Citizen Grants Program Updated Strategy

Citizen Grants Program Updated Strategy

After the initial pilot of the Citizen Grants Program, and 3 Citizens Retro rounds, it has become clear that we need to redefine what the program is, what we aim to achieve with it, and set more long term goals and objectives to ensure its success for Gitcoin and our community. After an exercise using our own Grants Canvas, as well as internal discussions, the below is how we plan to move forward with the program.


  • Conclude the Citizens’ Innovate and Forward by the end of July as part of the pilot as scoped in the original proposal.
  • We are moving towards a selective RFP & Direct Grants, simplifying the process.
  • Citizens Retro will spin out of the Citizens Program and spin into Gitcoin Grants. We will not host a Citizens Retro round in 2024, moving to hosting the next one in Q1 of 2025 alongside GG23.
  • We will update the content on the page to reflect the updated direction of the program.
  • Run internal and external retrospectives every 3 months as an ongoing period of reflections to iterate and learn. Here’s what worked, here’s what didn’t, and here’s how we’re moving forward. Learning, iterating more actively and regularly, ensuring that the community has their voices heard will be an important part of the future of the program.

Roles & Responsibilities - Program Overall

Owner/Driver: @MathildaDV
Executive Sponsor: @deltajuliet
Consulted: @owocki @Sov @sejalrekhan


Where We’ve Come From

After running a pilot, the following challenges have been identified in the greater adoption of the program:

Undefined Problem Spaces:

  • Lack of clear problem definitions within Citizens Innovate leads to confusion and ineffective citizen engagement.
  • Need for deliberate focal points to encourage community collaboration on shared challenges.

Limited Context for Proposal Writing:

  • Insufficient understanding of Gitcoin’s goals and challenges hinders effective contributions.
  • Ongoing education on Gitcoin’s technology stack, governance, and strategic priorities is necessary.

“First Mile” Barrier for Engagement:

  • The initial engagement process for RFPs and GCPs is cumbersome, deterring participants.
  • A more user-friendly interface is needed to facilitate smoother initial interactions.

Limited Distribution:

  • Limited awareness of the Citizens Forward initiative impacts participation and proposal quality.
  • Improved outreach and communication are required to boost community engagement.

Funding Issues:

  • Imbalance in funding: some DAO Citizens had too much funding, leading to inefficiency (Parkinson’s Law).
  • Others had too little, causing talented contributors to leave for other ecosystems.

Next Steps:

  • Conclude Citizens Innovate and Forward by the end of July as part of the pilot as scoped in the original proposal.
  • Pay off earned grants (i.e., prorated for completed milestones) to active grantees (Karma, Grants Portal)

Citizens Grants Program 2.0

The Citizens Grants Program aims to enable citizens to contribute to Gitcoin’s mission by fostering community-sourced innovation. The program focuses on growing the usability of Gitcoin’s ecosystem, making Gitcoin a leader in the space again, and strengthening the feedback loop between value creation and value capture. Additionally, it seeks to bring competitors closer by encouraging them to build on Allo.

In our move to Gitcoin 2.1 and the re-evaluation of the program, below are the objectives that we plan to achieve in the program moving forward.


*Good = actually has GMV potential


Target Grantees: Beneficiaries:
Ethereum Builder Community End users
Program Managers & Round Operators DAO Contributors
Developers Token Holders


Currently, we’re at:

  • 450k GTC, with $64k spent for Citizens Forward & Innovate
  • $70k for Retro

CoachJ & Laura will be removed as multisig signers, and MathildaDV will be added.

Funding Mechanisms

Direct Grants Broader scope. Run Direct Grants rounds with a specific theme through an ad hoc process.
(Scoped by internal Gitcoin contributors) Narrow scope. Standalone and independent of anything else. Keep it simple. Create a separate section on the gov forum. Post to citizens and amplify on external channels.
Important to make sure that these RFP’s are baked out very clearly and are well incentivized to attract high quality applicants.

What do we plan to fund?

Who? How
Program Managers Trained on and using Gitcoin’s tools Education & pilot rounds for running rounds using Gitcoin’s tech stack.
Innovators Build your mechanism on Allo Novel funding mechanism integration to Allo
Developers Building on Gitcoin’s tech stack Builds that innovate on or increase distribution of Gitcoin’s tech stack in identified problem spaces
Researchers/Educators Experience in web3 research and educational flows Providing research & education that elevates Gitcoin’s product/program knowledge

In addition, Gitcoin itself will dogfood our own tools through everyday DAO contributors knowing what Gitcoin is doing and how to use our tools. This is important to have empathy for our customers.

Eligibility Criteria

Adapted to the round/program we run.

Something to note which would be a good implementation is that receivers of these grants were aware of common knowledge of Gitcoin and could be credentialed in some way for doing so:

  • Reading Gitcoin Whitepaper
  • Read Grants Program Design book
  • Read OCAH

Direct Grants

Owner/Driver: @MathildaDV
Consulted: @owocki @Sov @sejalrekhan

Broader scope.

We will host a Direct Grants round post Devcon 2024, where we will fund Innovators and Developers.

From time to time, we will host Direct Grants rounds, which will be categorized according to eligibility criteria and specific timelines.


Owner/Driver: @owocki @deltajuliet
Consulted: DAO
Informed: @MathildaDV

Narrow scope. Standalone and independent of anything else. Scoped by internal Gitcoin contributors.

