DevTooling or Developer Resources Directory


:bulb:It seems to me there is a growing cohort of Citizens who are founders, visionaries, and thought leaders. However, they may be in a category where they don’t spend their day in code, or have limited resources to development teams. :thinking:

The thought behind this is to leverage amazing tools that drive innovation around the Gitcoin Community, Allo, Grants Stack, ____Canvas, etc.

That being said I would propose a directory of developmental teams that exist in the Gitcoin Community that would play nice with these leaders to bring their idea/vision/concept to life.

Since Day 1 as a founder I have relied on simple solutions to push innovative tokenized concepts on chain. The end result so far has been amazing. In less than 15 months we have been able to grow our on chain presence and footprint by a factor of 7X.

I feel I may not be alone in this thought and am open to feedback if this would be a valuable resource for the community to have.


Maybe this:


Title of this topic: DevTooling or Developer Resources Directory

It made me think: in general or Gitcoin specific?

Further explaination:

I would propose a directory of developmental teams that exist in the Gitcoin Community that would play nice with these leaders to bring their idea/vision/concept to life

Genuine, honest, truthful feedback, coming from the heart - when you use such a wording, it puts the empahsis on these leaders. Such a directory (that I think already exists) can be useful for many other purposes, for example open-source contributors or family office with billions of dollars to distribute (very 0th world problem to have). For them seeing the scale of the ecosystem, stack, tools, repos, working groups, all the intellectual property - that can convince them - Gitcoin is serious business, serious effort and solve their problem - here is $100m :moneybag::moneybag::moneybag:

To summarise the feedback: simpler. More precise. Less qualifying words. Shorter sentences easier to read and understand.

And a follow up question: who at Gitcoin is working on BizDev to find such $100m :moneybag::moneybag::moneybag: opportunities?

(I can volunteer for such role)

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Thank you for your feedback. While is a create resource, which I didn’t know existed until you highlighted it (IMO these need to be socialized more inside the community), I suppose the real question then becomes this.

“How do I as a founder build on Gitcoin products without a dedicated development team?”

The example I will use is ThirdWeb. I can deploy smart contracts simply and easily on any EVM chain they support, along with other product offerings they have, ERC-6551, Marketplaces, etc.

I have yet to see evidence of this type of solution existing inside of Gitcoin. If anyone wants to correct me on this, please point me in the direction of success.

No dedicated team:

  • UpWork
  • Freelancer
  • TopTal (I have a refferal link for onboarding companies if you want)
  • I know 2 devs from :romania::serbia: open for work, all of us are looking for extra :moneybag::moneybag::moneybag:

No team at all:

  • ask the AI
  • no code tools
  • write a proposal and Gitcoin might respond:

“here is the idea, I would like to receive DevRel / Integration time from Gitcoin to build this solution”

Maybe. I’m just a dude, not an official Gitcoin position.

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To your point regarding the no team at all section, bullet 2 “no code tools”. Do these exist in Gitcoin specifically for Allo protocol? If so I am not aware.

I am not aware either.

I just tried to be helpful. When you have no team at all, you need to be resourceful and pragmatic.

There might be some no code tools that will do what you need, but realistically speaking they are not optimised specifically for Gitcoin Allo.

Idea from the past: Aragon DAO Experts

There might be something similar for Gitcoin: a directory of service providers.

I’m wondering what is the actual thing you want to accomplish?

If you were to do the elevator pitch: what does it do exactly?

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