GG23 Community Rounds Announced

GG23 Community Rounds Announced

We are thrilled to announce the Community Rounds that have been accepted into GG23! ICYMI, to be eligible to run a community round in GG23 and receive matching funds from Gitcoin, each community needed to apply via the new platform, Grant Ships.

This was the first iteration of using Grant Ships as the new governing platform for GG Community Rounds. The council took 5 days to review and vote publicly on the rounds that were deemed eligible to participate as ships. The top 6 rounds (ships) will compete during GG23, where another community vote will take place after the round is complete. More details below.

Detailed voting results can be found here.

Voting Guidelines:

  • Each proposal is to be scored according to the rubric.
  • Proposals with the highest average points were prioritized.
  • All votes were handled transparently on the Grant Ships platform.

Thank you to everyone for applying to this round, the most applications we have ever received! It was highly motivating to see such a diverse set of applications for GG23, including a huge amount of experimentation with funding mechanisms. Please note that if your round wasn’t selected, we will ensure that all participants receive feedback on how they might improve for the next round. There will be more opportunities coming up, and we will move to focusing more on education and support for upcoming rounds to ensure everyone is set up for success!

Thank you to the council @wasabi, @SEEDGov, @Tane, @ivanmolto, @PGov for your engagement and stewarding of this decision.


After discussion and coordination with the council, the funding allocated to GG23 rounds will remain at $130k, with room for increase in GG24. Collectively, it was decided that the funds would be split evenly across the top 6 rounds:

We are excited to have these rounds run alongside our OSS Program in GG23!

Next Steps

As we’re gearing up for GG23, we will contact all round operators to begin the onboarding process for this round!

As per the new flow with Grant Ships, the top 6 rounds matched by Gitcoin will also be competing and participating in the vote that will occur after GG23 concludes. The community will have the opportunity to vote on which rounds they deemed most ‘successful’ within GG23, according to self-reported metrics by each round operator. The Top 3 performing rounds will have automatic eligibility in GG24. More details to come.

NOTE: Any other eligible round that applied and was reviewed, but is not receiving matching funds from Gitcoin may still participate in GG23. Due to limited resources within the Gitcoin team, we will not be able to offer much support outside of highlighting rounds on We will add all round operators to a TG group and ensure we have the necessary info from everyone.

Key Dates for GG23 to keep in mind for all rounds as all rounds wishing to participate must run in parallel:

Applications for OSS Program: March 17 - 31
QF Donations: April 2 - 16

We understand that some rounds may wish to have a different application timeline, but if you’re running QF, your round’s donations must remain in line with the OSS Program’s. If you’re using a different mechanism, we’ll get the information needed from you to share out with the community on how you’ll be structuring your round.

A huge shoutout to the Grant Ships team who have done an incredible job at building out the first pilot for improving our governance around GG Community Rounds! We will continue to iterate and evolve round over round but the team is excited to see this positive shift within the decentralized part of our Gitcoin Grants Program.


Very excited about these community rounds and what will bring to GG23!


This is such delightful news, we’re so excited about this Round and I’m personally saying a big thank you to @owocki, @MathildaDV and the Gitcoin Team for making this possible.

The B<>rder/ess ecosystem and the University web3 Tech Clubs are thankful!


Wow!! This is awesome!!! Thx to the council for taking the time to evaluate our proposals and all the feedbacks.


Thanks for the development of Grant Ships . It is public access and breaks down into different aspects on how DeSci community round can do it better.

Although we are not in the top 6, we will still run the Gitcoin Grant 23 DeSci community round. It is the 5th DeSci round since 2022. We have the big community, over 400 members in our TG group. We have solid operators runing Gitcoin Grant 20 and 21 DeSci round before, e.g. @GoretiFreitas and myself

Feel free to follow up our Twitter and join our TG group for the update

Criteria of GG23 DeSci community round:


Cool to see the GG23 Community rounds announced! Grateful that GoodDollar GoodBuilders is part of this and for the additional matching support.

Looking forward to being part of it alongside some great projects. Thanks to Gitcoin, the council, and everyone who helped make it happen!


At SEEDGov we’re very happy to be part of this GG23 round and want to congratulate the awesome projects that received matching funds! Some of the projects left behind were also very interesting and we encourage them to participate again.

Since we are here, we would like to take the opportunity to leave overall and high-level feedback in regard to the applications and the analysis process:

  • We’d like to see a more diverse group of round operators trained and onboarded for future rounds.
  • The scope of many projects is often unclear, making basic due diligence and Gitcoin alignment analysis more complex.
  • For future rounds, we recommend clearly defining target audiences and utilizing “user stories” methodologies to provide context and enhance appeal.

Once again, minor suggestions, but we believe they can raise the bar for applicants and make it easier for us to see what’s actually under the hood of each project.


Hope to join council in next term and we welcome the new members

Thank you