GG19 Matching Funds Proposal for Discussion

This is where our core interests are. In the last 18 months, we have built and created a community of web3 delves virtually, with over 120 trained in Solidity, web3 product design, and product management. Organized a series of hackathons. Does it qualify for the education round? The eligibility link is not opening.

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I would go with option 1, as getting funds faster to builders who have created lean systems that generate exponential value will be crucial.


I think it would be helpful to have a “reservoir drawdown” formula that makes default assumptions about the size of the (aggregate) matching pool per round and adjusts it based on actual inflows/outflows. Something like this … so we can gauge if the reservoir is depleted or saturated and ensure our rounds are right-sized.


Based on the figures shared, $600K out of $16M does feel rather conservative, but I admit I don’t have context on the calculus behind the number.


Love this idea. Would be great to have a formula for this moving forward.


Likewise. Following up on this channel.

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would be great to revisit this