We plan to simplify our Request For Proposal strategy, where the Gitcoin team will (on an ongoing basis) post RFP’s to the Gitcoin Forum and promote it out to our community to attract engagement and builds.

Execute RFPs selectively using existing templates where there are:

  1. an internal owner(s) accountable for scope, quality, oversight
  2. a well-defined scope that can be decoupled with minimal dependencies on internal priorities
  3. a known preferred list of at least 1 to 2 teams willing to bid for work

In order for this to be successful, the Gitcoin POC uploading the RFP needs to ensure that there is enough context already built into the RFP, as the lack of this has been a problem space in the past. Teams need to know enough and be well equipped to respond to said RFP.

Retro and learnings on what’s working and what isn’t, and iterate from there. Ensure that we have high quality RFP’s, with good budgets attached, with a very clear scope in order to attract high quality citizens.

Citizens Retro

Owner/Driver: @MathildaDV
Consulted: @owocki @Sov @sejalrekhan

Early 2025, late Q1, within GG23. The Citizens Retro will spin out of the Citizens Grants Program and spin into Gitcoin Grants. We believe that the Retro should align with Gitcoin’s goals, and unlock a more robust opportunity space for citizens.

We are currently putting our Citizens Retro round on hold. Citizens Retro #4 will not take place as currently scheduled in September, rather kicking off early 2025. This decision did not come lightly, but we believe it’s important to ensure that the Retro aligns to our goals and creates more clarity for community members on where their contributions will create the most impact in the Gitcoin Ecosystem.

As part of Retro Round design in EasyRetroPGF, suggestive categories and scope of work should be offered that align with internal priorities ahead of the round. With time, this approach will raise awareness amongst citizens about these priorities.

Suggested categories for Citizens Retro 4 (early 2025):


Currently, $70k is allocated towards Citizens Retro #4.


Through utilizing Gitcoin’s own tool, the Grants Canvas, to redefine and reshape this program exemplifies our commitment to dogfooding our tools to continuously improve and iterate based on our learnings. We are excited to kick off RFPs immediately to start building momentum for this new outlined strategy.

Given our strategic shifts to make the Gitcoin 2.0 vision a reality, this redesign ensures the program further aligns to our goals and creates more clarity for community members on where their contributions will create the most impact in the Gitcoin Ecosystem.


Thanks for the comprehensive overview of the citizens grants program thinking Mathilda.

I think that the DAO is going to successfully rally around Allo Protocol + Grants = Growth, and invest way more tokens into the citizens than Gitcoin ever has before, then a solid citizens strategy is important.

I am feeling fairly confident that this is directionally correct, but i think we will discover a lot as this gets operationalized. I predict that there will be a lot of iteration as we advance towards our north stars of $15m GMV on Allo => $50m GMV on Allo => $1bn GMV on Allo.

How much funding should we put into citizens?

  1. Right now I think the ~$100k/qtr is quite meager, and that we can ramp that up as we build Upward Spirals of more confidence in, and accountability from, the citizens… ultimately allocating much much more tokens.
  2. For starters, IMO we should increase the next citizens round by about 1.5x - 2x.

I support this updated Citizens Grants Program strategy. I look forward to assisting with the implementation of this program, particularly in areas where my expertise can be put to good use. LFG!


Love the approach toward solving known pain points using Gitcoin tech stack; IMO, this is great statement and a very unique Case Study that solidify Gitcoin unique value proposal long-term.


I do support putting the citizens round on pause, it certainly felt like it was going adrift. A retrospective interview with some grantees from the citizens round would be helpful to understand whether it motivated them to contribute more to the ecosystem.

Why was it going adrift? It felt like impact was not equal to profit, since the only eligiblilty to enter the round was some contribution, which can be as meager as a forum post or review. After that, its a level playing field with long time contributors, and you can marshall up support to outrank them with enough motivation. The signal boosting method was a good initiative in the last citizens round and I’d like to see more of that, along with clear limits to funding based on work done (one forum post impact is gauged at $100, so you can’t receive more than that in the citizen round).

We should also remember the study where financial penalties resulted in parents being even more late to pick up their child. Reason being, the moral part of not picking up your kid from daycare got overshadowed by the financial element when penalties were introduced. So sometimes people want to just contribute for the sake of it, and financializing parts of it can backfire.


Yes 100% agreed here. It’s part of the reason I think we need clearer and more regular retrospectives (internally and externally) so that we can continue to evolve and iterate as we move forward. We need to be willing to adapt and learn as we go! And I’m excited to start doing this in a more transparent and public manner.

I agree with this.


After listening to the call today around this strategy, it does make sense to fund what will bring the highest level of market value to the community. I will be posting on the gov forum soon an idea that @MathildaDV resonated well with so that no opportunity goes missed within this community.


As promised, we are kicking off Office Hours this week!

Our first bi-weekly office hours begin this week Thursday! Hosted in Discord, and will repeat every other Thursday: Discord

Not onboarded into our Discord yet? Follow this guide to get onboarded.

Have questions about the new updated strategy? Want to brainstorm ideas/gov posts etc? These calls are for you!

See you there :saluting_face:


Thank you for the review, looking forward to the impact resulting from these pivots.

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Looking forward to the biweekly call, I have a couple of questions and requests, will share during the call.

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[UPDATE]: We have added a 4th category to what we plan to fund within the Citizen Grants Program. This broadens the scope slightly and includes an important area that we believe will further strengthen the program to be aligned with Gitcoin’s goals.