[Discussion & Proposal] Ratify the Results of Gitcoin’s Beta Round and Formally Request the Community Multisig Holders to Payout Matching Allocations

thanks for the detailed response. This clarity will def helps us navigate future rounds better.

I think most grants acting in good faith have a legit story behind what appears as a sybil attack but at the same time i get that its really not feasible for Gitcoin to look into each to understand the context.

The current doc on whats considered a sybil attack by Gitcoin is quite broad which is where potential confusion can arise, esp for newer grants. Maybe a forum post where this can be hashed out betn the team and grants once the dust settles on this round would be nice to prevent this next time.

Have DMed you on twitter/TG @connor with some potential false positives that we would like to get clarity on before the next round.

Congrats to everyone that made this happen. Looking forward to the next roller coaster


Great work @connor ! Thank you for this. The blog post from our end will be posted early next week! Thanks for all the hard work that went into this and for the conversations here. It’s given me some great insights into the process.


I wanna step in and second others who have come out to thank @connor and team for working with the community to resolve this!


Thanks all the Gitcoin Team for your Hard Work :green_heart:


Thank you for voicing your concerns and happy to continue the discussion we’re having on Telegram. We will certainly strive to make the rules more clear going forward


Appreciate you reaching out on Telegram. We’ve definitely taken away a lot of learnings from this process and will implement them for the next round


Next quick update - the snapshot vote to ratify these results is live - thank you to everyone who helped us get to this point, and for your patience during the process. Please vote here: Snapshot


Thanks for this hardwork put in. I’d like to know if there’s a reason B<>rder/ess is not on the list.

What could be the reason?

Hi! Thanks for the immense amount of work behind this round. I speak on behalf of the Sympoiesis project (clima solutions) and am wondering if we could get more insights into the discrepancy between the first Beta Round final results announced and the latest ones. I ask that because our project went from having 13 valid contributors to now having 7 valid ones. We don’t have much info on our donors, but our entire crowdfunding campaign was done at zuzalu, which makes us believe that most people had a valid passport. We’re surprised by the big difference between results.

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This proposal has passed a snapshot vote. The final metrics are pending a snapshot bug fix, but the result of the vote is a clear passage for this proposal.


Thank you to all the voters for participating in our governance!


Hey everyone we have a long-anticipated update for you all - the 5 Core rounds have now been finalized and paid out! Thank you again for your patience throughout this entire process. Going forward it should be streamlined significantly :slight_smile:


This snapshot vote has passed with ~93% approval rate.
2931 unique votes
~10.2M GTC tokens cast.



Hey @connor thanks so much for handling the payouts and contributing to public goods. Our project Litter Token didn’t receive the Beta Round funds and we suspect it’s because we provided a Polygon gnosis safe address instead of an ETH one. Any way you can help us can find a solution here?

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