GG22 Community Round Proposal - Allo Builders Advancement Round

Name (or Topic/Theme) of Proposed Round:

Allo Builders Advancement Round

Social Handle of Your Organization:

We do not have a main social account, but all our members do and can help drive awareness.

Eligibility Criteria:

Projects must primarily focus on building on or integrating with Allo Protocol. Eligible projects include:

  1. Current teams actively building or planning to build on the Allo Protocol
  2. Teams with a clear and specific roadmap for building on Allo Protocol
  3. Tools and infrastructure supporting the Allo ecosystem
  4. Research and thought leadership related to novel funding mechanisms
  5. Educational content and guides for Allo Builds.

All projects must comply with Gitcoin’s core rules, including no fraudulent activity, quid pro quo, hate speech, or other activities out of alignment with Gitcoin’s essential intents.

Marketing Plan:

We will leverage the Cartographer Syndicate network of 100+ members and the Greenpill community of 200+ members to drive interest and awareness for the round. Our marketing efforts will include:

  • Direct outreach to known Allo builders and potential builders within our network
  • Targeted content creation and distribution through our members’ channels
  • Engaging with relevant crypto communities and forums to spread awareness
  • Host Twitter spaces to engage with the broader community and bring additional exposure to projects in the round

Round History:

This will be our second round with Gitcoin Grants. Our previous round, Web3 Grants Ecosystem Advancement in GG21, was successful, funding 57 projects with a 125,000 ARB matching pool and attracting 543 unique donors. For GG22, we’re refining our focus to support Allo builders specifically.

Aside from this round, the team has extensive experience creating and managing QF Rounds for other programs:

  • The operators from the Greenpill Dev Guild recently administered the Regen CoordiNATION round with Celo and ReFi DAO.
  • Some operators have completed two rounds of grant allocations to regen gaming projects with Grant Ships, a fork of the Allo protocol.

Team Running This Round:

  • Round Operator: Sov, Extensive history around crypto Grants. Currently BD/Partnerships for Gitcoin and helping to design, implement, and manage programs. @sovereignsignal on X
  • Round Operator: Afo, Experienced developer in Web3 space experimenting with capital allocation. Currently, Steward of Greenpill Dev Guild and Network, helping build tools, grow the community, and pursue grant opportunities.
  • Round Operator: Coi, founder and researcher on Web3 space. Grant Operator on Grant Ships Alpha and Beta Rounds. Steward of GreenPill Brasil and Greenpill Network. Business Lead of Greenpill Dev Guild. Focused on partnerships, grant tracking, and impact metrics.
  • Round Operator: Matt, Greenpill Network and NYC Chapter Steward, Dev Guild Community Lead, and Writers Guild Contributor. Focused on collaboration and documentation. @HisDudenessOfNY on x and @compost on Farcaster

Alignment with Gitcoin’s Intents:

Our round aligns with Gitcoin’s intent of supporting builders building on top of Allo. By focusing on projects that are building on or plan to build on Allo Protocol, we’re directly contributing to the growth and development of infrastructure for public goods funding.

Anticipated Size of the Matching Pool:

We commit to providing a matching pool of at least $5K, which meets the minimum required for GG22. Funds are held in multiple addresses and will be consolidated under a multisig if approved.

We will only run this round if we receive the matching funds. We will look at how we can continue to raise funds for future rounds. We want the round size to be large enough to be impactful and attractive to builders to apply.

Advisors for This Round:

Team members from each group may be tapped for advice or assistance in sourcing quality builders.

Funding Mechanism:

We will use a COCM variant of Quadratic Funding (QF) as our primary funding mechanism. Based on our experience in GG21, QF has proven effective in community engagement and ensuring a more equitable distribution of funds.

Community Size and Engagement:

  • The Cartographer Syndicate community is now over 100 members. These include service providers, grant managers, public goods funding builders, and thought leaders in the crypto grants space, many of whom have direct experience with or interest in Allo Protocol.
  • The Greenpill Dev Guild is a community of over 20 members with design and engineering experience. We provide our technical skills to the Greenpill community, helping build tools to capture impact and hosting workshops to develop and use protocols like Hypercerts. We’re actively building and experimenting with Grant Ships in the capital allocation space, pioneering a proactive and retroactive funding approach. We plan to continue engaging our community with weekly discussions, workshops, community events, and pair programming sessions.

Type of Projects to Fund:

We aim to fund projects actively built on or that have concrete plans to build on Allo Protocol. This includes:

  1. New funding mechanisms leveraging Allo
  2. Tools and interfaces for interacting with Allo-based programs
  3. Integration of Allo into existing projects or platforms
  4. Research and development to expand Allo’s capabilities
  5. Educational content and resources about the Allo Protocol

Estimated Number of Eligible Grantees:

Based on our experience with the previous round and our refined focus on Allo builders, we anticipate a smaller pool of applicants for this round, with approximately 10-15 eligible grantees.

Impact Assessment Plan:

We will assess grantee impact through:

  1. Concrete contributions to the Allo Protocol ecosystem (e.g., new features, integrations)
  2. Community feedback and engagement with Allo-related projects
  3. Tracking of funded projects’ growth and impact on Allo

Applicants will be encouraged to use Karma GAP to track milestones and progress.

Additional Considerations:

We will not run this round if we do not receive the matching funds. We will look at how we can continue to raise funds for future rounds. We want the round size to be large enough to be impactful and attractive to builders to apply.

Potential Conflicts of Interest:

Sov is a core contributor at Gitcoin. As the round operator, Sov will not apply for funding in this round to avoid conflicts of interest. Dev Guild members Afo, Matt, and Coi will also not apply for this round.


I just finished reviewing, I like the tight scope of the round!

The only section i thought needed more work was impact evaluation. Since there is clear requirement of integrating with allo , is there plans to use open source observer to gauge coding contributions? how would we assess other forms of contributions? These details were left mostly vague

Given the low matching amounts raised thus far, i also had to mark low on the matching pool impact. The experienced team and strong community, combined with clear contribution to gitcoin intent of growing allo, resulted in overall high scores


Thanks for this.

I would be happy to work with @ccerv1 and the team at OSO for what you describe. We can also ensure that applicants use Karma GAP and maybe @mmurthy would have some ideas on how we can aggregate that data in a way that it could be easily presented (and show value to future round operators doing the same).

Agreed on matching funds. This is why we expect a smaller # of projects in this round and would like to focus more of our efforts on supporting current builders and finding a few new ones that can grow over time.


Congratulations @Sov! GG22 Community Rounds Announced

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