[GCP-006] - PASSED - Infinite Garden Trading Card Game

Big +1.

Love the mechanism of community-proposed cards to drive hype.

Curious if the funding requested includes:

  1. any formal marketing spend (ad placement, etc)?
  2. a physical distributor/printer who youā€™ve already scoped/understand unit economics on (not sure what the term is here for game-publisher, out of my depthā€¦)?

Thanks! Nouns is one of the most elegant projects on the block. The trick is starting off with a bang. If the first one doesnā€™t sell for a lot of ETH the project will likely struggle. PublicNouns is working through this now.

I would like to see this project build an audience first, then embrace the Nouns model when the time is right.



  1. Traditional marketing would likely burn the whole budget so IMO it makes sense to take a more creative and grassroots approach. The highest leverage opportunity I see is activating values-aligned people and projects to spread the word. We could incentives them by representing their projects as cards. For example, Kernel and Giveth should be represented and it would be a win/win for their communities to tweet about the cards.

  2. I used makeplayingcards.com for the first prototype and the quality was top-notch for a reasonable price. Prices go down quickly as more cards are bought.


Thank you so much for proposing this @Colton! The ethos behind the genesis, the intended outcomes are all amazing and while I was reading, I wondered how can I get involved?

I am highly supportive of the proposal, will probably vote for option 1 to start, but this is mostly because of the desire to better understand the gameplay mechanics before committing to much.

I try to play games frequently with my son, and knowing that I can share this lore and story with him in a (hopefully) simple gameplay that reinforces why we are advancing our purpose deeply resonates.

Yes, please letā€™s keep this work going! If you are willing, I would love to personally contribute to the process too. Perhaps I can ping you offline in how I can support?

One minor aside - Do you have any Alpha decks available for purchase yet too (the ones you handed out at Eth Denver)?


Thanks Kyle! I sent you a dm. Looking forward to building a fun game for you and your son :slight_smile:

And for anyone else wondering about the Edition 0 decks, I donā€™t have any left but you can join this group for updates on future availability Telegram: Join Group Chat


This is so dope! Cant wait to see this done. What kind of card stock are you planning to use? It would be cool if the physical cards were made with cardistry in mind, in other words how they feel and look when shuffled in intersting ways. Check out this post for some examples. Non-Standard Playing Cards: A New Standard for Cardistry

I agree with the comments of all our fellow travellers in the quadratic lands in this thread and wanted to add a fidgety card jugglers perspective.

There are companies that specialize in making quality cards of these kinds. Here is one popular options.


Thanks Ben! Cardistry is mesmerizing.

I used makeplayingcards for the Edition 0 cards. Very happy with the quality.


Appreciate you proposing this @Colton. Iā€™d say Option 1 from my end and definitely support this.

I feel a lot of the work that youā€™re doing is something the ecosystem honestly needs, and I believe youā€™re the right person to do it.

Also, the stuff that Iā€™ve seen so far is amazing, and would love to continue seeing that come out. And definitely let me know once things are up for sale. Would love to buy stuff.


Really love this concept and was left wondering ā€œwhere can I vote?ā€ ā€“ looks like you need some more comments so Iā€™ll say it here publicly that I support option 1.

Your creations are epic and your focus on nurturing our lore and the lore of the collective regen space is something that everyone can enjoy. Itā€™s totally worth worth investing in.


I love Coltonā€™s artwork - definitely would vote for option 1


Love this @Colton! I would vote for option #1 because I think starting small is the best approach to entering this new design space.


Thanks to everyone for your thoughtful comments. This GCP has more than 5 responses from stewards and has been live for 12 days.

@kyle has offered to post this GCP to Snapshot and I would love to have your support on the official decision!


Hey Colton,

Finally had the time to read through this. I think thereā€™s still a lot of unknowns, (also for me personally because Iā€™m not a gamer :slight_smile: ) but I think if anyone deserves this funding it is you.

However, I will probably vote ā€˜abstainā€™, for the simple reason that I donā€™t think in our upcoming GCP v2 model it makes total sense for us to fund initiatives that I would consider to be purely community engagement. This post is very inspiring though, as I need to to figure out this week what the eligibility criteria for a GCP are. :sweat_smile:

In my current logic I would say this proposal belongs in the Citizens Round.
The first round is retroactive funding and you should submit your various projects separately for these Iā€™d say.

However, I see a huge support here on your proposal (people know how much you already did for Gitcoin, and we love you for it), so that is why I would definitely not vote no, but will stick with an abstain, as more detailed rules are coming up.

Thanks for this proposal!


This vote is now live!


For those delegating to me, I decided to vote for the $20k option instead of the $10k option. I did this as the $20k option gives an additional 10% in funding to the matching pool, and also likely gives a bit more room to develop cards and turn it into a viable game. I would hate to fund at the $10k mark and have this fail as they didnā€™t have enough funds to actually turn this into a playable and viable game.


Thanks for the thoughtful response Kris!


Iā€™m so thankful to @Colton for the continued support of Gitcoin and public goods. Youā€™ve found a way to continuously orbit Gitcoin with your creativity and have done a ton to continue funding public goods through your work. Iā€™m hopeful this is a project is successful and can get into the hands of people that may not currently be on our radar.


I had some of Coltonā€™s cards at the Supermodular both during EthDenver and many people had an immediate connection to the artwork and the lore. It was really fun to watch. The first question people had was were can they buy a deck and the second question was how can they play.

I could see a future where we could play the game pokemon go style when we go to a different conference.


I think it is a great project, but I still think Gitcoin is spending too much money on things overall, so while i think the project has legs, I have to vote no and ideally this budget could be sourced from MMM


@Colton has a proven track record in delivering for Gitcoin, and I believe itā€™s in the DAOā€™s best interest to continue to engage him in building out accessible, fun, and mission-driven storytelling of its ā€œwhyā€; there is no better person for the job. I will vote yes on this proposal.

Iā€™ll also note that I had a chance to check out the cards IRL at ETHDenver ā€” even the prototype looked incredibly polished & professional! Couldnā€™t believe it was ā€œhomemadeā€.

That said, a thought on the process here: I know GCPs are new territory altogether, but at first glance Iā€™m not sure the GCP process is necessarily right for this. IMO, something of this relatively small ticket size should go through workstream budgets ā€” likely MMMā€™s in this case, as @griff suggests ā€” rather than being an independent proposal of its own. And, if the conversation was had with MMM or other workstreams and they opted not to fund it, that should be disclosed to stewards too as itā€™s important context in the funding decision.


This snapshot has closed and option 2 ā€œYES fund expanded Alpha Set $20kā€ has won.

The full text for the option was: Voting ā€œYesā€ to $20k will fund 69-150 cards including 5 proposed by the Gitcoin community and 20% of primary sale profits to the Matching Pool

2076 unique votes
~8M GTC tokens cast.

Thank you to the author for the proposal and to all the stewards and GTC token holders who cast their vote.