GG22 Community Round Proposal - Growing the Public Gardens 🌱

Name of Proposed Round:

Growing the Public Gardens :seedling: - by 1Hive & Gardens v2


Gardens v2, incubated by the 1Hive DAO, is a community funding platform specializing in Conviction Voting and enforceable Community Covenants. This round is dedicated to communities building on Gardens v2, funding Council Safes to help boost their community’s growth.

Social Handle of Your Organization:

Twitter/X: gardens_fund and 1hiveorg

Farcaster: gardens

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Project has an active community on Gardens v2 by October 17, 2024.
    To create a community on Gardens v2, go to - available on Optimism, Arbitrum, Polygon, and Gnosis Chain networks.
  • Project’s beneficiary address is the Gardens community’s Council Safe address Gardens v2 community.
  • Project’s Community Covenant in Gardens v2 states the shared purpose and values of the Community clearly.
  • Project is incubating shared value for non-private goods (OK for the org to also have private goods or services being sold separate from this). Some examples include open-source software projects, public goods providers, web3 and real world communities, token ecosystems, L1/L2/L3 networks, clubs, interest groups, and activists.
  • Funding from this round will be distributed through Gardens v2, either through Funding Pools or using results of Signaling Pools (learn more at .
  • Projects need to set-up a Karma GAP profile or provide information in a public database with their updates (eg. Notion).

Marketing Plan:

Gardens is in contact with nearly 100 communities who have all expressed interest in trying out the platform and/or using Conviction Voting. We plan to focus on these communities for marketing for this round, helping them set up on Gardens and giving them the resources and support they need to run successful pilots on Gardens v2 beta version.

1Hive marketing plan, which has channels, audience and team who will be executing on promotion of your round.]

Separate from reaching out to communities that Gardens is already in contact with, 1Hive and Gardens will run a collaborative marketing campaign on X/Twitter, Discord, and Farcaster to get the word out to our wider community and audience.

Round History:

If approved this will be our first Round being run on Gitcoin as an organization. Our team and advisors have extensive experience in running rounds and have onboarded/consulted other organizations as well. We are confident in our ability to manage and run this round in a way that doesn’t only support our goals as 1Hive/Gardens, but grows the public goods pie for all.

Team Running This Round:

Clearly identify the round operator with relevant experience, and provide detailed bios and social handle links for at least two additional team members, emphasizing their relevant experience.

  • Round Operator 1: @paul2
    Gardens Project Lead and 1Hive Contributor, 4 years full time experience in public goods crypto, Paul_Glavin on X/Twitter
  • Round Operator 2: @Sov
    Experienced GG round operator, Cartographer’s Syndicate Lead, sovereignsignal on X/Twitter
  • Gardens Lead Dev: @Gossman
    Full Stack web3 engineer, 1HIve contributor since 2022, leading Gardens platform build and community support, Corantin101 on X/Twitter

Alignment with Gitcoin’s Intents:

1Hive is one of the first DAOs in web3 that supported public goods. Gardens v2 is built on Allo Protocol, meaning all funding allocated to Council Safes in this round will directly contribute to Allo GMV.

Anticipated Size of the Matching Pool:

  • The matching pool is anticipated to be $10,000, raised by 1HIve
  • Funding address: 0xc6c2E9EFB898A42DB4137B07b727b45e0C353d81
  • 1Hive’s treasury is currently over $600k, so if this round is successful the community can support many rounds like this going forward.

Advisors for This Round:

Clearly identify any advisors and their relevant experience. Indicate if any have run a round for Gitcoin or participated in running a round in the past. List any advisors and their relevant experience.

  • @ZER8 - Round Operator for 5 GG matching rounds
  • @sejalrekhan - experienced Gitcoin contributor and running a Gardens v2 Council Safe with Sov.

Funding Mechanism:

Gardens v2

Community Size and Engagement:


X/Twitter: 1.8k followers
Discord: 100+ members
Communities building on Gardens v2: 10, with 80+ requests for access
Fundraising: $70k raised in 2024 to date from Grants, donations, hackathon winnings and DAO funding proposals.


