Calling all GitcoinDAO Metaverse Coordinators!

Hello frens,

At Bankless, writer David Hoffman has said

the legacy of crypto will instead be a renaissance in human culture.


The values that are baked into these crypto-economic systems extend outwards from the code itself and into the community, and the art that we share and value.

I want to take a moment and tell you a few of Gitcoins experiments in crypto/culture/art and how they have become symbiotic with our mission.

Longtime followers of Gitcoin may have noticed a different type of storytelling coming out of our orbit in the last year. These projects - $SACKS, MoonshotBots, or The GreatestLARP - and other launches from GitcoinDAO or GitcoinDAO-adjacent groups have two goals:

  1. Spread the narrative of Gitcoin’s mission, and other friendly Moloch-fighting, Regenerative, Solarpunk, economies being built in the web3 space.
  2. Raise $$$ for public goods.

Fundraising & Storytelling through art

It started with stickers in 2018-2019. Hope you got some bot stickers. Looks Rare:

And the Gitcoin Avatar builder, the best darn Open Source Avatar generator out there. Supporting over 99999999999999999999999 permutations of ways you could express yourself online since 2019!

In 2020 we started producing comic books. Hopefully by now you’ve read the amazing comic books produced by the artists at Blaylock Comics.

In 2021 you may have picked up a moonshot bot or SACKS.


Hopefully by now, you’ve also got some stuff from the Gitcoin schwag store:


If you’re a true og, you’ve perhaps bid on a premium NFT or two !

Or three or four…

If you aren’t, maybe you’re discovering the investments we’ve been making in these beautiful artifacts for the first time.

Why do this?

We started producing these Gitcoin-adjacent tool as a way of exploring how to convey our mission & our culture to the outside world. Each of these tools was a deeper way to engage an audience on our mission/culture.

  • instead of talking about community, we’re now playing hackey sack and together experiencing it.
  • instead of talking about ways we might fund open source, we’re actually doing it.
  • instead of talking about how someone should build a moloch slayer, we’re meme-ing it into existence.
  • instead of talking about how funding public goods is cool, we’re creating the dopest merch + only giving it to public goods funders.
  • instead of being resigned to doomerism, we’re painting a picture of a Solarpunk world

As a rule, the more visceral the better. Visceral can mean cold hard cash for public goods. Visceral can mean aesthetically engaging. Visceral means giving people experiences.

Like David Hoffman from Bankless says, “the legacy of crypto will instead be a renaissance in human culture.”. By creating a culture, fundraising, and meme-machine we’ve just And upon it!

Gitcoin-Grants Adjacent & GitcoinDAO Powered

Gitcoin’s primary assets are:

  1. Gitcoin Grants - which has generated $20mm in public goods funding, but relies on continous matching pool funding to continue to operate.
  2. GitcoinDAO - a DAO that governs Gitcoin and is becoming the primary for it’s culture, mission, ethos, and results.

This culture, fundraising, and meme-machine augments Gitcoin’s existing assets:

  1. it deepens & spreads the lore.
  2. it raises money for Quadratic Funding

Here’s what it looks like:

If we are can spin this flywheel, we can pull more & more people into the orbit of our mission

So where is this all going?

First and foremost, i believe we need to focus on meat and potatoes.

  1. Mission - deepening our understanding of our mission.
  2. Culture - making sure that we are making time to focus on deliberately designing our DAO culture.
  3. Results - turning the screws on our product/ops to make sure we actualize our mission as much as possible.

There are numerous ways that we can do that. It’s in everything we do. Every Discord message we send. Every zoom call. Every tweet. Every conference we attend. Every project we execute. Every idea we brainstorm.

I cannot possibly contain all of the diverse & beautiful ways that we could do so in my head. There are many options, and many of them are wworthy of being funded by the DAO.

One Direction we could go

I see an opening for one direction this could all go.

We get really good at transmedia storytelling. We build a metaverse.

This means creating a distributed content generation & fundraising machine. Illustrations, Comic Books, Movie Clips, Stickers, Schwag. Any medium is a possibility for building lore.

One tangible step we could do is to ask different Ethereum community members to partner with us to launch Comics. I’m envisioning

  1. The Raid Guild raids Molochs Lair!
  2. The CoordinAPEs coordinate to destroy Moloch!
  3. The AAAVE Ghosts vs Moloch.

In each of these stories, we’d help share the diversity of what makes that community special, what their super powers are… We’d catalogue own fights against Moloch, and add them to a larger narrative of the whole open web fighting Moloch together.

After having produced a handful of NFTs, comics, and other transmedia goodies, we’d have a few little saplings of what a GitcoinDAO Metaverse could look like. Plus I’d get to start giving our Moloch-Comic-Box-Sets to everyone at conferences :slight_smile:

Looking for Leaders

None of this will happen unless the community decides it should.

I’m looking for dreamers & leaders who are inspired to make this a reality to join the GMC - the GitcoinDAO Metaverse Coordinators - a group dedicated to laying down pieces of this metaverse brick by brick, campaign by campaign, one fight against Moloch at a time.

Leave feedback below or join this telegram to learn more.


I see going metaverse path as a game changer for public goods funding. The key pros for this were already summed up: i.e. that it will help spread Gitcoin’s mission further and to many other communities, and it will raise additional funding for public goods.

We could leverage on what is already built (1 and 2 editions comics, nfts and lore), combine it with some elements of some already successful projects. Just as a reference, (shoutout to user Erik Knobi for mentioning this) the MetaHeroes project ( uses NFT comics, Metaverse NFT characters to build lore a whole universe around the story. AFAIK some NFTs are main story characters (in our case Anon of the 2nd comic edition could be the first) and other are just secondary roles (Maybe ethbots? moonshotbots? Sacks?).

