FVMF: Grants Round Introduction

Hello :wave: Everyone…!

We would like :+1: to introduce our first grant round launch which is now live on Gitcoin !!

Fractal Visions Public Goods Funding reiterates the ethos of both Optimism & Gitcoin …!

We have started our Pilot Program on Optimism with the plans to expand to PGN & BASE network in 2024 with similar campaigns that are all consecutive.

Our project aims at providing grant funding to many projects that also align with the ethos of Public Goods.

You can always find more information here.

Fractal Visions Mission Fund

The Fractal Visions Mission Fund is for fellow impact makers in web3 who are building projects that contribute to public goods. Utilizing the Optimism network & Layer 2 scaling blockchain technology with the Gitcoin Grants Stack gives Fractal Visions ecosystem the opportunity to reiterate Quadratic Funding with the “Mission Fund” as the public goods community grows.

The community can choose from a selection of different categories that align with their vision and values regarding the future of blockchain development.

The “Fractal Visions Mission Fund” further expands the scope of participation within the niche community of impact makers from the very early beginning of a regenerative movement. Each “Mission” from the Pilot Programs help contribute to momentum of the public goods flywheel every QF round.

- Fractal Visions Mission Fund -

The intent of the Pilot Program is to build a Matching Pool of rewards for the Quadratic Funding mechanism that Fractal Visions ecosystem has established for creators & builders who will be based on the following genres.

  • Decentralized Vibrations
  • Psychedelic Visuals
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Regenerative Finance
  • Decentralized Science

- Fractal Visions Mission #1 -

Bi Monthly Builder Meet Up

Please attend the Fractal Visions meet up :arrow_up: for Q & A office hours.

Here is our schedule for events.


And the grantee becomes the grantor!

Love to see it brother, keep up the great work Igli

Let’s GROW!!!

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Thanks :pray: for your support… We are seeing big changes on the Gitcoin website that is currently helping with the discovery :bulb: of our Mission Fund !!!

Very happy to see this. Donations are starting to roll in …


We are nearing the launch :rocket: of our very first grants round on Optimism after many moons of intentional exploration as to how we could raise more funds for the matching pool.

Back in Q4 of 2023 we realized that the goal for our project would not be met for the matching pool so that became the main factor of why we rescheduled our grant round for Mission #1 to this April.
Other factors included the announcements made by the Gitcoin team on their timeline for GG20 which was anticipated earlier in Q1 of 2024 & the announcement :mega: that PGN (Public Goods Network) is winding down its operations which affected our road map for our grants program significantly.

We want to align with the rest of the Gitcoin community as best as we possibly can.

After making the proper adjustments we are now ready to host our first round of grants for the Fractal Visions ecosystem on Optimism. Applications open later this week with eligibility criteria for each genre that is welcome to participate.

As you can see here we have made changes to reflect our decision and are currently planning Mission #2 on Base network for later this year. Hopefully another L2 that is part of the Superchain will join the Gitcoin ecosystem soon because that is our main focus and priority in project selection for each round of grants.

Over the course of the past few months we’ve received some rewards from Retroactive Public Goods Funding on Optimism that we are utilizing to help run our grants round by adding these funds into the matching pool.

Depending on the level of participation in our first pilot program we have considered doubling the amount that we plan on matching.

This is a completely independent grants program that we are very excited about and have at least 2 dozen participants ready to apply prior to the round application phase opening.

Hopefully :pray: everything goes smoothly. We will report back later this week with an announcement :mega: for the application phase starting on Thursday March 14th.

The past week or two has definitely had a lot of different changes and shifts involved with the introduction of the new Allo V2 contracts.

We have updated our round and only have a few applicants who submitted to the V1 contract so it’s not a problem to switch over to the new system for us at all.

Donations will start on April 1st and we should have our first approvals here in the coming days for the round of projects that have already submitted.

Applications close on the 24th of April and the donations end on May 15th…

We are also happy to announce that we are going to add more money to the matching pool totaling 10,000 $DAI

The participants of our round are very new to the Gitcoin ecosystem and we are doing a lot of work one on one with each person to get them through the steps of setting up their GitHub account and submitting their application through the builder site.

There is a page here that explains a little bit more about our round FV M1 including a document for the eligibility criteria.

We also just released the schedule for the events during the round that will take place for the grantees to help showcase and talk about their projects.

Promotional graphics for the grantees will be available later this month in preparation for the beginning of the round.

Once we kick off on the first we will provide another update here on the forums. There is a lot of excitement around this grant round and we are happy to be a part of the Gitcoin ecosystem.

It’s launch :rocket: day !

Fractal Visions is happy to evolve from being a donor to a grantee to hosting our own grants round starting on Optimism.

Please :pray: stop :stop_sign: by one :point_up: of the spaces we have scheduled :calendar: via the events calendar in the previous post.

We would love the extra support from anyone at Gitcoin. This is a grassroots grants operation.

Our application phase is open until April 24th & donations run from now until May 15th so please support the projects along the way.

Here is a link :link: to the round on Allo v2