X/Twitter: 6.5k followers
Discord: 1k members

Gardens Success performance metrics:

  • TVL (tokens staked in communities + tokens in funding pools + tokens in Council Safes
  • Number of Active Communities
  • Number of Community Members
  • Number of Pools, Proposals, and Disputes
  • Qualitative responses from users on their satisfaction with the platform

Type of Projects to Fund:

  • We aim to fund projects that help grow the public goods pie in a tangible way
  • We aim to help nurture experimental concepts that can grow into public greats
  • Projects that help 1Hive and Gitcoin gain more visibility as organizations
  • Experimental ideas/concepts that can lead to more Gitcoin <> 1Hive synergies
  • Projects that lead to positive sum games in the space that are interoperable and have not been funded

Estimated Number of Eligible Grantees:

  • 50 expected applications

Impact Assessment Plan:

  • We intend to assess grantee impact through multiple methods such as Karma GAP, reputation tooling, etc
  • Projects that do not have or wish to set-up a Karma profile will detailed milestones will not be accepted into the round
  • We will use Convex Funding to assess the potential impact of our grantees as well

Additional Considerations:


Potential Conflicts of Interest:

ZER8 is on the Gitcoin Community Council and will not vote in support of this round directly or indirectly by not supporting other rounds.

This would include if any round operations team members are part of any projects participating to receive/get a grant

More Information:

If you do not receive matching funds from Gitcoin, will you still participate in the round?

No, if matching funds were not approved then 1Hive would directly fund Gardens Council Safes.


Thank you @paul2 for this proposal! Really exciting to see this come through for GG22! If the council has questions throughout the week of voting and reviewing next week, they will comment on this post to check in.


@paul2 I did have one note. The requirement for running a round is having at least one experienced round operator, so I would suggest that you ask one of your advisors to step in as another round operator, because they all have the adequate experience needed. Due to the fact that @ZER8 is a council member, I would recommend that you include @Sov as a round operator alongside you (if he would be able and willing!)


Thanks Mathilda - Sov will be joining as our 2nd Round Operator :slightly_smiling_face:

Updated the forum post to reflect this.


Congrats on being the toughest application i had to review for GG22 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Although this will be your first time running the round, i gave good points to team since you have experienced operators like Sov, sejal and zer8 who run sessions for others to learn.

I also like your integration with the conviction funding mechanism. Over time i think QF needs to interplay with different allocation mechanisms to succeed, this is a case of that since hives is built on the allo protocol. In other words, clear alignment with gitcoin intents!

However, i confess to not fully understanding the flow of funds here. It did not help that for the question on the funding mechanism, you simply linked to your documents which did not contain fully relevant and concise information. Would have appreciated you taking the effort to give a blurb rather than linking to documents here :pray:

Anyways, from what i understand grantees enter their gardens v2safe as recipient address. Matching & donations go to this address. After they meet their milestones (convex funding) or have conviction voting? then the funds raised in the round are disbursed to projects. It was overall unclear how it actually works and required some guesswork on my part.

An orange flag was saying you are in touch with 100s of teams and 10 already building on it, but a visit to your site shows few communities onboarded so far.

I understand that you will be using this round to drum up other communities to launch on gardens, i would have still liked clear acknowledgement of the low adoption so far. and the numbers for v1 would have let me accurately score you on community, as it stands i had to grade you on community size using twitter follower numbers which isn’t the best source.

on impact assessment, I like that projects need to setup a public page or use karma gap to be eligible. However, i did not see any explanation of convex funding in your application; thankfully, @wasabi explained that “CF is a grant funding mechanism in which the rewards or benefits increase disproportionately as certain outcomes/milestones are achieved. The concept is derived from the mathematical idea of “convexity,” where a function’s rate of change increases as input values grow.”

Next time, would appreciate more explanation of these terms especially since i couldn’t find convex funding even through a google search!

Overall, an exciting experiment and I will be personally tracking the progress of gardens. the credibility of the team, the boldness of the experiment and the decent matching committed outweighed other factors during my assessment. Good luck!


Appreciate the constructive feedback Devansh! Apologies for not making this an easy review - we’ve got great advisors as you’ve noticed but as a first round application there’s a lot for us (me especially) to learn.

Regarding platform onboarding - note that most of the teams building for gardens haven’t yet created a community on the platform yet. There’s significant work to do before community is ready to be deployed, like the organizing of a Council Safe that will moderate the community and writing a Covenant that’s published to IPFS when the community is created.

As you’ve noticed our documentation is quite lengthy and not a great first resource for onboarding, so we’re working directly with communities on their setup in the meantime while we develop a more onboarding-friendly “how to grow using Gardens” Notion (still WIP).

I expect by GG23 we’ll have way more of these kinks worked out!

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Congratulations @paul2 ! GG22 Community Rounds Announced