Once the 1st level of the Greatest Larp concludes, we could make 2nd Edition Comics (ETHBot wins) an NFT as well, and it having some extra perks for the future. Airdropping to MoonshotBots, Sacks and Ethbots holders could be an option.

Another project called CyberKongz made VX models of their 2D NFT avatars which will be interoperable with the Sandbox. Imagine having these 3D models for moonshotbots and ethbots, Itd be pretty cool.

There is much that could be done on this metaverse path, and fortunately much that has already been done and could be leveraged further.


We could link the MoonshotBots, MarsShot Bots, ETHBots, and other frenly forks together, and the NFTs could serve as access passes to like a ‘Coordination Bot District (CBD)’ in a metaverse world (e.g. Cryptovoxels, DCL, Somnium, Atlantis World, etc).


someone just asked me a very important Q and i wanted to copy the answer here

My wife wants to know if there will be future gamification of the Moloch and Ethbots?

there will be future gamification of the moloch and ethbots if the communitiy wills it and does it :slightly_smiling_face:

the whole schema-change of the metaverse stuff since the LOOT launch, from my perspective, is a distribution of world building from a centralized company to a decentralized group of builders.

GitcoinDAO i bet would be willing to give out tokens to builders like @joshblaylock @MettaHead who do the world building, but the organization is more powerful if its bottoms up instead of top down.

“The game is more fun when we all make it, together.” :blush:


I believe I can help with the writing / lore &. backstory creation. Have been a writer of sorts for many years and now I direct all my energy at web3 daos and digital assets. Full time in the FDD but I always have time for a great story like the greatest Larp. Lets build this thing. Barbadoes is creating a virtual embassy in the metaverse. Let’s be at the cutting edge of this movement so we can protect it from Moloch’s meddling.


this is really cool. I run Heroic Story, a community that’s building a collaborative storytelling game that’s like a mix of Who Wants to be a Millionaire and Dungeons & Dragons. players receive ownership of their creations via NFTs. we’re not minting yet – I’m doing a lot of on-ramping and education for the community into crypto – but our Discord is 2700 members strong and we have a lot of resources devoted to the building of an original fantasy universe that will be owned and governed by its creators.

maybe there’s a way to collaborate and cross-pollinate? joining the telegram now :smiley:


Let’s say that Moloch [evil] exists in real life [he/it does]
and real people are damaged by this Value destroyer [they are]

What if we could connect those damaged with ‘economically empowering’ tools and on-ramps via the EthBot/Moloch game?

Quadratic city could be a sanctuary for the fiat collapse refugees. A place to educate, learn, build and profit [perhaps farming their plot in quadratic city]. Always protected by the Guardians of Gitcoin.


hey all,

ive been blown away by the amount of awesomeness coming out this the metaverse group (and the action in the telegram)

i have not had much time to focus on the gitcoindao metaverse work + i feel like itll be more successful if i fire myself from "lead"ing it + empower someone else to be in the drivers seat.

would anyone be interested in submitting a proposal to the DAO to spin up a new metaverse workstream? i would feel most comfortable leaving the artists (especially those who have been shipping work for the gitcoindao metaverse already) in charge of this workstream. IMHO the two KPIS for this workstream would be:

  1. how many people can we greenpill?
  2. how much $$$ can be raised for public goods?

moonshot collective can continue incubating this work until schelling point conference (2/17), but after that, id be extremely open to someone else taking the reigns.


What do you think about a focus on the anons ?

Some character ideas:

  • The artist
  • The hacker
  • The mad scientist
  • The super shadowy coder

Theme: underground/neon/cyberpunk/quadratic-lands
Context: The anons are working individually or in silos so Moloch is becoming stronger.
Fortunately enough, the mad scientist creates a technology that allows other anons to create, build, coordinate and share without being censored.
Project ideas:
A Greenpill/Solarpunk hackathon
Anon avatar builder limited to 1 mint per combination


Really love what Moonshot Collective has been doing here, and I hope it will indeed be continued.

Personally I just hope it will be integrated in the great work already done by @seedphrase and @Fred’s MMM Workstream, ideally as a specific initiative within this workstream with its own lead if needed & its own KPIs.

I’d propose to add it under here bcs it’s so closely aligned to their mission and their existing objectives, plus it gives them a very clear opportunity to build on top of a project that already has proven it can raise $$$ for public goods, and we definitely need this.

And next to this - my personal favorite, might be less relevant for some :slight_smile: - it makes the navigation of our own DAO easier, because we don’t add complexity by spinning up too many workstreams.


Agree here, Kris.
Fred & I have spoken with Colton and Kinley about the prospect of a new workstream and mentioned that Metaverse Coordinators could exist thru MMM as a raid with full autonomy to their team of course. I think spinning up a new workstream is a ton of work and could potentially take energy away from the projects themselves. Ultimately I support whatever the group wants to do because I am also curious to see how they would navigate creating a new WS.


Hello All - we are finalizing up the plans for the Gitcoin / Solar Punk Auction that will be hosted at ETHDenver. We would love any feedback on the beneficiary of the auction. It could go directly to the Gitcoin DAO multisig, but I thought it would be a great gesture of regenerative crypto economics to streamline it to the metaverse coordinators working group to continue elevating their efforts. We need to onboard the recipient to the doingud platform. Feel free to ping me on the telegram on respond here with any feedback or ideas. Thank you!


Hey seedphrase, was there a resolution here?

Metaverse Coordinators are going to move forward with spinning up their own workstream!

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