[GG22 Community Round Proposal] Regen Citizen Round

[GG22 Community Round Proposal] The Regen Citizen Round

The Regen Citizen’s round is proposed for a GG22 community round with the theme of Citizen’s reward by Gitcoin Citizen rounds. This round will empower and recognize builders that contribute meaningfully to the creation and development of the Regenerative movement on Ethereum.

This round is an extension of the Regen Coordi-NATION movement, a joint effort between some of the leading ReFi organizations: Greenpill Network, ReFiDAO, and Celo Public Goods, which started through a successful Community Round in GG21.

To expand the Regen Coordi-NATION and reward the most impactful individuals, we’re collaborating with other ReFi movements, such as Let’s Grow DAO, to realize this round.

We have secured $8,500 from Let’s Grow DAO, and the Regen Coordi-NATION. We are now asking for Gitcoin’s support with $25k matching.

Social Handles

@let’sGROWdao, @greenpillnet, @ReFiDAOist, @CeloPublicGoods, @RegenCoordinate

Eligibility Criteria

  • Participating communities’ contributors.
  • Each participating organization can nominate up to 10 applicants from their ecosystem.
  • There are 4-7 guest organizations who can nominate up to 3 individuals.
  • Each organization will nominate these applicants based on their contribution to their ecosystem in the following sectors:
    • Regenerative R&D
    • Education and growth
    • Operation
    • Impact on local communities and bioregion.
  • Each team and applicant must:
    • Agree to Gitcoin’s basic rules and code of conduct.
    • Provide the scope and validation of their claimed work.
    • Include how they aim to contribute to their respective community.
  • Each organization will present at least one member to represent them within the round operating team.

Marketing Plan:

  • We also utilize other ecosystem partners to create a marketing funnel towards the round.
  • The platforms that will be utilized are, but not limited to: X, Warpcast, Discord, Discourse, and Telegram.
  • We will utilize Let’s Grow DAO’s proven X formula to amplify the round’s reach.
  • The plan is to continue hosting live X Spaces during the GG22 round.

Round History

This round will be the first of its kind for the Regen Coordi-NATION team. Apart from the recent grant round for Regen projects within the Greenpill, ReFI, and Celo ecosystem, we have not conducted a grant round specifically for our valued contributors.

GreenPill Network

  • GreenPill Network Round (November 2023): 12 GreenPill Chapters, 3 ETH matching pool, and 403 donations totalling $988 in crowdfunding. Eligibility was to have minted a Hypercert with proof of your impact and to be an active Chapter. Round Report Card
  • GreenPill x Octant Community Round (March 2024): Eligibility for active Chapters and GPN-aligned projects was based on past work done - proof of impact in their work was needed to be accepted into the round. 1,808 donations were made to the round, totalling $5,550 in crowdfunding. Round Report Card.


  • Local Node Beta Round (April 2023): $25k match funding, 14 nodes in the round.
  • Local Node GG18 Round (August 2023): $30k match funding, 31 nodes in the round. Over 1550 contributions totalling over $6700. Round Report Card. 2

Regen Coordi-NATION

  • Regen Coordi-NATION Round(August 2024): 62 applications, $50k USDGLO matching pool, $8,449 in crowdfunding. Eligibility was to be a Regen Coordination local node, entity or preselected valued partner. Round Report Card.

Value Alignment:

This round is very well aligned with a few of Gitcoin’s values and intents:

  • Community First: This round aligns with Gitcoin’s value of empowering communities to fund their shared needs. Many of the participating organizations consider human resources one of the core aspects of their organizations and communities. Conducting this round to reward community members is an example of Gitcoin’s purpose in action.
  • Ethereum Ecosystem Growth(Ethereum Community): Another value alignment is that once approved, Gitcoin will vicariously grow the Ethereum ecosystem by allocating resources to these sub-communities. This will empower said communities to grow, which will also grow the entire Ethereum ecosystem.

Program Team:


  • Izzy Lawrence (Twitter ) — Coordinator at GreenPill Network, GG20 Review team, Chapter Lead at GreenPill Nigeria, Round Manager for 5+ Grant Stack rounds.



  • Luuk Weber (LinkedIn 1) — Founder at Kolektivo Labs and lead Steward of Celo Public Goods. 5+ years of experience developing local regeneration solutions and operating on-chain networks.
  • Alejandro(Wasabi) - Founder & Secretary General of Kokonut Network
  • Matt Strachman - TwitterGreenpill Network and NYC Chapter Steward, Greenpill Dev Guild Community Lead and Writers Guild contributor.
  • Scott Morris (LinkedIn) — Core steward at ReFi DAO. Scott is a globally recognized expert in regenerative systems design, focusing on place-based investment structures, community currencies, digital marketplaces, and participatory governance systems.

Partnerships and Collaborations

  • Collaborate with a third party org to measure individual contributions in a community via EAS and APIs.

Program Plan

  1. Gitcoin Community Round QF GG22.
  2. Decentralized Impact tracking by each community.
  3. Subsequent Easy Retro PGF round Q1 based on Impact evaluation.


  • Regen Coordi-NATION members jointly committed $7.5k to this round.
  • Let’s Grow DAO committed $1000 to this round.
  • Gitcoin will potentially commit $25k towards the matching pool.

Funding Mechanisms and Impact evaluation plan

This initial round will be utilizing the QF Mechanism with signal boost from holders of Grow tokens, Greenpill/ReFi Hypercert holders and Gitcoin passports.

  • QF on the Grant Stack: Signaling valued contribution from within the communities is very vital. To this, input from engaged members of the participating communities will be rewarded more than out of context, external input.
  • Impact tracking and reporting:
    • Decentralized evaluation of subsequent grantee contributions to their community will be conducted by the participating communities.
    • Willing communities will utilize either Catts.run, SourceCred or any other on-chain reputation system to measurably show grantees contribution.

Community Size

GreenPill Network

Let’s Grow DAO


Celo Regional DAOs

Estimated number of eligible grantees

We anticipate 60 grantees in the round.

Possible conflict of interest

  • Alejandro who is a Let’s Grow DAO member and one of our advisors is also on the deciding Gitcoin council.

More information

  • If we do not receive the Gitcoin matching funds, it will be to the discretion of the participating communities to move forward with the round.

Overall a promising application. I like the nomination system of 10 projects per partner, restricting the pool to quality projects. Honestly the best way of ensuring accountability is restricting who gets to participate in these rounds.

There is a strong team with experience of hosting these rounds before. Lets Grow DAO in particular has been a public good during gitcoin rounds, with their 24/7 spaces. the 3rd party system to measure contributions sounds promising but i wanted more details such as where funding for paying this evaluator would come from & who might perform this role


Congratulations @Decentralizedceo ! GG22 Community Rounds Announced