-scale to support people who created public good? Kevin shares his recent experience on MetaCamp (a community-led unconference event organized by MetaCartel, hosted in Costa Rica), which inspired him to spin up a micro-QF Metacamp Round on the L2, bringing the pool of funding to a total of 10.28 ETH.
  • After discussing and incorporating community feedback around Gitcoin’s Mission and Vision, Viriya shares an update confirming the adopted statements as ratified by CSDO on Friday May 12, 2023.
  • Formalising Impact Markets as a public good funding mechanism? Thedevanshmehta proposes a GTM strategy and requests feedback on his suggestion to implement an Impact Market on top of the new Allo Protocol and/or Grants Stacks.
  • Web3 (Gitcoin included) has recently experienced a series of “fake” or scam Snapshot proposals that have been posted to various DAO snapshot sites. Shawn16400 suggests that it is important to ensure that any major change in governance should be ratified by voters and explores options for gating proposals.
  • How can we create a system that is not biased towards a self-benefiting outcome? User Supreme requests for feedback by highlighting the conflict of interest when stewards vote on proposals that directly impact financial gains, career advancement and also donate to grant recipients.
  • The proposal shared by David and CoachJ for Gitcoin to Support the Funding the Commons Hackathon, Residency and Conference Series is currently active. The event series would directly utilize Gitcoin’s Grants Stack in a variety of ways, including to deploy funding to projects by running a Funding the Commons grant round.

:compass: Weekly Workstream Update

Here are key highlights from the weekly workstream update

Allo + Grants Stack:

  • An insane amount of software has been shipped since the beginning of Alpha Rounds!
  • Manager updates include: new Indexer backend for all round stats / calculations, end-to-end round funding and payouts, new “Easy Button QF” and calculation revisions (Matching caps, Minimum Donations, Passport Integration), round stats page, round settings and edit capability, and enhanced application customization (Require socials + New question data types)
  • Builder updates include: Application Preview, Application Status, Round Stats, and Markdown support for applications
  • Explorer updates include: Checkout donation experience, stats on project cards, stats on project details page, and updated Passport integration and UX
  • 15 / 13 Quadratic Funding rounds were completed, hitting the first goal!
  • Documentation and tutorials in progress for voting and payout strategy with documentation for project registry integration lined up next
  • Upcoming Allo integrations include Privy Sweepstakes (expected May 22), Endaoment (confirmed, dev started), Decent (dev starts soon)
  • Q2 priorities for DevRel can be reviewed here
  • Logo concepts and website design underway for Allo
  • New Allo v1 “drip” launch kickoff is on May 22 with site go-live and blog announcement in the week of May 29th
  • Refinement in progress for Grants Stack designs and logos

Public Goods Funding

  • Focus on fraud detection and squelching, including cursory analysis for partners’ rounds; some featured rounds already finalized and paid out
  • Final results on Gov forum EOW, snapshot vote to ratify ~5 days later
  • Seeing lower rates of Sybils/airdrop farmers/self donors (possibly due to gas fees)
  • First iteration results here (in progress - includes passport data and donation minimums but no other Sybil squelching yet)
  • View the metrics dashboard to see contributions across rounds and projects for the Gitcoin Beta Round.
  • View the new round-wide data visualization tool from Supermodular here


  • Focus on bug fixes based on Beta Round feedback, along with onchain stamps (EAS) (MVP working on Sepolia)
  • Roadmap updates for introduction of new stamps (e.g. Hypercert, Civic, Holonym) in progress
  • Upcoming focus on data dashboard, Unique Humanity Score improvements, UX improvements, Ceramic ComposeDB Upgrade
  • Integration in progress with Snapshot and Bankless SDK for migrating to API; technical guide for Score integration
  • New protocol for social with Cyberconnect and application Link3 built as showcase; anticipate ~100K passports based on active users


  • As part of efforts to reposition Gitcoin as a tech-first organization, the Gitcoin Thought Leadership Program will help existing and emerging thought leaders share their expertise to build eminence. For details on participation, see the Notion page here.
  • Pages in progress and planning (see schedule): Allo page, Program page, Grants Stack v2 page, revised home page, and a refresh for WTFisQF, search and topic sections for Blog, media center (full schedule)
  • In progress: Grants Stack visual identity, Canva template, Impact Report and Research, DAO-wide visual audit, PGN visual identity, EthCC planning and visuals
  • Roles open for publicist and designers
  • Introducing a new format for Schelling Point - an invite-only setting for participatory exploration of culture, public goods and funding solutions (kicking off in July in Paris).
  • Focus on new subjects, talks and areas of expertise that enable us to explore public goods through different lenses, including: Regenerative Systems for People & Planet, Circular Economics of Community, Creativity in a Post-Creator Economy, Driving Impact & Advocacy in Public.

:ballot_box: GitcoinDAO Governance Overview:

Snapshot polls GTC Stewards. Tally performs on-chain actions. Proposals that have on-chain steps, such as budget requests, are approved on Snapshot before moving on to Tally.

:bar_chart: Active Proposals:

:date: Upcoming events

:wave: New to Gitcoin?

  • Explore the future of Gitcoin at our new website, a hub for all things related to public goods funding

Thanks for reading!

PS: Click here to subscribe to the DAO Digest


Great write up @gaoa97! Thanks for your contribution here!


Tis is the first digest that doesn’t contain the FDD(because it dissolved) and that makes me sad :frowning_face:, but besides that it’s a great resource for stewards and interested individuals to learn about all the stuff that’s going on in the DAO…and there’s a lot of it. Great work!

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Thank you @gaoa97! This is great